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Abogado Accidente Iglesia

church accident injury attorney incident accident slip and fall compensation premise liability

Churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship are frequently visited by religious parties. They are a place of calm, where many people turn to for guidance during different times in their lives. However, accidentes corporales are prevalent – and they could occur at any time. Unfortunately, it is possible for unsuspecting parties to suffer harm while they are in a place of worship or while they are traveling in a church vehicle, for example.

If you suffered any sort of harm related to a place of worship, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. You might have grounds to pursue a claim for the harm that you suffered. You also might have grounds to receive monetary compensation for your damages. If you would like to explore the possibility of pursuing a claim after suffering an accident in a place of worship or one of their vehicles, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group.

Downtown L.A. Law Group is a personal injury law firm with many years of experience handling a variety of claims and representing injured victims and their families. Our lawyers are ready to handle your claim and help you fight for your right to recover the monetary compensation that you deserve. If you would like to discuss your claim with our experts and learn more about your right to sue, do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience.

Si usted o algún miembro de su familia sufrió un accidente en la propiedad de una iglesia que resulto en lesiones, puede que usted tenga el derecho a someter una demanda. Nuestros abogados hablan español y están listos para ayudarle con su caso. Si le gustaría discutir su derecho a demandar con nuestros expertos, contáctenos en cuanto pueda.

You Could Suffer Injuries

When you visit a place of worship, do you ever expect that you could suffer any sort of accidental injuries? The church or other place of worship that you frequent is supposed to be a safe place for you and your family. However, many people are involved in unexpected accidents that leave them struggling with a variety of injuries. Depending on the specific type details of the incident, victims could suffer injuries ranging from minor to severe. Although every incident is different, some of the common injuries that victims could suffer include the following:

  • Head injuries, concussions, traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck injuries, back injuries, and spinal cord injuries
  • Shoulder injuries, hip injuries, knee injuries
  • Pelvic fractures
  • Fractura de costillas
  • Broken arms and legs (and other similar injuries)
  • Esguinces y distensiones
  • Laceraciones
  • Organ damage, nerve damage, ligament damage, muscle damage

Although it is possible for victims to make full or partial recoveries from the injuries that they suffered, some injured victims are never able to recover. Regardless of the specific harm suffered, victims and their families are often forced to live with the aftermath of their injuries – often seeing negative effects in nearly every aspect of their lives.

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Different Types of Accidents

There are many different types of accidentes corporales that innocent parties could suffer at a place of worship. The term “accidente con lesiones personales” is a blanket term that applies to many different types of incidents that could result in injuries. Some of the most common accidents that could occur in churches or church vehicles include the following:

  • Caída de objetos – falling objects can cause some of the most devastating harm. In locations where heavy objects are elevated (some examples include large pieces or religious paintings and statutes, for example). When these heavy objects are misplaced, unbalanced, or simply too heavy to be located in an elevated area, they can fall down onto whoever is standing or walking below. Falling objects usually result in traumatic brain injuries, neck injuries, and spinal cord injuries, for instance.
  • Resbalones y caídas – slip and fall accidents, by far, are some of the most common types of personal injury accidents. Slip and falls can occur as a result of leaks, spilled liquids, misplaced weather mats, slippery surfaces, and wet floors, for example. These hazards are often difficult to identify without the appropriate warning signs.
  • Trip and Falls – trip and fall accidents can occur at any time; anyone who can walk can suffer a trip and fall accident. Trip and falls can generally occur as a result of hazards along walkways. Some examples of these hazards can include torn carpeting, misplaced mats, exposed wires, unleveled flooring, cracked sidewalks, and potholes, for example. Because these hazards are often unperceivable, they are especially dangerous.
  • Accidentes de autobús – many churches have shuttles or buses to facilitate travel between the church and locations in which they organize church-related activities. All vehicles on the road can be involved in accidents at any time; church vehicles are no exceptions. The reckless actions of the bus driver or an unaffiliated driver as well of the reckless actions of an agency (failing to ensure that roads are in safe condition) could result in bus accidents.

Regardless of the specific type of accident that you suffered, you might have already considered the posibilidad de reclamar. Who could you sue for your accident? Could you sue the church? Is another party or entity liable for your accident and the harm that you suffered? Although establishing liability for an accident and for harm suffered can be simple in some situations, liability can sometimes be difficult to understand when multiple parties are involved.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes

$1,96 millones

Accidente de peatón

$1.4 MIllón

Mordedura de perro


Lesión de hombro


Lesiones por resbalones y caídas


Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

Understanding Liability in Church-related Incidents

If you were involved in a church accident, whether on the church’s property or traveling in a church vehicle, the church might be liable for the harm that you suffered – leaving you with the right to pursue a claim. Depending on the specific incident in which you were involved, the church or other place of worship might face liability.

In general, to prove that a church is liable for the harm suffered in an incident, victims will have to prove a few things: (1) a hazardous condition within the church’s premises/property caused your injuries; (2) church representatives were aware or should have been aware of the hazardous condition; (3) church representatives failed to address the hazardous condition; (4) the hazard was a direct cause of your incident; (5) you suffered injuries.

Another way to look at this same concept is through the four elements of negligence. A party owes others a duty of care. A party breaches their duty of care towards others, creating a risk of an incident. The incident results in injuries. Therefore, the injuries are a direct result of a breached duty of care. The church owes you a duty of care; when the duty of care is breached, innocent parties are put at risk of injuries.

¿Qué significa esto? If the church accident could have been prevented with the quick actions of a church representative (by addressing a hazard or actually exercising their duty of care), the church will likely be liable for the harm that you suffered.

Accidents on Catholic Church Property

Unfortunately, many people believe that they can’t do anything after an accident on the property of a Catholic church. This misconception is based on past issues surrounding the Catholic church essentially getting away with things that have resulted in harm to innocent victims. Whether you suffered a slip and fall, a trip and fall, assault and battery, sexual assault, a falling object incident, or any other incident on Catholic Church property (whether it’s the church offices, the actual church, the parking lot, the restrooms, etc.), you could have grounds to sue. Just like any other property owner, the Catholic Church could be held accountable for their negligent actions that harm an innocent party on their property. For more information about your right to file a lawsuit against the Catholic Church, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm as soon as possible.

Otras partes podrían ser responsables

Although the church could be liable for the accidents that occur on their premises, they might not be liable for the accidents that involve their church vehicles, for example. In vehicular accidents, the drivers of the parties involved are generally liable. The church’s duty of care extends to ensuring that their hired drivers have clear backgrounds (no DUI’s, accidents, reckless driving, etc.). They must also ensure that their hired drivers have been trained and are properly licensed. In cases in which the accident is caused by drunk or reckless driving, the church will likely not face liability – given that the church had no idea that the driver could have exercised such negligence. If the church had previously received complaints regarding the driver’s recklessness, for example, and failed to act, the church could be liable for the accident. Of course, if an unaffiliated party caused the accident, it would be that party (and his or her insurance company) that would face liability. Likewise, if the accident was caused by defective road conditions, the city agency responsible for road maintenance would be liable. In church bus accidents, there are usually many factors to consider before establishing liability. Therefore, it is essential that you discuss your claim with an expert of church accidents as soon as possible.

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¿Puede demandar?

Can I sue a church? Can I sue a place of worship for an accident on site? Can I sue a place of worship for an injury on a church vehicle? Can I sue the liable party for church vehicle accidents or church bus accidents? Can you sue for an injury on site? Without a doubt, you have the right to sue for church accidents. As explained above, liability is based on negligence. Therefore, if the harm that you suffered was a direct result of negligence, you will have the right to file a claim. In other words, if your injuries were directly related to a breached duty of care, you could sue. If you would like to learn more about your right to sue after a church accident, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately. Our church accident lawyers will evaluate your claim and will guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit.

You Could Receive Compensation

With the assistance of an attorney, your lawsuit could be successful, and you could recover compensation for your church accident case. The type and amount of compensation that you are eligible to recover will always depend on the specific details of your claim. In general, the more severe the harm suffered, the higher the value of the claim. Additionally, if the harm that you suffered affected and will continue to affect different aspects of your life, your claim could be worth more than if only little to no aspects of your life were affected. So, what type of compensation could you receive for a church accident? Although every claim is different, claimants could be eligible to recover monetary compensation for some of the following:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Daños materiales
  • Gastos de sepelio y entierro
  • Pérdida de consorcio
  • Daños punitivos

Although you will likely be eligible to recover compensation, there is no guarantee regarding the type and amount of compensation that you could recover (you should never make assumptions about the value of your claim based on past cases). Because case values are always case-specific, you should always discuss your claim with an attorney. Would you like our experts in church accident lawsuits to handle your claim and help you recover the compensation that you deserve? Whether your church accident involved falling objects, slip and falls, trip and falls, or a vehicular accident, you can be certain that our experts will help you sue the liable party and ensure that you are rightfully compensated. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our experts are dedicated to helping you receive the highest amount of compensation available for your claim.

Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

All Claims are Subject to Deadlines

All claims are subject to strict deadlines to file. More specifically, claims are subject to statutes of limitations. A statute of limitations determines the specific length of time that claimants have to file their claims. If claimants fail to file their claims within the appropriate statute of limitations, claimants will lose their right to sue – and lose their right to receive compensation. To avoid losing the right to receive compensation based on a failure to understand the deadline that applies to your claim, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the statute of limitations that applies to your claim.

Póngase en contacto con Downtown L.A. Law Group

If you are in need of legal assistance after a church accident, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience. Our firm offers both free consultations and free second opinions to ensure that all affected parties have access to the legal representation that they need. These free legal services are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee. Our Zero-Fee guarantee ensures that our clients never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services, including our consultations and second opinions. Our firm is also based on a contingency structure that ensures that our clients do not have to pay anything until after reaching a successful claim. If your church accident lawsuit is not successful, you will not pay anything. If you are ready to discuss your church accident claim with our lawyers, do not hesitate Downtown L.A. Law Group hoy en (855) 339-8879.

¡Hablemos español!

Nuestros abogados están listos para ayudarle a someter su demanda después de un accidente en propiedad de una iglesia. Sabemos que poder ser difícil el encontrar ayuda legal en su idioma. Nuestros expertos están listos para darle toda la información que necesite para empezar o continuar su caso. Estamos orgullosos de poder representar a todos aquellos hispanohablantes que necesitan ayuda legal después de un accidente. Ofrecemos servicios legales gratuitos. Además, usted no pagara nada si no gana su caso. Si esta listo para hablar con nuestros expertos, llámenos ahora mismo.

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para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


Guía definitiva sobre accidentes por resbalones y caídas

- Accidentes por resbalones y caídas
- Daños nerviosos por accidente de resbalón y caída
- Preguntas legales sobre una reclamación por resbalón y caída
- Abogado de lesiones por resbalones y caídas en supermercados
- Accidente por resbalón y caída en un hospital
- Lesiones cerebrales causadas por accidentes de resbalón y caída
- Las 10 causas principales de los accidentes por resbalones y caídas
- Accidentes por resbalones y caídas en bodas
- Accidente por acera defectuosa
- Abortos provocados por resbalones y caídas
- Lesiones en la bolera
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre resbalones y caídas
- Acuerdo medio en demandas por resbalones y caídas
- Abogado de accidentes de resbalón y caída en el lugar de trabajo
- Dolores de cabeza tras un accidente por resbalón y caída
- Abogado de resbalones y caídas en residencias de ancianos
- Lugares habituales donde se producen accidentes por resbalones y caídas
- Reclamaciones por resbalones, tropiezos y caídas
- Accidentes por resbalones y caídas en autobuses
- Prescripción de accidentes por resbalones y caídas
- Lesiones de espalda por resbalones y caídas
- Lesiones por resbalones y caídas en cines
- Accidentes por resbalones y caídas en casinos

Opinión de un cliente de DTLA

"¡Farid fue genial! Mi novio y yo lo contratamos en abril de 2017, ya que fuimos golpeados por detrás en la I101 . Nuestro coche fue total y estábamos gravemente heridos. Por recomendación de un familiar, nos arriesgamos y nos pusimos en contacto con Farid para que nos ayudara con el proceso. Después de todo el calvario, lo último que queríamos hacer era lidiar con las compañías de seguros."
- Alicia McIntosh

Five Star Rating

5/ 5


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