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Slip and Fall at 617 Francisco Street LA, CA 900017 – Slip and Fall Lawsuit Lawyers

Slip and Fall at 617 Francisco Street LA CA 900017 Slip and Fall Lawsuit Lawyers attorney lawyer attorney sue liability

Were you injured in a slip and fall accident at 617 Francisco Street? This address is associated with the Wedbush Center, which is a very busy area. If you were injured at this address, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. You could have the right to sue and receive monetary compensation for any harm that you suffered.

Slip and fall accidents are easily the most common types of personal injury accidents. These accidents could occur anywhere where there is a slip hazard. If you or a member of your family were injured in a slip and fall accident at 617 Francisco St or anywhere at the Wedbush Center (located at 1000 Wilshire), it is important that you contact our slip and fall lawyers.

Here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group, our team is ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to fight for your rights and recover the highest settlement available for your claim. If you are ready to explore the legal options available to you, contact the experts here at our law firm as soon as possible. Our team has decades of experience handling personal injury claims, including slip and fall claims, and are more than ready to handle your claim and fight for your rights to a fair recovery.

The Possible Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can happen essentially anywhere where there is a slip hazard. The slip hazards that could ultimately lead to slip and fall accidents can include the following:

  • Wet floors
  • Slippery surfaces
  • Leaks
  • Recently mopped or waxed floors
  • Misplaced weather mats
  • Misplaced warning or caution signs
  • Leaking appliances
  • Missing or misplaced shower mats
  • Littered floors

Although these hazards might seem minor, the truth is that any slip hazard can quickly lead to a slip and fall. This is because these hazards are on the floor and may often be hard to see. No matter the specific cause of the slip and fall accident, many injuries are likely.

Slip and Fall at 617 Francisco Street LA CA 900017 Slip and Fall Lawsuit Lawyers attorney attorney Lawyers sue liability
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The Injuries Resulting from Slip and Fall Accidents

These incidents can lead to many different injuries, which could include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Head injuries (including concussions)
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Sprains and strains
  • Lacerations

Although these injuries might seem to be only minor, the truth is that they can potentially be devastating. Some of these injuries could require extensive treatment, such as surgeries and even years-long physical therapy. Some of these injuries could ultimately be fatal. If you or a member of your family suffered any type of harm in a slip and fall accident at 617 Francisco Street in Downtown Los Angeles or anywhere else on the premises of the Wedbush Center, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

Can I File a Lawsuit for Injuries Caused by a Slip and Fall?

Yes – you could be entitled to recover compensation for the injuries that you or a loved one suffered. What could you recover? Although every claim is different, you could be entitled to recover compensation for some of the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Wrongful death benefits
  • Punitive damages
  • Legal costs

What can I recover? The value of slip and fall claims is strictly based on the details surrounding the claim, such as the type of injuries suffered, the extent of the treatment required, whether any injuries caused permanent or even temporary disability, and more. Slip and fall claims can be worth anywhere from $150,000 to $750,000, although they can sometimes be worth more.

For more information about the compensation that you could recover if your claim is successful, contact us at your earliest convenience. Our slip and fall lawyers here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group are fully committed to getting you the maximum recovery available for your claim.

How Long Do I Have to Sue?

All slip and fall accidents are subject to a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations determines the total length of time that claimants have to file their claims. If claimants do not file their claims on time, then they run the risk of losing their right to sue altogether. So, how long do you have to pursue your claim? In California, personal injury claims are subject to a two-year statute of limitations; this means that claimants only have two years to sue, although some exceptions could apply. To ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the total length of time that you have to file your claim, contact us today. Our experts are ready to guide you every step of the way and help you file your claim on time.

Slip and Fall at 617 Francisco Street LA CA 900017 Slip and Fall Lawsuit Lawyers attorney lawyer attorney sue liability
What Should I Do?

After a slip and fall accident, it is important to do the following:

  • Take photos of all visible injuries
  • Take photos of the scene of the incident – including the hazard that caused you to slip and fall (take photos before anyone cleans up)
  • Report the incident to management or to the property owner – make sure to request a copy of your report for your records
  • Seek medical care as soon as possible
  • Speak to witnesses and collect their contact information
  • Identify any surveillance cameras that might have captured the incident (if possible, request this video footage)
  • Gather all relevant medical records
  • Gather all relevant records of lost income
  • Seek legal assistance with a slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible

If you find yourself unsure of what to do next, simply reach out to our expert legal team at your earliest convenience. Our team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident at 617 Francisco Street in Los Angeles, you could have the right to file a lawsuit. You could also have the right to a recovery based on the details surrounding your claim. If you are ready to explore the legal options available to you after a slip and fall accident, contact us today. Our team here at the Downtown LA Law Group is ready to handle your claim and fight for your rights.

We offer free legal services, which include free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. Our slip and fall lawyers will be available to provide you with all the information that you might need to begin or continue your claim. To benefit from these free legal services, contact us today.

We are proud to offer a Zero-Fee Guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay any upfront legal costs for any of our legal services. Our law firm also works on contingency, so our clients will not be responsible for paying any legal costs if their claims are not successful. If you do not win, you will not oh anything.

Contact us today to learn more about your right to file a slip and fall claim!

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