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Hertz Car Rental Auto Accident Attorney How to Sue Hertz

Individuals may need rental cars if they are traveling from out of town, if their primary vehicles were damaged or undergoing repairs, or if they are in the middle of a trade-in. Rental agencies must be sure to follow certain regulations when providing customers with vehicles, and drivers should exercise all the same cares they do with their own vehicles and the safety of others. Hertz is one such company that provides rental cars to customers. Hertz Car Rental Auto Accident Attorney How to Sue Hertz Unfortunately, car accidents will always happen, even to those who rive Hertz vehicles. If you need a Hertz car rental auto accident attorney or if you need to find out how to sue Hertz for an accident, reach out to the Downtown LA Law Group today. We’ll help you through your claim and will work to win you every cent you deserve.

Requirements For A Rental Car

If you plan on renting a vehicle from Hertz, you must be able to show that you have valid insurance. If your insurance is invalid, expired, or otherwise not active, you will not be able to rent a vehicle. You must also be over the age of 21 (25 in some states) and have a valid driver’s license – not permit or restricted license. Hertz will likely offer you a package to cover potential damages to the car and to you and your passengers. Most of the time, the rental company will offer basic collision waivers that will absolve you of any cosmetic damage that happens to the vehicle. You can likely purchase more advanced and expensive packages in some situations. If you do not purchase any insurance from Hertz, you will be held responsible for all the damages that happen to the vehicle and to any third-parties in the event of a crash.

Sue Hertz For An Accident

Individuals who have rented cars from Hertz and gotten into accidents may be held fully accountable. You generally will be unable to sue Hertz for a car crash as they were not part of the reason for the incident in the first place. However, there are some circumstances in which you can take legal action. For instance, if you were involved in a crash with a Hertz vehicle that was defective in some way or had not been properly inspected, the company could be held liable for the accident and the ensuing damages and injuries. Hertz must inspect all of its vehicles when they return to the lots before being sent out or rented by other customers; if they do not adequately inspect these vehicles, problems may go unnoticed and cause devastating consequences. Further, some Hertz offices may have employees who do not care enough about correct business practices. They may allow vehicles to be rented out by those who do not have insurance or who have invalid driver’s licenses. Hertz can be targeted in a lawsuit if an accident happens because these drivers should not even be allowed on the street in the first place, and they were given free reign with the rental vehicles. Whether you were operating a Hertz car or if you were in an accident with someone who rented a Hertz vehicle, you can take legal action if the situation allows it. Let our Hertz rental car accident lawyers assist you with your claim.

Hertz Car Accident Information

Car accidents happen for various reasons, especially when rentals are being used. Some specific reasons for people to get into accidents while driving rental cars include a lack of familiarity with the roads and terrain and with the car itself, using a GPS or phone to navigate, and more. Drivers may not know that there are numerous hills and curves in an area of the city and may be taken aback when faced with them, leading to careless errors. They may also simply not know their way around the vehicle and not realize that a gear shifter is in a different location. Using a phone or GPS system is not limited to rental car drivers, though. Many people wind up on their phones to text or browse apps, which places themselves and others in danger. Inattention while behind the wheel is one of the primary causes of car accidents across the board. Other reasons include:
  • Speeding
  • Turning without signaling
  • Tailgating
  • Ignoring right of way laws
  • Failing to stop at stop signs and red lights
  • Improper merging onto the freeway
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs
  • Driving while tired
Careless driving can result in head-on collisions, rear-end crashes, sideswipes, T-bone crashes, and much more. These accidents can result in severe injuries to passengers and drivers, such as:
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Closed head injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Severed limbs and digits
  • Internal organ damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Neck and spinal cord injury
  • Back problems
  • Disc issues
  • Torn muscles
  • Ligament damage
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Death
It is important that you get medical help immediately after sustaining an accident. An accident with a Hertz rental car can leave you in serious pain. Our team of Hertz rental car accident lawyers can make sure that you are treated fairly by the insurance company.

What To Do After A Hertz Car Accident

In the event of a car crash with a Hertz rental vehicle, you should do all you can to stay healthy and safe. Getting medical attention is important for your longevity and for your claim. You can also immediately gather evidence after an accident. The first step with your medical attention is to all the paramedics, go to the hospital or emergency room, or get treatment from your doctor for any damages you suffered. If there were any injuries that didn’t manifest at first or that were masked by adrenaline, the healthcare professionals can find them. The sooner you get medical treatment, the more beneficial it will be to your lawsuit; a gap between the accident and the treatment can be a bad sign for your case. You should also make sure to take as many pictures as you can. This can include your injuries, the scene of the accident, the damage to your vehicle or to the rental, and more. Photos and videos will come in handy when showing the extent of the damages, as they may not last through the legal process. It is important that you get the insurance details and contact information of the other driver so that you can file an effective and relevant claim against his representative company. If you were involved in a hit and run case, you could potentially pursue underinsured/uninsured coverage through your insurance or through Hertz’s. You can file an incident report with Hertz or alert them to the fact that you were involved in an accident with one of their vehicles. If you are a customer, they may be able to send AAA or another towing company out, and they may be able to quickly provide you with a replacement rental. The accident may have resulted in a police investigation, and you should ask the precinct for a copy of the police report. You can also get statements and testimonies from eyewitnesses and passengers in other vehicles. It is highly recommended that you contact a skilled auto accident attorney with experience suing Hertz rental car agency. Our attorneys have litigated many claims against the company and know how to best win your rightful damages.

Legal Details of a Hertz Accident Lawsuit

If you plan to file an accident lawsuit against Hertz, you will only have 2 years from the date of the injury to do so. The statute of limitations is important and must be adhered to or you will be barred from receiving compensation. It can be extended if you were underage at the time of the incident or if the defendant left the state for any time. You may be able to earn various types of compensation from your injuries as well. If you were hurt in an accident, you could receive compensation for medical expenses, property damage, lost income, pain and suffering, and more. We will strive to bring you the maximum settlement available under the law.

Our Firm’s Promise

The Downtown LA Law Group has taken on dozens of Hertz rental car accident lawsuits over the years, and we have successfully brought our clients millions in damages. Our lawyers are aggressive and do not stop pursuing what you deserve until we are satisfied with the result. Our firm is among the highest-rated in the city, and we promise to work around the clock to win your lawsuit. Call our firm at [phonenumber] for a free legal consultation with an expert attorney. You can ask us for legal advice and we will tell you what we believe we can win for your claim. Our attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you want to hire us, we will give you our zero fee guarantee, which will allow you to spend no out of pocket expenses on the case. If we win, we get paid from the settlement we bring to you, but if we lose, we take no payment at all. Don’t let Hertz get away with not paying what they owe. Contact our skilled Hertz rental car accident lawyers for more assistance.

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