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Los Angeles Abogado de Accidente de Autobús

Los Angeles Bus Accident Attorney Public transportation is a vital asset for hundreds of thousands of Los Angeles residents. However in many instances improper driving or maintenance of buses results in serious injuries to passengers. Accidents often result in catastrophic injuries to not only passengers, but also pedestrians, bicyclists and other motorists alike. Bus drivers and bus operator companies have a duty to protect passengers and other motorists on the road from negligent or intentional acts which may result in serious harm. Our Personal Injury Law Firm proudly represents victims of public transportation accidents including MTA Bus Accidents in Los Angles County and surrounding communities. Legal Representation By Los Angeles Bus Accident Lawyers: Most insurance adjusters can and will attempt to low ball your injury claim if you are not represented by an attorney. It is vital to seek legal representation before you speak to any insurance adjusters or bus company agencies regarding your accident claim.

Accidents involving City Owned MTA Buses and Public Transportation Vehicles

Bus accidents result from many different factors including the negligence of the driver, the negligence of the mechanic and maintenance crew, product defects, poor weather conditions like icy and slick roads or high winds, lack of security procedures and lack of required safety devises on-board. Some of the more common causes of bus and public transportation accidents are as follows. [list type=”icon-arrow”]

  • Accidents caused by speeding of bus operator
  • Doors shutting on boarding passengers
  • Sudden stops or starts leading to neck injuries and concussions
  • Collision and traffic accidents with other vehicles on the road indulging trucks, motorcycle and pedestrians riding bicycles
  • Undue Speeding and distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of an intoxicant
  • Slip and Falls caused by the accumulation of debris or liquids on bus floors
  • Broken seat backs and handrails on the bus
  • Maintenance negligence: Poorly maintained buses leading to accidents
  • Driver negligence including distractions and errors
  • Defective manufacturing and installation of buses and bus parts


Infórmese sobre sus opciones de indemnización llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Common Carrier Duty - Leyes de Transporte Público y Privado de California: Common Law jurisdictions including the state of California impose a heightened level of care on individuals and corporations  who are in the business of transporting individuals from one location to another.  California Civil Code § states that Common Carriers, “must use the most care and diligence for their safe carriage, must provide everything necessary for that purpose,” including providing vehicles that are safe and fit for the purposes to which they are to be used for. Common carriers include not only public transportation entities such as the MTA or OCTA but also private (for profit) business which own and operate tour buses and commercial chartered bus lines. More on California Common Carrier laws aquí..

Los pasajeros pueden sufrir <a href="" door accident injuries defective closing opening bus doors>lesiones por negligencia del conductor del autobús<a> y puede tener una reclamación contra una línea de autobuses urbanos

Bus Passenger Injury Claims – Bus Occupant Accident Lawsuits:

A large percentage of bus related injuries take place inside the vehicle.  Bus passengers are at a heightened risk of slip and falls, bus assaults and battery, bus door injuries, wheelchair lift defects, sudden stops or starts, and driver negligence leading to serious traffic accidents. Most bus and public transportation vehicles contain security camera on board.  Such footage can be of great legal benefit providing your attorney with the essential evidence required to show negligence on the part of the bus drive, the bus line operator and other responsible parties. Los defectos de los autobuses en silla de ruedas causan lesiones gravesWheelchair lifts on board MTA Los Angeles buses are designed to assist disabled and handicapped individuals. However, in many instances such devices can be defectively designed, manufactures or installed, leading to serious bodily injuries to unsuspecting disabled passengers. Common causes of wheelchair bus lift accidents included, Improper maintenance, Wet Bus Lift surfaces, Oily Lift Surface, Defective machinery, Defective Design, lack of educating bus drivers as to their proper use, Improper installation, Negligent Handling and care by bus driver, Improper use, Failure to secure wheel chair during lifting process, Roll stop latch defect. Common Injuries Resulting From Bus Accidents: Some of the most common injuries in roadway bus collisions are as follows [list type=”icon-plus”]

  • Head Injury including Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Fracturas óseas
  • Spinal Cord Injuries resulting in permanent nerve damage and paralysis
  • Amputaciones y miembros amputados
  • Neck injuries including serious cases of whiplash
  • Back Injuries including fractured and herniated discs
  • Back Injuries including fractured and herniated discs


Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 con un representante ahora.

School Bus Accident Claims

Según la Administración Nacional de Seguridad Vial, there are an estimate 28,000 school bus accident each year leading to close to 8,000 injuries to children and teenagers. On average 10 occupants die in school bus accidents each year most of those passengers.  Injuries are usually the result of collisions with other cars or accidents involving pedestrians including many young school children. School buses are the most widely used form of mass transportation in the United States.  Around 10 million school bus trips are taken every year.  School buses are amongst the safest forms of transport in the county.

Guía de accidentes de autobús

- Accidente de autobús
- Causas habituales de los accidentes de autobús
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre accidentes de autobús
- Valor de una demanda por accidente de autobús
- Cómo presentar una reclamación por accidente de autobús
- ¿A quién puedo demandar?
- Prescripción
- Prescripción - Daño escolar
- Accidente de autobús escolar
- Accidente de grúa de autobús
- Accidente de autobús en una prisión
- Accidente de autobús con fuga
- Accidente de autobús chárter
- Accidente de autobús de enlace con el aeropuerto
- Abogado de accidente de autobús turístico
- Accidente de autobús Greyhound
- Abogado de lesiones de pasajeros de autobús
- Abogado de accidente de parada de autobús
- Accidentes con elevadores de autobuses para sillas de ruedas
- Lesiones por accidente de autobús
- Accidente de Autobús con Bicicleta Abogado
- Accidente de autobús con peatón

What To do After a Bus Accident?

What To do After a Bus Accident?

Here are 11 things to do in case you have been injured in bus accident

  • Asegúrate de que tú y los que te rodean estáis a salvo.  Your health and safety and those around you is important.  If you or another person has suffered injuries immediately seek medical attention. Even if you believe you have not been injured you should still get a checkup with a medical professional. The shock and resulting adrenalin rush experienced after a traumatic event often results individuals not being able to feel the pain of the injuries they suffered until hours or even days after an accident.
  • Do not attempt to talk with the other party including the Bus Driver or other drivers regarding fault or apologies. Any words you may have said can be used against you by insurance companies when you are seeking compensation for your damages and injuries.  Even politeness can be used against you.
  • Contact the local police department and report the bus accident.  If a school bus is involved then attempts to contact the school to notify them of the situation. If you know an attorney you can trust, contact them if you have any questions regarding the process.
  • If there are other injured bus passengers ask for their information. Evidence of other occupant injuries can strengthen yous case and increase your chances of recovery for your injuries.
  • Get the Bus Drivers Information. If you are not injured and you believe the area is reasonably safe then attempt to ask the bus driver for his driver’s license, car registration information, contact information, and insurance documentation.  Take down all information including the school he works for.  If you have a high resolution camera phone ask the person if it is OK to take pictures of the documents you have asked for.
  • Ask for Witness Information:  If there are witnesses who can testify on your behalf asked them for their contact information.
  • Get evidence. Take Pictures and take notes as much as possible of all the damage to your car, and well as the street lights, street address.  If there is a dispute down the line you will have proof.
  • Cuidado con quién hablas - si la otra parte la compañía de seguros se pone en contacto con ustedSu mejor respuesta es no decir nada, salvo informarles de que hablen del asunto únicamente con su abogado. De nuevo, cualquier declaración que haga a las compañías de seguros será utilizada en su contra.
  • Nunca acepte automáticamente el primer presupuesto u oferta que reciba - saltar el arma en el asentamiento puede ser un error costoso. Póngase en contacto con un abogado de accidentes de coche que sea experto en negociar con las compañías de seguros. Si las compañías de seguros juegan duro un agresivo experto Abogado accidente autobús llevará al demandado a litigio y juicio.
  • Consiga un abogado experto en accidentes de autobús - Un abogado de accidentes de autobús experto en luchar contra las compañías de seguros y proteger su derecho a una indemnización podrá aumentar sustancialmente la cantidad de compensación que reciba por sus daños y lesiones.
  • Cura tus heridas y mejórateluchar contra las compañías de seguros y los acusados es NUESTRO TRABAJO. Haremos que reciba la máxima indemnización por su pérdida.
  • NOTA - Prescripción: Existe un plazo limitado para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales contra los operadores de líneas de autobuses. Póngase en contacto con un representante legal lo antes posible para que no se agote el plazo para presentar la demanda.

Empiece hoy mismo llamando al (855) 339-8879.

Demanda contra la MTA por lesiones a pasajeros y otros conductores

Si ha sufrido lesiones en un Accidente de autobús en Los ÁngelesPrimero debe curar sus heridas y sanar sus lesiones. Buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos es nuestro trabajo. En Downtown LA Law Group nuestro equipo legal es experto y conocedor de las leyes de lesiones por accidentes de tráfico en general y los casos de accidentes de autobús, incluyendo accidentes de autobús LAUSD.

Por qué elegirnos para representarle ante los tribunales de justicia - Nuestros agresivos y tenaces litigantes se mantendrán a la ofensiva hasta asegurarse de que usted ha sido plenamente compensado por sus lesiones y reivindicado por su pérdida. Iremos a juicio y nos enfrentaremos a los conductores negligentes y a sus compañías de seguros para proteger sus derechos. Nuestro objetivo es ocuparnos de todos los detalles legales y asegurarnos de que consiga la mayor indemnización posible por su pérdida; mientras tanto, concéntrese en la parte más importante de este proceso -. tu recuperación.

Importante - Prescripción de accidentes de autobús: La mayoría de las líneas de autobús de California son propiedad y están gestionadas por entidades municipales y estatales que exigir la presentación de una reclamación por accidente de autobús en un plazo de 6 meses (180) a partir de la fecha del accidente. Por ello, es fundamental ponerse en contacto con un derecho de daños personales tan pronto como se vea implicado en un accidente causado por una línea de autobuses de propiedad municipal. Más información sobre accidentes de autobúsLesión cerebral tras un accidente de autobúsAccidentes por resbalones y caídas en autobusesRiverside Abogado de Accidente de AutobúsSan Bernardino Omnitrans Abogado de Accidente de AutobúsAccidente de autobús escolar en Anaheim

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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