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Abogado de lesiones cervicales: Abogados de lesiones cervicales crónicas en California

Neck Injury Lawyer A Neck Injury is one of the most common injuries resulting from a rear end collision or any other type of car accident. Many neck injuries due to car accident will heal within a few months to a year.  However many others will have endure the ordeal of permanent chronic neck pain for the rest of their lives leading to lifelong pain and suffering and in many instances the inability to work and enjoy usual daily activities. Serious permanent neck damage leading to permanent neck pain is a serious medical matter. If you have been injured in a truck accident, car accident, or pedestrian accident and continue to suffer from neck pain you are entitled to be compensated for the pain and suffering you endured.  To speak with a skilled neck injury attorney contact our 24 hour neck and spine injury attorney hotline at (855) DT-LA-LAW for a free consultation regarding your neck injury.

Common Neck Injuries and Symptoms of Neck Injury and Chronic Neck Pain:

Common neck injuries due to traffic accidents include:

  • Neck muscle strain
  • Central Nervous system:  Neck injuries leading to spinal cord and nerve damage
  • Whiplash: causing dizziness, stiffness of the neck, weakness of the limbs and neck
  • Neck Fractures: A break in the cervical bone
  • Cervical Dislocation
  • Spinal Cord Injury leading to Paraplegia

Neck pain may appear in many different forms based on the type and severity of the injury you have sustained. Here are some signs and symptoms of neck pain.

  • Pain any place in the neck: this can be dull or sharp pain and can last or come in short intervals
  • Limited movement of the Neck due to stiffness or pain
  • Numbness of you limbs such as fingers or toes; this can be a sign of permanent spinal cord injury
  • Spasm of the neck, upper back , and shoulders
  • Swelling of the neck usually resulting from an injury

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

What to do if you have sustained a neck injury in an auto accident: 

Below are some steps to be taken if you have been involved in a auto accident. For more in depth information on what to do in an auto accidente haga clic aquí.....

  1. Asegúrate de que tú y los que te rodean estáis a salvo.  
  2. En caso de lesiones, acuda inmediatamente al médico.
  3. No intente hablar con el otro conductor sobre la culpa o las disculpas.
  4. Póngase en contacto con el departamento de policía local e informe del accidente de tráfico.
  5. No discuta nunca con otros conductores sobre la culpa.
  6. No sea tímido: Si es posible, anota el número de carné de conducir, la matrícula y los datos del seguro de la otra parte.
  7. Póngase en contacto con un abogado antes de hablar con cualquier agente de seguros – A top California Bicycle lawyer adept in fighting insurance companies and protecting your right to compensation will be able to substantially increase the amount of compensation you receive for your damages and injuries.
  8. Cura tus heridas y mejórateluchar contra las compañías de seguros y los acusados es NUESTRO TRABAJO. Haremos que reciba la máxima indemnización por su pérdida.

Should I Sue for My Neck Injury

If you’ve suffered any type of neck injury such as a spinal cord injury in an auto accident trucking accident or at your place of work, you must first tend to your wounds and heal your injuries.  Buscar justicia por su pérdida es nuestro trabajo.  At Downtown LA Law Group our Los Angeles Neck Injury Attorneys are skilled and knowledgeable in employment injury law, auto/pedestrian accidents and laws pertaining to spinal cord neck injuries. Our aggressive and tenacious Neck Injury Lawyers will keep on the offensive until they make sure you have been fully compensated for your neck and spine injuries and vindicated for your loss.  We will never hesitate to go to trial and take on liable drivers, employers, and their insurance carriers’ so that your rights are protected.

¿Con quién tengo que ponerme en contacto si me he lesionado al ser atropellado por un coche mientras caminaba?

If you need a California neck injury lawyer we can help. We will take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your damages; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – tu recuperación. Recuerde que it is crucial to act quickly after you’ve sustained a neck injury to report any car collision accident claim or en el trabajo antes de que las limitaciones puedan reducir o extinguir su legítima reclamación.. Llámenos para consulta gratuita with one of our neck and spine injury lawyers regarding your accident: (855) 339-8879

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para nuestros clientes
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