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Abogados de accidentes de coche en Lancaster

Car crashes are among the highest causes of death for individuals in the nation. Thousands of fatalities occur annually with over 2 million more getting injured. Many crashes do not result in permanent damages, but those that do should be properly compensated. If you have been implicado en un accidente de coche, you should contact our Lancaster car accident lawyers en el Downtown LA Law Group to get the restitution you deserve.

¿Por qué ocurren los accidentes de tráfico?

The Downtown LA Law Group has decades of combined experience handling car accident lawsuits. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients and do not stop pursuing the rightful compensation until we are satisfied with the results.Car accidents happen for many reasons. In as much as 40% of accidents, alcohol was involved in some way. Drunk driving is a serious problem, and alcohol lowers reaction time and increases sluggishly and inattention. Over 60% of accidents also feature speeding or reckless driving, and many drivers simply are not safe when behind the wheel. Many car accidents happen because of the following reasons:

Should I Hire An Attorney to Handle My Car Accident Claim?
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Tailgating
  • Ignorar las leyes sobre el derecho de paso
  • Girar a la izquierda en dirección contraria
  • Turning at intersections without looking
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol
  • Conducción fatigada
  • Saltarse semáforos en rojo
  • Running stop signs and yield signs
  • Failing to properly merge into lanes and on freeways
  • Not using turn signals when turning
  • Defectos del vehículo
  • Mal tiempo
  • Defectos viales

Lancaster Car Accident LawyersSome crashes are directly caused by drivers, while others are partially caused by negligent individuals. For example, a vehicle defect may simply happen at any time, and it would not be the fault of the driver if there were no previous indications of the malfunction. A road defect like a pothole can also cause problems for many drivers, and foggy or rainy weather can impede vision and control of cars. If you were involved in a crash and another party was responsible for the incident, you can take legal action with the help of our car accident attorneys in Lancaster.

Abogados de accidentes de coche en Anaheim

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

What Kind Of Injuries Can I Suffer From A Car Crash?

A car crash is extremely dangerous for many reasons. The large amount of hard parts can cause blunt trauma and pin your body parts down, rendering you helpless and unable to move. The fragile parts, like glass and plastic, can shatter and cause many cuts and lacerations, resulting in blood loss and leading to the need for stitches. Other injuries may include:

  • Dislocaciones
  • Daño en el hombro
  • Lesiones de cadera y rodilla
  • Daños en el cuello y la médula espinal
  • Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
  • Huesos rotos y fracturas
  • Músculos desgarrados
  • Esguinces y distensiones
  • Daño nervioso
  • Miembros y dedos amputados
  • Parálisis
  • Slipped discs in the back
  • Cicatrización
  • Quemaduras
  • Degloving
  • Coma
  • Muerte

If you suffer injuries in a car crash, you should pursue legal action against the party responsible for the incident. You would not have been injured in that manner if the other driver did not cause the crash. We can help you receive the maximum damages for your lawsuit, and we will not stop until you are covered for medical expenses and bills. We will also stand by you every step of the way through your recovery. Talk with our Lancaster car accident attorneys today.

Torrance Abogados de Accidentes de Coche

What Should I Do To File A Car Accident Claim?

If you intend on filing a car accident claim, you should follow these steps to ensure that you have the best chance of success. You will have ample evidence to sue and will benefit from having all of it organized together. The steps you should take are:

  • Get medical treatment immediately, whether from paramedics or from the hospital, even if you feel you weren’t injured; some injuries may take a few days to manifest or the adrenaline may be masking them, and if you do not get treatment, it will be a red flag to the insurance agency
  • Take photos of your injuries, the scene of the crash, the damage to your vehicle and the other vehicle, and anything else that must be preserved
  • Record the insurance information and contact details of the driver who hit you, as well as his business information if he were working or on the clock at the time
  • Interview eyewitnesses, passengers, and bystanders to get additional statements and testimonies showing the facts of the accident
  • If the police came to the scene of the crash, you can request a copy of the police report from the station once it has finished processing
  • Collect any estimates from the mechanic about repairs to your vehicle, your pay stubs to show your missed wages, and anything else that could illustrate your losses
¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para reclamar tras un accidente de tráfico?

Contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Lancaster who can help you file your claim It is important that you get legal help for your case. If you try to proceed through your lawsuit with no attorney on your side, you will find that the insurance agent is very likely to throw your case out or ignore your claim altogether. You may very well have no legal experience whatsoever, and as a result, you won’t be able to effectively negotiate a fair deal from the agent. Our lawyers have the time, experience, and dedication to win your case. You should focus on recovering after an accident while we bring you what you deserve.

What’s The Statute Of Limitations For A Car Crash Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations to file a car crash lawsuit is 2 years from the date of the injury. If you do not file your personal injury claim within this time, you will be barred from doing so in the future. You may not know how much time you have to file a claim, and we can help you. There are a few exceptions to the statute of limitations that would allow you to file your claim beyond the initial two-year limit. These exceptions include:

  • Age of the plaintiff: Plaintiffs under the age of 18 years old do not have to adhere to the statute until they turn legal age
  • Health of the plaintiff: A plaintiff who is physically or mentally incapable of taking legal action does not have to follow the statute until he gets healthy enough
  • Defendant’s location: A defendant must be in the state to be sued, and if he lies, the time limit will extend to match the length of his departure

It is crucial that you take legal action as quickly as possible. All too often, we have seen people try to file claims only to find out they are too late. Further, they have waited and have lost key evidence for their lawsuits, and have not been able to win. Speak with our lawyers if you want to make sure that you submit all your documents on time and all your evidence is relevant and up to date.

What Can I Receive From A Car Accident Claim?

If you have been injured in a car crash, you can receive various kinds of restitution for your damages. Our attorneys will do all we can to bring you the maximum settlement available and will not stop until we are satisfied with the result. You should not be made to pay off various medical expenses and other damages if you were hurt in a car accident. The responsible party should cover your debts, and we will do our part to bring you the following:

  • Medical bills to cover surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical therapy sessions, ambulatory transportation, future medical procedures, and more
  • Property damage for any personal items that were lost or needed to be fixed after the accident, as well as mechanic costs to fix your car
  • Lost wages from your job if you were out of work for some time, as well as future missed income if you could not go to work because of your injuries, additional recovery time, future medical treatments, and other reasons
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover PTSD, fear, anxiety, mental scarring, emotional trauma, and more
  • Gastos por homicidio culposo if a family member or loved one died in the car accident; expenses include funeral and burial costs, loss of consortium and relations, loss of expected savings and inheritance, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, and others

Punitive damages if the defendant intentionally tried to harm you or if he acted with gross negligence; these damages are hard to win, though, and are only won by skilled attorneys Your total compensation offer will be determined by the insurance agent handling your case. He will weigh the different factors and see what you should be given. He’ll look at the injuries you suffered and consider how much of an effect they had on your life and career, and if they did not have a profound effect, may not make a large offer. He will also look at how liable you were for the accident; if you were partially responsible, you would not be given total coverage. Our Lancaster car accident attorneys will negotiate a fair deal from the insurance agent and will make sure that your lawsuit results in the best compensation for you.

Should I Hire An Attorney to Handle My Car Accident Claim?

El mejor bufete de abogados de la ciudad

Downtown LA Law Group tiene décadas de experiencia combinada en el manejo de demandas por accidentes automovilísticos. Hemos recuperado millones de dólares para nuestros clientes y no dejamos de perseguir la compensación legítima hasta que estemos satisfechos con los resultados. Vamos a negociar agresivamente con el agente de seguros y si sentimos que no hay progreso que se está haciendo vamos a llevar su caso a los tribunales. Usted es nuestra mayor prioridad y no dudaremos en hacer todo lo posible para ganarle el dinero que se merece. Póngase en contacto con nuestros abogados para una consulta jurídica gratuita. Todas nuestras consultas son totalmente privadas y se le anima a preguntar lo que desee. Le diremos lo que creemos que podemos ganar para usted y cómo vamos a proceder con su caso. También le informaremos sobre nuestra garantía de honorarios cero, que promete que no tendrá que pagar por ningún servicio, gane o pierda. Sólo cobraremos si ganamos su caso. Si necesita más ayuda, llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar con nuestros abogados de accidentes de coche en Lancaster.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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