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Airbus 135 Helicopter Accident Lawyer

Airbus 135 Helicopter Accident Lawyer attorney personal injury liability sue compensation lawsuit

As one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, Airbus is known as an international provider of helicopters for military and personal use. One of their best-selling helicopters, the Airbus 135, is operational in over 60 countries. Airbus has insisted that passenger safety is their “chief priority,” but on-going crash reports and safety issues tell a different story. The company also has a habit of ignoring safety complaints from airlines and other registered owners, thereby putting the lives of countless people at risk. Have you been hurt as a result of an Airbus 135 helicopter crash? Or, maybe you’ve lost a loved one to an Airbus 135 accident. If so, please call the DTLA Law Group to find out about the compensation you can receive from Airbus. The law entitles you to take legal action against the responsible party, but you must act right away.

Airbus 135 Crash Accidents

Airbus prides itself on having over 1,400 of their 135 models in use all around the world. What they don’t talk about are crashes and other accidents associated with their aircrafts. One of these accident occurred on January 11, 2022, when an Airbus 135 crashed into a busy street in Philadelphia. The passengers included an infant that was being transported to a hospital, and the survival of all on board was described as a “miracle” by Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt.

Since the helicopter crashed into a street, the lives of innocent bystanders were at risk, as well as those of the pilot and passengers. There are a variety of reasons for such accidents, including mechanical defects, pilot error, and negligence by the manufacturer. If Airbus fails in their duty of care to the public, they are liable for the resulting injuries and must compensate their victims accordingly.

Manufacturer negligence has been a major problem for Airbus recently. Currently, they are embroiled in a lawsuit with Qatar Airways over cracked and peeling paint on their Airbus 350 models. Qatar alleges that the paint and other surface flaws can result in fuel tank fires and compromises essential safety features on the planes. Airbus has refused to take Qatar’s claims seriously, which many have taken as a sign of putting profits over passenger lives.

Don’t let Airbus off the hook if you’ve been injured in a helicopter crash. Our lawyers can help you sue Airbus in a personal injury lawsuit and recover the damages you deserve.

Airbus 135 Helicopter Accident Lawyer attorney personal injury liability compensation lawsuit sue
Injuries Resulting from Helicopter Crashes

Helicopter crashes can result in extremely serious injuries, even at relatively low heights. If you survive the accident, you may still suffer from:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Damage to your internal organs
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Coma
  • Third-degree burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Paralysis or loss of function in your limbs
  • Severed body parts

In the worst case possible, passengers can die in the crash, or pass away later from their injuries. Bystanders can also be injured or killed depending on where the helicopter crashes. Even if there are no fatalities, helicopter crashes often cause serious damage to people’s property or the environment.

Preventing these tragedies requires quick and decisive action against manufacturers that disregard proper safety measures. Take action today by speaking with the helicopter accidents lawyers of DTLA.

Liability of Airbus

Airbus can’t predict everything that can go wrong with their aircrafts, but they must take certain steps to ensure that their helicopters are as safe as possible. These steps include following FAA regulations and resolving safety complaints from registered owners. FAA regulations, by the way, are the bare minimum requirements that companies must follow. Yet, Airbus has been cited again and again for failing to follow their recommendations.

Our Los Angeles helicopter crash attorneys will examine your case and determine if Airbus’s actions or negligence resulted in your injuries. Design flaws, defective parts, lack of hazard signs, and a variety of other causes may be the reason for your accident. In many cases, these issues are not apparent until the helicopter is in the air, which is the most dangerous time for those on board.

If Airbus is responsible for your injury or the death of your loved one, call the DTLA Law Group without delay.

Compensation from a Helicopter Crash Lawsuit Against Airbus

As the victim of an Airbus 135 helicopter crash, your settlement award will include different amounts of compensation for various expenses, such as:

  • Medical bills for hospitalization, surgeries, physical therapy, and treatments you’ll need in the future.
  • Pain and suffering for mental health conditions like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
  • Lost income from temporary or permanent job loss.
  • Punitive damages.

Punitive damage is a tricky area of law because it’s not based on your economic losses. Rather, it’s a form of extra punishment ordered by the courts in cases of extreme harm to the victim. This amount is awarded on top of your settlement, and is very hard to win without the expertise of a skilled attorney. That’s where the Airbus 135 lawsuit attorneys of DTLA can help. Call us today and let us fight for all the compensation you deserve.

Wrongful Death Compensation for Losing a Loved One

Fatality is arguably the most serious injury that can result from an Airbus 135 crash. But a victim’s untimely death causes harm to many people, including the deceased individual’s spouse, children, and parents. The law allows these victims to sue for wrongful death compensation, which can include the following:

  • Funeral expenses.
  • Medical bills associated with the deceased person’s injuries.
  • Therapy expenses to deal with emotional trauma (pain and suffering)
  • Loss of potential savings and inheritance

There may be other amounts that we can request depending on your relationship to the deceased person. For example, a spouse or registered domestic partner loses out on the love, companionship, and emotional support that the other person provided while they were alive. This is known as loss of consortium, and includes a wide range of losses, including loss of sexual relations and the ability to have kids. Since this is not based on economic loss, a skilled legal argument is needed to explain your losses and why you are entitled to compensation. Our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you sue for loss of consortium following an Airbus 135 crash.

We can also help you sue Airbus if you are the brother or sister of a helicopter crash victim. However, there are rules dictating the conditions under which a sibling can file for wrongful death. A brother or sister can only sue for wrongful death if the victim has no surviving children and both the parents are deceased. This rule doesn’t apply if the sibling is the executor of the victim’s estate, but in that case, they are suing on behalf of the estate. So any compensation from the lawsuit will be distributed according to the will, or according to state law if there is no will.

If you’re unsure about your rights as the loved one of an Airbus 135 crash victim, contact our office right away. We look forward to advising you of all your available legal options.

Wrongful Death Claims if You’re a Divorced Parent

If you lost your child in a helicopter accident, you have the right to sue Airbus whether you are married or divorced, or if you were never married to the other parent. But California permits only one cause of action for wrongful death, so each of you cannot file a lawsuit against Airbus. What happens here is that one of you will file the claim and the other will be listed as co-plaintiff.

As a divorced parent, you may be asking, what if I can’t stand him/her? Do I have to talk to them about this? Unfortunately, you are required to notify the other party and give them a chance to join the lawsuit. You won’t go to jail if you don’t do this, but you can be sued by them for the compensation they lost out on.

We understand the stress that you’re going through and how difficult it may be to have this conversation with your ex. Our attorneys will be happy to reach out to your former partner and make sure that both your legal rights are protected.

Statute of Limitations for Helicopter Crash Lawsuits

Under California law, you have 2 years from the date of your injury to file a helicopter crash lawsuit.

A lawsuit may be the last thing on your mind when you’re dealing with the physical and mental effects of a helicopter accident. But acting sooner than later will ensure that you receive the full monetary award you’re entitled to. At the very least, you should speak to a lawyer and go over all the important details of your accident while your memory is still fresh. This information will be harder to recall as time goes on, and the same can be said for recovering evidence that will bolster your case.

However, there are cases where the courts may grant you an extension past the 2-year period. If you were hospitalized, for example, or were physically/ mentally incapacitated, you may be given extra time to file a claim. Those who had to leave the state or country where the accident occurred may also qualify for an extension. Or, if the victim was underage at the time of the crash, they could request extra time past the statute of limitations.

To learn about more statute of limitation exemptions, please call the personal injury attorneys of DTLA. While the law entitled you to seek damages, most people find the legal process overwhelming and are cheated out of the compensation they desperately need. That’s why it’s imperative to work with an attorney that has experience in helicopter crash lawsuits.

The Personal Injury Attorneys of DTLA

Whether you are the injured party or lost someone in a helicopter crash, seeking legal representation is your best chance of receiving compensation. Money won’t fix all the pain and trauma you’re going through, but it does allow you to focus on your recovery instead of worrying about your finances. Speaking of finances, you may be worried about our fees if you choose to file a lawsuit against Airbus.

Under our Zero fee guarantee, you will never pay upfront for any of our services. We at DTLA believe that all victims deserve the best possible representation, regardless of their financial status. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, so that our legal fees are paid by the responsible parties once we win your case. So there’s no risk to you by coming in for a free consultation, where we can answer your questions and give you an idea of what your claim is worth. You also pay nothing if we lose your case, so there is no loss to you no matter the outcome.

Call the Los Angeles helicopter accident lawyers of DTLA and get started on your compensation claim today.

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