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Fines de semana lluviosos en Los Ángeles, sin sol y con muchos accidentes

LA’s drivers are used to dry and clear roads, but this weekend’s rains prove disastrous for motorist. Rain makes roads dangerous in the first ten minutes of exposure and many drivers are unable to appreciate the dangers of driving on slick or wet roads. Los Angeles’s dry roads often build up layers of oil and other chemicals and materials that make the roads slippery. When such material is exposed to water is creates very slippery or dangerous roads that prevent the drivers from properly stopping and because Los Angeles drivers are not acclimated to driving in such conditions it increases the chances of getting into an accidente de tráfico.If you have been involved in an accident It is recommended that in such conditions drivers pay particularly close attention to the roads and avoid distractions when driving. Maintain considerable space between you and the surrounding drivers and make sure to drive within the speed limits, particularly within the first few minutes of rain. Our tips for safe driving in the rain include:
  •         Avoid distractions when driving, including texting, talking on the phone;
  •        Pay close attention to the drivers around you, while you may be a safe driver, those around you may not be as careful;
  •         Maintain enough space between your vehicle and those in front of you;
  •         Make sure to wear your seatbelt;
  •          Lower your radio, so as to maintain a greater focus on the road and passengers around you;
  •         Drive slow and within the speed limits and on rainy days make sure that you do not exceed any speed limits as high speeds make it difficult to stop in the event of an emergency.
Si ha estado implicado en un accidente over the weekend make sure you take detailed reports of what has happened, keep photos of the incident, make sure to get witness names and numbers most importantly the names of the officers arriving at the scene and the other party’s insurance information. A common mistake made by those involved in accidents is failure to properly record the insurance information of the other driver. Failure to record this information can impede your recovery. While many accident cases can be resolved without the help of an attorney, some require immediate legal assistance. If you have been involved in an accident and feel that you need legal assistance for injuries in a car accident then contact our offices for a free evaluation, we can help you assess your case and let you know the best course of action.

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