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Propietarios de negocios de Silver Lake se enfrentan a retos debido al arrendador

En tenants at the Fletcher Square Strip Mall in Silver Lake, located at 2330 Fletcher Drive, Los Angeles, CA. 90039-4019, are desperate for answers from their landlord. Approximately two-and-a-half months ago, in May, there was a fire that ruined the electrical wiring in the property. Eight units were left without power. Since the fire, most of the businesses on the property have been riding things out, waiting for things to go back to normal. Business owners are trying to run their businesses on generators, but their attempts are not enough to keep their customers happy. As a result, the business owners have seen a severe drop in business. They claim that the landlord is simply not doing enough to help their situation. Silver Lake Business Owners Facing Challenges Due to Landlord One tenant, the owner of a restaurant on the property, claims that his restaurant has become very uncomfortable due to the intense heat within the restaurant – heat that generator-powered fans cannot remedy. This business owner in particular has seen a 75 to 80% drop in business since the property was left without power. The fact is that without air conditioning, or even a secure power source, customers simply do not want to stay; they have simply stopped showing up. Another tenant, the owner of a nail salon on the property, has compared his business to a sauna. As summer’s heat continues to increase, he is unsure of how the tenants will survive – due to both the unbearable heat and the lack of customers. According to the tenants, the landlord has been unresponsive. Specifically, the landlord has not provided the tenants with any information regarding when the power will be restored to the property. The landlord has also been unable to provide tenants with an estimate of how long the issue could take to be fixed. Instead, the landlord sent all tenants a letter stating that they had to vacate the property by the end of last month (June). The landlord has not been charging tenants any rent since the incident; in fact, she has provided them with the option to just leave if they are unhappy with the situation. She claims that her hands are tied because the insurance company is unnecessarily dragging things out, as she has already done her part by submitting all required documents. Although no repairs have been made, tenants are not going anywhere. Their businesses are their livelihood, and they are doing everything within their reach to avoid having to close down. Many of the affected businesses have been on the property for many years and have nowhere else to go. Silver Lake Business Owners Facing Challenges Due to Landlord It could be another six months before the property has power, although even this estimate is uncertain. Even with the power back on, business owners expect it to take quite some time before things go back to normal – considering the significant loss of income that they are experiencing. Have you – as a business owner – been affected by the unfortunate situation discussed above? If so, you might have grounds to take action against your landlord – for the failure to address the issues with the property. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of filing a claim against your landlord, do not hesitate to solicitar asistencia jurídica with the experts at our Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible. Your landlord’s lack of action is costing you and your business significant income; your landlord should be held accountable. If you would like the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group to evaluate your current situation and provide you with the guidance that you need to take action against your landlord, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts immediately.

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Landlord Liability

In general, landlords have the duty to keep their property in a good condition. If there are any issues within the property that are posing a significant problem for tenants, the landlord must take action immediately. Usually, the landlord and the tenant’s duties are outlined in lease or rental agreements. Landlord duties might include some of the following: remaining compliant with building codes, minimizing risk/liability (security systems, roofing/paneling, electrical units, and smoke/fire alarms, for example), certain maintenance and repairs (waste/hazardous materials, electrical units, piping, and communal areas, for example), and having appropriate insurance coverage.
Premises Liability Lawyer Loa Angeles | Property Owner Fault
What sort of liability could the landlord in the incident discussed above face? In this incident, the landlord has repeatedly failed to take action to address the damaged electrical wires which have resulted in a power outage of many months. Considering the fact that the issue affects the entire property, and at least eight units of the property, the landlord is likely liable for addressing the situation and fixing the problem. Because the landlord has not acted promptly and failed to address the situation within a reasonable length of time, the tenants and their businesses have suffered – specifically through loss of income. Based on this, tenants will likely have grounds to take action against their landlord to recover some of the income that has been lost due to the delay in addressing the electrical issue on the property. For more information about liability for this incident or similar incidents, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

Could Business Owners Recover Compensation?

What damages have resulted from the situation? If your landlord has failed to take action to fix the power to your business, you are – undoubtedly – losing income. Could you be compensated for your lost income? Depending on the specific details of your claim against your landlord, you could be compensated for the income that was lost directly due to the situation on the property. How much compensation could you receive? If you would like to learn more about the specific compensation that you could be eligible to receive, it is essential that you seek legal assistance immediately. You deserve to recover compensation for the income you have lost and might continue to lose due to your landlord’s lack of action to address the power outage on the property. If you are ready to discuss your claim with the experts at our law firm, do not hesitate to contact our firm immediately.

¿Qué debe hacer?

What can you do if your landlord’s lack of action to address a severe issue on the property is significantly affecting your business? First and foremost, it is essential that you keep track of all communication or attempts of communications made between you and your landlord. This includes text, email, and mail communication, for instance. You should also keep track of any verbal communication. You must ensure that you have information about the incident that caused the current issue (e.g. the fire that ruined the electrical wires causing the power outage). You must also review the laws in your state as well as your tenancy agreement to better understand your rights and the specific duties that your landlord to you and the property. You must evaluate the specific amount of income that you have lost due to your landlord’s negligence in repairing the issue on the property. You must also seek legal assistance to ensure that you have access to all the information that you need to take action against your landlord. If you are unsure about what you should do to pursue a lost income claim against your landlord, do not hesitate to contact our lawyers. Our experts will guide you through every step of the way.
Prescripción - Demandas por daños causados por productos defectuosos

How Long Do You Have to Take Action against the Landlord?

All claims are subject to a specific statute of limitations. A statute of limitations is simply a deadline that determines the length of time that claimants have to pursue their claims. Statutes of limitations have the purpose of ensuring that claims are filed promptly and within reasonable timeframes. As mentioned above, your tenancy agreement establishes the duties that your landlord has towards you and towards the property. This agreement is also relevant in determining the specific length of time that you have to file a claim. In the state of California, claimants have 4 years to file a claim of a written lease and and 2 years to file a claim on an oral lease – the deadline applies from the date that the claim arose (the date that the power outage started, for example). Because the deadline that applies to your claim can vary based on the specific details of your claim, it is vital that you discuss your claim with a lawyer to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the statute of limitations that applies to your claim. For more in-depth information about the deadline that applies to your claim, do not hesitate to contact our firm today.

Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group Immediately

Do you believe that you have grounds to file a claim against your landlord for the failure to keep the property in a normal, working condition? If your landlord failed to take any action to address a problem on the property, he or she could likely be held accountable for all the damages resulting from their failures. In the instance discussed above, in specific, the actual damage to the property has caused significant loss of income to the business owners – as the poor conditions of the property have directly affected the number of customers that these businesses are seeing. Without a doubt, you might have grounds to take action against your landlord. Therefore, it is essential that you seek legal assistance with the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible. The experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to evaluate your claim and guide you towards a successful claim outcome. If you would like to discuss your claim with our lawyers, do not hesitate para ponerse en contacto con nuestro bufete hoy.

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When you contact our law firm, you will find that our firm offers free legal services. We offer free legal services with the intention to make our legal services available to all parties – even those who are struggling financially. Our firm specifically offers both free consultations and free second opinions. Regardless of whether you are interested in starting or continuing your claim against your landlord, you can be certain that our experts are ready to provide you with the legal assistance that you need. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. If you would like to benefit from our free legal services, do not hesitate to contact our law firm as soon as possible. The free legal services mentioned above are available through our Zero-Fee guarantee – a guarantee that you will never have to pay any upfront legal fees. Our law firm is also strictly based on contingency; therefore, our clients will never be required to pay any legal fees until after reaching a successful claim outcome. If you are ready to discuss your claim with our experts, Contacto hoy.

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