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Circular Saw Defect Attorney | Concrete Cutting Saw Defect

Lesiones resultantes de un circular saw o saw bench can be serious. Table saws are powerful machines that can deliver dangerous and devastating injuries. When the table saw fails to act in the manner it was intended resulting in injuries, the injured parties are entitled to compensation.Serious injuries attorney can help with you your recovery. Our Abogados de productos defectuosos are experienced in dealing with serious injuries resulting from defectively designed and manufactured products. These defective products are dangerous and if you have been injured contact a personal injury attorney, you may be entitled to compensation.

Statistics for Table Saw Injuries and Accidents

The statistics for these types of injuries are staggering. They include 60,000 plus injuries annually, thousands of amputaciones and over a billion dollars in costs associated with these injuries. When considering these statistics it is important to mention that certain injuries are a result of human error. However, other injuries are the result of non-human errors or the result of a manufacturing design defect. It is difficult to assess whether the injuries resulted from human error or a inherent design defect. In order to properly make that assessment it is necessary to have an expert opinion or the opinion of a qualified party. Our office works and retains experts from across the United States. They can offer a detailed analysis as to why the product failed to work properly and help better understand and validate your claim. We will aggressively fight to make sure you are fully compensated for your past, present and future medical expenses as well as other costs associated with your claim. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the product to ensure the product is made in a manner which is safe and free from defects. This requires that they anticipate the use of the product and make sure that any design elements conform to such uses.

Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Before you determine whether the injuries were a result of human error o un design defect on the table or circular saw, consult with an attorney. Often time’s manufacturers will attempt to intimidate you with their high powered attorneys and pressure you to sign a settlement agreement. However you should speak with a qualified personal injury attorney before. A product liability attorney in Los Angeles can help you determine whether you have a case and fight for your rights.

What makes a Table Saw defective – Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit

A product can be defective for a number of reasons. When a more effective and safe product exist on the market and is not used can lead to claim for a defective product cause of action. Other reasons can include failure to install a “Saw/Stop” in order to prevent injury or death from the use of a table saw. Proving Defective Product Lawsuit in the Court of Law: Product liability claims are usually based on proving one of three distinct cause of action in the court of law.

1. Defecto en el diseño original del producto – At the time of the design and ma manufacturing process a comparable and substantially safer design existed which the manufacturer of the table saw failed to utilize.
2. Defect in the manufacturing process of the table saw – The produced and distributed table saw was markedly different and as a result more dangerous than its original intended design.
3. Labeling defect – When the manufacturer failed to properly warn consumers of all known dangers associated with product common use. Recent court cases have shown that the technological advances providing for such technology have been around for a number of years. However, when a manufacturer fails to implement or use such technology in their products then a cause of action for product liability can exist.

Statistics for Table Saw Injuries and Accidents

Other instances that make a product defective can include a manufacturer defect, where that one particular product was defectively designed. Other instances can include design defects where the entire product was defectively designed or manufactured. In either situation the manufacturer along with the commercial sellers of the product will be liable for the injuries sustained. List of the Largest Table Saw Manufacturers and Distributors in the United States:

  • Ryobi
  • Kwikset
  • DeWalt
  • Bosch
  • Skil
  • Delta
  • Makita
  • Grizzly
  • Artesano
  • Sears
  • Woodcraft

¿Quién es responsable de mis lesiones?

Liability for injuries in product liability cases applies to all commercial sellers involved in the sale and distribution of the product. This can include the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler and reseller. However, this does not include those who are not routinely engaged in the sale of such products. This generally applies to private parties. When you have been injured one of the most important parts of your claim is determining which entities are held liable for your injuries. In certain situations your employer can even be held liable when they failed to inspect or allowed you to use the saw knowing it to be defective. Many of these cases are fact sensitive and require inspection of the equipment and other elements of the product to determine whether it was in fact defective. If it is found to be defective then liability will be extended to the parties at fault. For more information on injuries involving stationary saws visit the Survey of Injuries Involving Stationary Saws Table and Bench Saw by the Consumer Product Safety Commission

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Common Injuries Resulting form the Use of Defective Table Saws

Since such equipment operates at high speeds using sharp saws, the injuries can be serious. They include amputaciones, deep flesh lacerations, loss of fingers or thumb, eye injuries, foot injuries or death. If your or a loved one has been hurt contact the personal injury attorney at Downtown LA Law. We have the experience and knowledge to help you get the results you need. Compensation for your Sable Saw Injury Claim

  • Gastos médicos: incluidas las facturas de hospital, los gastos de urgencias, las visitas al médico y las citas.
  • Gastos médicos futuros: incluidos los costes de tratamiento y recuperación, los costes de fisioterapia y los futuros costes de medicación.
  • Salarios perdidos actuales y futuros: Including loss of earning capacity, current income lost due to inability to work.
  • Dolor y sufrimientoincluyendo angustia mental, trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), pérdida de consorcio
  • Daños punitivos: Chiefly against insurance providers for failure to pay for your damage

Our Personal Injury Attorneys help you Succeed in your case:  Our aggressive and fearless Construction site accident legal team will keep on the offensive until you have been compensated for your injuries and vindicated for your loss.  We will go to trial and take on all liable parties and their insurance carriers’ so that your rights are protected. In the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – tu recuperación. Don’t allow the Statute of Limitations reduce or elimination your compensation: It is crucial to act quickly after you’ve been injured to report any injury claim before limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Llámenos para consulta gratuita with one of our injury attorney concerning your claim (855) 339-8879

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