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Criminal Law – How to Sue a Person in Civil Court for Crimes Against You

Criminal Law - How to Sue a Person in Civil Court for Crimes Against YouThe field of Criminal Law involves a government’s response to an action that has been deemed by society to warrant arrest, incarceration, fines, or any other form of punishment.  Unfortunate for many, the Criminal Justice system is not a perfect tool for punishing guilty individuals.  Many innocent individuals fall through the cracks of the criminal justice system and are unjustly punished for criminal acts they did not commit.   One can be arrest and charged for, drug possession, DUI drinking and driving, assault and battery, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, fraud crimes and white collar crimes, and forgery.

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Los Angeles Criminal Defense DUI Attorneys are ready to help

Si usted o un ser querido ha sido arrestado por un delito en Los Ángeles que está en necesidad de respuestas, orientación jurídica y una valiente defensa de sus derechos individuales protegidos por la Constitución. Cuando necesite un abogado penalista de confianza, nuestra red de abogados defensores de delitos está aquí para ayudarle. Ser condenado por un delito grave o un delito menor que no cometió es una tragedia para todos. No deje que le suceda a usted. Si usted ha sido acusado fuerza un acto criminal le animamos a buscar orientación y establecer una consulta gratuita; podemos discutir los méritos de su caso y le informará de lo que puede suceder en un caso penal similar a la suya.

DUI defense:

Arrested for Driving under the Influence is a serious matter.  If you have been charged there are numerous defenses which can absolve you of serving prison time, and or having your DMV Driving License suspended.  Field Sobriety tests and blood alcohol tests are often an imprecise indicator of your true blood alcohol level.

Delito de DUI:

 Usually there are three situations in which a person can be charged and convicted for a felony DUI in the State of California.
  1. Drunk Driving Accident leading to death or injury also referred to as vehicular manslaughter: Accident: A charge of “Driving Under the Influence” and the DUI is determined to be the cause of Death or Injury to another person.
  2. You have had three or more DUI convictions within a 10 year span
  3. You have had a prior DIU felony Conviction and have been arrested and charged for another DUI.
If you have been charged for a Felony DUI then contact our california DUI criminal defense lawyers  to schedule a review of your case.

Delitos de fraude:

There are many defenses available to fight a fraud conviction.  Some of these are if (1) you did not intend to commit a fraudulent act (2)you were the victim of mistaken identity (2) you deserve to be acquitted on the basis of entrapment; under California law, you are eligible for an acquittal if you can prove that the police coerced you into committing the fraudulent act.

Gun Offenses – Firearm Crimes:

Don’t let a criminal conviction for a firearm crime destroy your life.  Below is a list of different firearm offense you may be charged with.
  • Unlicensed illegal sale of firearms
  • Delincuente con arma de fuego
  • Llevar un arma oculta sin permiso
  • Carrying a loaded firearm in public
  • Brandishing a Weapon
  • Assault with a firearm
If you have been charges with any of the above contact our firearm criminal defense lawyers today.

Conspiracy Charge:

You may be charged for conspiracy to commit a crime if
  • Dos o más personas se reúnen y forman un plan para cometer un delito
  • Hay que completar un acto que sería para ese delito
  • La intención y la decisión de cometer el delito deben estar presentes entre los implicados
For more information on Conspiracy charges click here…

Assault and Battery Charge:

Anytime a person tries or actually inflicts harm to another person, besides the fact that it is illegal, it’s a serious problem. There are punishments for these crimes depending on the severity of what occurred. Simple assault is a misdemeanor with punishment of up to 6 months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine, while assault with any type of weapon can elevate the crime to a felony with much harsher punishments.


Cualquier persona que haya sido condenada por un delito grave o leve puede optar a la cancelación de antecedentes penales. Esto es así siempre que se cumplan las siguientes condiciones:
  • la persona ha superado con éxito la libertad condicional
  • la persona no está acusada de ningún delito
  • la persona no está cumpliendo condena por un delito penal
  • el individuo no está en libertad condicional por haber cometido un delito

Delitos de drogas:

You can be arrested and charges for numerous drug crimes including , (1) unlawful possession (2) trafficking (2) distribution (3) importation (4) sale (5) manufacturing (5) and transportation of drugs If you’re facing drug charges in California then you will need an aggressive and experienced defense attorney fighting for you. The war on drugs has been going on for quite some time and has the support of numerous political groups, federal and state agencies, and law enforcement.
Criminal Law – How to Sue a Person in Civil Court for Crimes Against You lawsuit sue compensation lawyer attorney

Facing the criminal justice system

Facing the Criminal Justice system is a horrific and daunting task; no person should ever go through it alone. All individuals should have adequate and proper legal representation throughout the legal process. However, at Downtown LA Law, we believe that adequate and proper legal representation does not go far enough. We believe in fighting for our clients and seeking every possible defense allowable in judicial process.

Contact us and speak to an aggressive and relentless criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Abogado de DUI  |  Abogado defensor de DUI en California

If charged with a crime, you should contact our downtown Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyers as soon as possible. You should not wait until the last minute to report this case to our downtown LA law firm as it might hurt your chances of succeeding in court. Give us a call today, or visit our offices to talk with one of our highly skilled or experienced lawyers.

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