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Demanda por Negligencia en Inyección Epidural - Abogado por Errores Médicos

Epidural steroid injections as well as spine and transformational injections help relieve severe pain for hundreds of thousands of individuals in the United States. However when administered incorrectly such injections can result in significant medical complications including infection, creation of cysts and abscess in the spinal column and permanent nerve damage. Victims of severe medical complications due to the negligence error of the administrating physician are entitled to monetary compensation via the filing of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Common Injuries Resulting from the Negligent Administration of Injections: Some of the most common medical health effects caused y the epidural injection malpractice are as follows
  • Paralysis – hematoma induced nerve damage
  • Numbness of the limbs arms and or legs
  • Damage to the nerves resulting in burning sensation
  • Infections including meningitis
  • Formation of cysts on the spinal column
  • Formation of abscesses on the spinal column
  • Parada cardiaca
  • Stroke and Hemorrhaging of the brain
  • Toxic reaction – allergic reactions to specific steroid used
  • Respiratory issues after the injection of the epidural

What Is Medical Malpractice – Medical Negligence Laws

Negligencia médica occurs when a physician (practicing medical doctor) or medical facility fail to provide a patient with the appropriate level of care as defined by the standard of care provided by other doctors, and medical facilities in that profession.  For example if your medical doctor fails to perform a test which doctors within his field ought to test for then medical malpractice can be established. Examples of medical malpractice by pain management doctors during the injection process of the epidural include
  • Failure to choose the correct needle
  • Failure to properly prepare the patient before the procedure
  • Failure to place the injection in the correct region of the body
  • Needle inserted too far – resulting in the puncturing of the spinal cord fluid sac

Guía definitiva sobre negligencias médicas

- Abogado especializado en negligencias médicas
- Abogado de errores de medicación

- Abogado de Lesiones por Defectos de Dispositivos Médicos
- Abogado de malla transvaginal
- Medicamentos farmacéuticos defectuosos

- Un médico cometió negligencia médica

- Lesiones por complicaciones del parche de malla Kugel
- Abogado de prótesis de cadera DePuy
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre la prótesis de cadera ASR de DePuy
- Abogado de negligencia en cirugía de vesícula biliar
- Abogado de negligencia en cesárea
- Abogado de negligencia en histerectomía
- Lesiones nerviosas por negligencia médica
- Muerte por negligencia médica Abogado
- Abogado de negligencia de Kaiser
- Demanda por retraso en el diagnóstico
- Demanda por error operativo

- Abogado de Bris chapucero
- Circuncisión Lesiones Negligencia médica

- Abogado de negligencia dental
- Implantes dentales Demanda por negligencia
- Abogado de negligencia en liposucción
- Abogado de negligencia médica en cirugía plástica
- Abogado de negligencia podológica
- Abogado Dermatólogo Negligencia

- Negligencia médica tras un accidente de tráfico
- Malla transvaginal - Responsabilidad del cirujano

Compensation for Your Claim:

Victims of medical malpractice including individual who have suffered serious health effects due to the wrongful epidural injections are entitled to compensation for all harms associated with the negligence act including
  • Current and future health care costs
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Lost time and loss of future income due to disability

Cirugías chapuceras

- Cirugía chapucera de hemorroides
- Cirugía de circuncisión chapucera
- Cirugía chapucera de la vesícula biliar
- Inyección epidural mal aplicada
- Cirugía plástica chapucera
- Cirugía de prótesis de cadera chapucera
- Laparoscopia Cirugía Lesiones Abogado
- Abogado de Bris chapucero
- Cirugía de cesárea chapucera

Legal Consultation: All legal consultations are provided free of charge by our medical malpractice attorneys. To schedule a free legal consultation call toll free (855) 339-8879.

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