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Abogado de accidente de parada de autobús | Abogado de lesiones de estación peligrosa

Defectively Designed Bus Stop Injury AttorneyBus Stops and Bus stations are the location of hundreds of accidental injuries every year.  In many instances accidents and injuries are the result government negligence.  Serious injuries from such accidents can include, spinal cord injuries, fractured bones, neck injuries, and facial lacerations.

Some of the main causes of bus stop and bus station accident are as follows

  • Defectively designed bus stop
  • Bust stops places in hazardous or dangerous locations
  • Failure to maintain a safe premises
  • Negligent security or lack of proper security measures
  • Failure to maintain clean floors leading to accidentes por resbalones y caídas
  • Bus Driver Negligence leading to buses crashing into bus stops
  • Vehicle driver negligence leading to collision with bus stop

Government Liability and Statute of Limitation for filing lawsuits against Metro MTA Bus Lines

Bus line operators owe a duty as a common carrier for the safety of their passengers including prison inmates and prison staff.  Most bus line operators in the state of California are government agencies. Under Sección 810 y siguientes del Código de Gobierno de California. normas relativas a entidades gubernamentales por daños personales responsabilidad e indemnización por daños y perjuicios en virtud de la legislación estatal. La Ley de Reclamaciones por Agravios de California prevé una renuncia limitada a la inmunidad soberana para presentar reclamaciones por lesiones personales contra el Estado de California, incluidas todas las entidades públicas. Statute of Limitations to Filing a Lawsuit:  The general statute of limitations for filing a claim against a government entity is six months.  So, if you have been hurt in a bus accident you should act quickly to seek legal representation as the statute of limitations may bar you from recovering for your injuries.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

California Public Transportation Law Firm: Diligent, Knowledgeable and Dependent legal representation

The Downtown LA Law group has the experience and expertise to handle complicated cases against government entities and bus operators.  Our team of investigators will act quickly to attain and preserve important evidence regarding you injuries so that your rights are protected.  Our priority is to provide you with expert legal representation so that you can receive the maximum compensation for you injuries.

Más información sobre sus opciones jurídicas: llame al (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Types of Compensation available for your personal injury case against for injuries sustained in a bus stop or bus station Under California Personal Injury Laws you may be entitled to restitution for such damages as

  • Facturas médicas
  • Futuros Facturas médicas y gastos de fisioterapia
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Pérdida de ingresos futuros
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Angustia emocional

[ca-sidebar id="21960″] Contact our Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers If you like to speak with a Bus Station injury Attorney and discuss your claim contact us at (855) 339-8879. All our Initial Consultations are completely Free to our clients. Recuerde– In Cases involving government entities it is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish you claim.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes
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