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Rudy Juarez Diputado del Condado de LA atropellado por un coche en el este de Los Angeles

Rudy Juarez LA County Deputy Hit By Car in East Los Angeles17 year Los Angeles County Sherrifs Department Deputy was struck by a vehicle in East Los Angeles at around 6:00 AM Saturday Morning. Witnesses described the incident as a “tremendous collision”. The incident took place as the veteran deputy was assisting a stranded motorist at a highway 60 (Pomona freeway) underpass just a few yards away from the Calvary Catholic Cemetery .  LA County Sherries officials have told the press that deputy Juarez was transported to an area hospital  and has been describes as being in critical condition. The incident was not a hit and run collision as the driver of the vehicle remained on the scene of is fully cooperating with the investigation.  The driver is currently not facing any charges to DUI.

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