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Lesiones comunes por bolas de pintura: Demanda por pistola de paintball defectuosa

Common Paint Ball Injuries: Paintball Gun Defected Lawsuit Every year thousands of paintball enthusiasts suffer severe injuries during paintball matches.  According to statistics 8 million American participate in paintball matches yearly leading to more than 21,000 injuries.   How Paintball Work: Paintball guns work by the use of compressed air to fire the paint ball projectile.  Thrust is provided in three ways

  • Spring that is cocked
  • Gas cartridge containing carbon dioxide
  • Pump up action rifle

Paintball Accident Statistics:

  • Younger individual are at an increased rate of injury – more than 60% of emergency visitors for paintball injuries were under the age of 17
  • Males are 5 times more at risk of paintball injuries
  • 23.0% all paintball injuries were to the head, and neck and exposes skin
  • Nearly 60 individuals per day are injured in paintball accidents

Common Paint Ball Match Injuries:

Prodcut Liability Attorneys for Injuruies caused by defective Paintball GunsSome of the most common paintball injuries are as follows:

Lesión ocular traumática – Partial or Complete Blindness:  Due to the high velocity of a paintball, paintballers are advised to wear protective facial masks.  However in many instances such protection fails leading to serious eye injuries.  Trauma caused by sudden force or compression to the eye can cause prolonged injuries. Sudden injuries can cause what is known as an indentation around the globe of the eye that happens immediately upon contact. Persons who suffer blunt force trauma to the eye will be unable to produce clear images which can cause cataracts resulting from lack of light to the back of the eye.
Brain Injury from Traumatic Head Impact:  Brain injuries can result from falls and blunt force strikes to the head.  The most common brain injuries  include concussions, brain hemorrhaging, oxygen depletion, skull fractures and post traumatic head ache syndrome.
Fractured Ribs: Rib fractures are common in many sport activities.  Common symptoms of fractured ribs include.  Change in the shape of your chest, rib bones cutting through the skin, difficulty breathing, compressed and painful breathing, and general weakness.
Knee and Ligament injuries:  Common Knee and ligament injuries include, Torn Ligament Ruptured Tendons, MCL Injuries, ACL Injuries  Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Torn Meniscus Injury, and Fracture Other Paintball injuries:

  • Open Head Wounds
  • Contusions and
  • Infecciones
  • Eye Infections
  • Hombro separado
  • Huesos rotos

Compensation for your injuries:  Our Expert team of legal professionals will help you receive recovery for

  • Gastos médicos: Los gastos médicos incluyen todas las facturas y costes médicos, incluidos los incurridos en urgencias, visitas al hospital, visitas al médico, centro de pruebas de resonancia magnética, radiólogos, quiroprácticos, dentistas o cualquier otro profesional tratante que haya sido necesario como consecuencia de su lesión.
  • Gastos médicos futuros: Desafortunadamente, los efectos de un a menudo se pueden sentir durante meses, años o incluso toda la vida después de que se produjo la lesión. Vamos a trabajar con los médicos y otros especialistas médicos para establecer el importe total de los gastos médicos futuros para asegurarse de que está adecuadamente compensado por estos daños.
  • Salarios perdidos: Después de un accidente, usted tiene derecho a cualquier ingreso que haya perdido. Incluso si usted estaba desempleado antes del accidente de un abogado de lesiones personales puede ser capaz de procurar daños salarios perdidos al demostrar lo que podría haber ganado si no fuera por su lesión de hernia de disco.
  • Pérdida de capacidad de ganancia: Además de los salarios perdidos en el presente, las víctimas de accidentes de tráfico tienen derecho a recibir una indemnización por los salarios perdidos en el futuro.
  • Dolor y sufrimiento: A victim of herniated disc injury can further be compensated for mental suffering that could include fright, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief or feelings of distress

Más información: Paint Ball Accident Attorney

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