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Casago Vacation Rental Accident Injury Attorney

Casago Vacation Rental Accident Injury Attorney lawyer sue compensation incident liability

Were you injured from an accident that took place on a property you found through Casago? Was the cause of the accident a dangerous condition that should have been resolved by the property owner or the company in charge of managing the property? As the victim of another party’s negligence, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit for monetary compensation.

Airbnb and other short-term rental platforms are more popular than ever, and nowadays, many people are looking for a more home-like atmosphere when they are on vacation or traveling for business. Some people also need extended stay options while they’re moving from one city to another. Certainly, renting out an available unit is a sensible way to earn extra money, but some of these landlords are unable to manage their properties on a day to day basis.

That’s where companies like Casago can be of help, with services like managing your listings, processing complaints from guests, and arranging for emergency repairs. The owner pays a set fee to the company for these services, and guests have a direct number they can call 24/7 if they need help.

However, there is still quite a bit of confusion over what the owner is responsible for versus the property management company. For example, what happens if a guest is injured at one of these vacation homes or apartments? Possible accidents or sources of injury at a Casago vacation rental property include:

  • Slip and fall / trip and fall
  • Caída de objetos
  • Negligent security, leading to assault and battery and sexual assault
  • Roof and ceiling collapses (also, collapsing deck, balcony or stairs)
  • Fires caused by faulty wiring, flammable materials, etc.
  • Drowning accidents in swimming pools, ponds or lakes

We hope that this article will provide you with valuable information if you or your loved one was injured at a property managed by Casago. However, you will need legal advice from an experienced attorney if you have specific questions and concerns about your case. Please contact our law firm and schedule a free consultation with a vacation rental accident injury lawyer.

Casago Vacation Rental Accident Injury Attorney sue lawsuit compensation incident accident
Nuestros últimos veredictos y acuerdos

$1,93 millones

Agresión a un guardia de seguridad


Intoxicación por plomo

$2,5 Millones

Slip & Fall

$22 Millones

Accidente en el gimnasio


Mordedura de perro


Assaulted Byb Employee


Caída de la escalera


Lesión en la cabeza
Can I Sue Casago for being Injured in an Accident?

Yes, if you were injured due to negligent circumstances at a property managed by Casago, you can sue for monetary damages like medical costs, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. The key is to figure out who is liable for accidents on the property – the owner, the management company, or both? In some cases, liability can even be shared by a contractor or third party service provider.

As you can see, things are not black and white when many hands are involved in the maintenance and management of a vacation property. Companies like Casago carry insurance for incidents of injury and property damage, but that doesn’t necessarily free the owner from fixing and repairing issues that have the potential to harm others. Thus, it’s essential to work with a lawyer who can review the contract between these entities and determine who is ultimately responsible for your injuries.

Many of our clients came to us after they were given the run around by the owner and the management company, who pointed the finger at each other for slip and falls, assault and battery, and other serious incidents. For the average person, it’s hard to be taken seriously by these companies and receive the payment they deserve as a victim of negligence and/or misconduct.

Our job is to fight for your interests and ensure that you are compensated according to the state’s premises liability laws. If you were injured at a property that was rented from Casago, please give us a call to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.

Average Settlement Value from a Casago Injury Claim

Based on our record or verdicts and settlements, the value of a personal injury lawsuit against Casago is around $125,000 to $3,000,000. But how much you will end up with from a lawsuit depends on many details that are specific to your injuries and the cause of your accident. That’s why some cases end up in $5,000,000 verdicts, while others are settled for under $30,000,000. Due to variations that exist from one case to another, we suggest that you contact us and speak to a lawyer who can sue Casago for accidents at a rental property.

¿Cuánto tardan en resolverse estos casos?

The majority of premises liability lawsuits take 6 to 12 months to settle, though the actual timeline may be over 2 years, depending on various factors that are beyond our control. If the details of the case are relatively straightforward and there are no permanent complications to your health, your case may be settled within a few months. But accidents resulting in serious, long-term injuries will take longer to settle – possibly 1 to 2 years. In the event that a trial is needed, the process of settling a Casago vacation rental lawsuit can take over 3 years. Keep in mind, however, that over 95% of cases are settled out of court.

Statute of Limitations to File a Lawsuit against Casago

As someone that was injured by another party’s negligence, you must file a lawsuit within 2 years of the accident date. However, what are your rights if an injury resulting from the accident is not diagnosed right away? Can you ask the courts for additional time to file a lawsuit?

Yes, if there is a discovery of injuries that do not occur until you have passed the statute of limitations, you can ask for 1 additional year to sue Casago, the property owner, or anyone else that’s responsible for your accident.

Casago Vacation Rental Accident Injury Attorney lawsuit liability compensation lawyer attorney sue
Garantía de cero comisiones

By now, you probably realize the importance of hiring a lawyer with experience in lawsuits against property management companies. But how can you afford a lawyer when you are dealing with the costs of recovering from an accident?

We can offer you an immediate solution here at DTLA, where all clients receive a Zero Fee Guarantee. In essence, you pay nothing towards the cost of legal fees, which are paid by the defendant as a part of your settlement check. This is the only way we are compensated, so if we fail to win your lawsuit, you owe us absolutely nothing.

Contact our law firm if you would like a free consultation on your rights and legal options. A premises liability lawyer can also meet with you if you are interested in a free second opinion on an existing personal injury lawsuit.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.