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Amputation After a Car Accident Attorney | Loss of Limbs

Amputations are some of the most difficult types of accidents to deal with. Depending on the degree of amputation and the limb, which was lost, it can alter the way you live your life. Even with an advanced prosthetic, am amputation can be both physically and emotionally damaging. Losing a limb after a car accident is more common then you may think. In fact many catastrophic high impact collision cases involve a sudden amputation. These amputations can be surgically performed or happen at the scene of the accident. Read here to know more about your rights.

Causes of Amputation

Amputation Car Accident Attorney Amputation after a car accident can occur in a few different ways. First, they can happen if an infection is contracted after a accidente de tráfico. This can happen at the hospital or on the way to the hospital. Second, amputations after a car accident can happen when a deep laceration takes place. A laceration which cuts to the bone can severe major veins and arteries. In such cases doctors will have no choice but to do a surgical amputation. This generally takes place when the accident involves a big rig truck. Third, amputations occur at the scene of the accident. Due to the impact limbs can detach. In some cases the truck or car can crush certain limbs, therefore amputating them. Each case is different and they require a significant amount of time and attention to understand the cause of the injury. If you have been injured seek immediate medical attention after your accident. Always be concerned with your safety first.

Case Value & Investigating the Case

Amputation lawsuits have high values, but this value is generally limited by the insurance policy limits for the at fault party. Here is an example of what I mean. If the at fault party had a minimum insurance, no assets and no job, but caused a serious accident resulting in amputation, you can only recover to the levels of the insurance policy. If the driver has no additional assets you can attach and no wages to garnish, the value of the claim will be limited. However, if you have a substantial underinsured policy, or uninsured policy you can seek recovery from your own insurance. It is also important to do some investigative work. We look into every single aspect of the case to make sure we can maximize the value. In certain cases the vehicle was loaned by a friend or employer, which will allow us to attach other assets to help recovery. Many amputation attorneys fail to do this type of investigative work, which will often cause the case to settle for a fraction of its actual price.   Without knowing what the policy limits are for all parties and whether other potential liability issues exist, we cannot determine the value the claim. It is important to mention that amputation cases can go in the high six or seven figure range. Although, this is really dependant on whether the policy limits exist to payout such figures.

Important Information

Car Accident Attorney GuideAfter an accident there are a few important steps you should take. Regardless of the size or injuries, these steps are universal. Here are some important tips after your car accident.
  1. Do not make any statements to the insurance companies. You will do this at a later time, and only to your own insurance company, but take some time to collect the facts. Do not make a hurried statement. These statements will be recorded and can influence the case in a negative light.
  2. Always, always, always seek medical attention. Get to a doctor for your injuries. If you have a serious amputation the ambulance will transport you. If you have been injured get medical attention to help you heal.
  3. Try and write down what happened. Our memories will often block out painful or traumatic events. In certain cases, we can even re-write how the accident happened. This will cause us to forget certain key elements. If you record the events, they will be admissible and can be used to jog your memory if needed.
  4. Speak to an attorney about your case. Our offices offer free consultations, and if we accept your case we advance all costs and fight to recover for your injuries.
Downtown L.A. Law Group handles all types of personal injury and accident cases. If you have been injured in a car accident contact our offices for a free consultation about your injuries.

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