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Victoza Thyroid Cancer Lawsuit | Defective Drug Attorney

Diabetes Drug Victoza Side Effect Law Firm Victoza is a type 2 diabetes drug carrying serious and harmful side effects including thyroid cancer.  Manufactured by Novo Nordisk, Victoza functions by controlling blood sugar levels for its users by increasing the levels of insulin produced in the body.  It is a once a day injection medication pen, administered under the skin. Similar to its sister drugs, Januvia and Byetta, Victoza acts like a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).  Once injected, it forces your body to produce increased levels of insulin in order to decrease blood sugar levels.  Approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in early 2010, Victoza quickly catapulted into one of the most popular type 2 diabetes drugs in the market.  By 2011 alone, the drug was generating over $670 million in sales, with promising future prospects. However, even before the drug was introduced into the market, animal studies indicated that Victoza may cause an elevated risk of thyroid cancer for its users.  These fears were validated as reports began to surface that type 2 diabetes patients were suffering from thyroid cancer at rates far exceeding the general population. Downtown L.A. Law Group is evaluating these claims, and our Victoza attorney is available to assist individuals suffering from thyroid cancer as a result of using the popular drug.

What is Thyroid Cancer, and Did I Get It From Taking Victoza?

Victoza Thyroid Cancer AttorneyThyroid cancer is an extremely dangerous form of cancer that originates in the cells of the thyroid.  The thyroid is located at the bottom of the neck, and it produces hormones that are in charge of important bodily functions including weight, temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. Fortunately, thyroid cancer is treatable if detected early.  It is incredibly important to look out for certain symptoms before taking Victoza.  These symptoms include:

  • Swelling or discomfort in the neck
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Changes in voice texture
  • Frequent and unexplainable coughing

Once thyroid cancer has reached a breaking point, it becomes difficult to treat.  Furthermore, even when treatment is successful, thyroid cancer victims are always at danger of having it come back, even when the use of Victoza has been discontinued. Many people who take or have taken Victoza are unaware that the drug can be responsible for causing thyroid cancer.  Allow our team of attorneys to evaluate your Victoza thyroid cancer claim; after asking a few simple questions, we can determine whether or not a person’s thyroid cancer was a result of taking type 2 diabetes drug Victoza

Victoza Thyroid Cancer Lawsuits

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer after taking Victoza, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries.  Victoza thyroid cancer lawsuits are based on the fact that the manufacturer of the drug knew about these dangers associated with the drug, and marketed them as safe anyways.  Novo Nordisk was generating hundreds of millions in profits on Victoza, but failed to heed to numerous health reports indicating that it was not safe. Most recently on March of 2013, the FDA sent out a communication alert, signaling the risk of pre-cancerous cellular changes in individuals taking Victoza.  This followed an outcry by the non-profit consumer rights advocacy group Public Citizen that Victoza was the cause of thyroid cancer and pancreatic cancer for several patients.  In April 2012, Public Citizen went so far as to petition the FDA to remove Victoza off the market for putting diabetic patients at risk, in part, to thyroid cancer.  The agency based their petition on studies that proved Victoza increased the risk of thyroid cancer by up to three or four fold. Novo Nordisk disputed these claims in a public statement.  This despite the fact that the FDA itself that seventeen Victoza thyroid cancer have come forward.  This number is irrefutably low, and probably represents only a fraction of the true number of Victoza thyroid cancer cases; reportedly as low as one percent.

Victoza Thyroid Cancer Attorney

Downtown L.A. Law Group is offering a free case evaluation for individuals who have been injured as a result of taking Victoza.   Please contact our office to immediately speak to a drug defect attorney, as there is a limited time to file Victoza lawsuits once you have learned about your injuries.

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