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Rancho Cucamonga Car Accident Attorneys

Rancho Cucamonga car accident attorneys There are over 5 million car accidents per year, with about one-third resulting in injuries. Car accidents are serious and can cause severe damages to the cars and cause irreparable injuries to the passengers. It is not uncommon to see a death result from a car accident; there are over 35,000 deaths per year related to automobiles, even with the most safety features and careful driving. If you were implicado en un accidente de coche, you may be able to pursue worthwhile compensation from the insurance company representing the responsible party. Our team of attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group has ample experience handling car crash lawsuits and will be glad to represent you. Póngase en contacto con nuestro Rancho Cucamonga abogados de accidente de coche hoy mismo para obtener más ayuda.

¿Por qué ocurren los accidentes de tráfico?

Car accidents can happen anywhere, from freeways to residential streets. There may be broadside accidents at intersections, rear-end crashes at stop lights, sideswipe crashes on the highwayy choques frontales in dimly lit rural areas. Many accidents are simply attributed to driver negligence. A list of reasons for accidents can include the following:

  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Conducir con fatiga
  • Tailgating
  • Driving drunk or while under the influence of rugs and other substances
  • Saltarse semáforos en rojo
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians or other vehicles
  • Saltarse las señales de stop
  • Ignorar las leyes sobre el derecho de paso
  • Girar a la izquierda en dirección contraria
  • Pulling out of parking lots or into traffic without looking
  • Fusión incorrecta
  • Defectos del vehículo
  • Mal tiempo
  • Defectos viales

Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar con un representante legal sobre su situación ahora.

It is generally the responsibility of all drivers to ensure that they do not act in a way that places anyone else on the road in danger. For the most part, drivers are safe and courteous enough that accidents seldom happen. However, one simple inattentive action can cause a disaster. If you were injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another driver, póngase en contacto con nuestra Rancho Cucamonga car accident lawyers today for more assistance. We will walk you through the legal process and help you get started on your claim.

Nuestros veredictos y acuerdos recientes


Accidente de tráfico


Lesión de hombro

$1,5 Millones

Accidente de tráfico

$5,5 Millones

Accidente de moto


Lesión de espalda

$1 Millón

Accidente de carretilla elevadora


Accidente de camión

$3 Millones

Accidente de camión

What Are Common Injuries In Car Accidents?

Car crashes can lead to a very wide range of possible injuries. Even low-impact and relatively slow accidents can cause severe damages – and there are numerous cases of high speed collisions where people walked away without a scratch. There are many factors that can play a part in the extent of your injuries, such as whether or not you were wearing a seat belt, the direction from which you were struck, if your car rolled or went down an embankment or was struck by another vehicle in turn, your age and relative health, and much more. Some of the injuries we have seen are:

  • Dislocaciones
  • Fracturas
  • Huesos rotos
  • Conmociones cerebrales
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Daños en órganos internos
  • Lesiones craneales cerradas
  • Músculos desgarrados
  • Daño nervioso
  • Lesiones medulares y discales
  • Daños en el cuello
  • Parálisis
  • Quemaduras
  • Cicatrización
  • Dedos y miembros amputados
  • Daños en la rodilla
  • Lesiones de ligamentos
  • Coma
  • Muerte

It is crucial that you get medical help for any injury you receive in a car accident. There is a chance that some injuries will not show up immediately because of the adrenaline, while some other damages or pre-existing conditions may be aggravated.

Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

We recommend hiring one of our car accident attorneys in Rancho Cucamonga to take on your case and bring you the compensation you deserve. You should not be forced to pay your expenses and debts from the accident if the crash were caused by a negligent driver.

What Are Steps To Take After A Car Accident?

Many clients call us with questions of what to do after a car accident. Some call us at the scene of the crash requesting advice for what to do next. If you were severely hurt, you may be taken from the scene of the accident to a hospital or emergency room. If you weren’t immediately evacuated, you should make sure to follow these steps:

  • Get medical attention at once, whether from paramedics or from the hospital. If there is a gap in between the accident and your treatment, the insurance agent can claim that you were not as badly hurt as you stated, or that you were simply using the accident as a way to get damages from another incident.
  • Take photographs of your injuries
  • Haz fotos de la escena of the car accident
  • Record the damage done to your vehicle and the other vehicle
  • Interview eyewitnesses and passengers to get their statements
  • Get a copia del informe policial
  • Acquire any surveillance footage if the accident happened at a business or in a parking structure
  • Contact an experienced car accident lawyer to help you with your case, as you may not have any of the legal expertise required to successfully win your claim and get the maximum compensation available.

How Can I Sue After A Car Accident?

To file a lawsuit for a car accident and the ensuing injuries, you must be able to prove that you were the victim of negligence. All personal injury lawsuits are based on negligence, which consists of four points. They are:

  • Se le debía un deber de diligencia
  • El deber de diligencia se ha incumplido de algún modo
  • El incumplimiento del deber provocó un accidente
  • El accidente provocó lesiones físicas

If you were not physically harmed in the incident, you won’t be able to collect certain forms of compensation, such as medical expenses. You can still collect money for the damages done to your vehicle, though. You may also not need an attorney if you were not hurt. However, with the presence of injuries, it is always recommended that you get legal help, as there will be more opportunities for the insurance agent to deny your claim, argue about the validity of your statements, and more.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations For A Car Accident Lawsuit?

A demanda por accidente de coche is a personal injury claim, and therefore, you have 2 years from the date of the injury to file for compensation. If you do not file within that time limit, you will be unable to receive the compensation you deserve. The two-year limit is in place to protect both parties. For plaintiffs, evidence will not be lost and eyewitnesses will have better memories. For defendants, they will not be expected to pay off damages that are years-removed or no longer relevant. In some cases, you may be eligible for an extension of the state of limitations. This can happen if you were a minor at the time of the incident, for example; minors must wait until they are 18 before they can file a claim. It can also happen if you were mentally or physically incapable of filing a lawsuit, such as by being in a coma or in a PTSD-like episode. Once you return to functioning health, you could sue according to the normal statute of limitations.

To speak with a Rancho Cucamonga car accident lawyer, call (855) 339-8879.

Rancho Cucamonga car accident Lawyers Additionally, the defendant must be in the state when you sue for damages. If he left the state or the country, you could wait until he returns before having to adhere to the time limit. If you are unsure of how much time you have left to sue or if you simply want someone to handle your case to ensure that you miss no crucial dates, póngase en contacto con our car accident lawyers in Rancho Cucamonga for more assistance.

What Can I Receive As Compensation After A Car Accident?

If you were hurt in a car accident, you could be fairly compensated for all your injuries and expenses. Our attorneys have recovered millions for our clients, and we will strive to bring you the maximum settlement available under the law. We will work to bring you the following:

  • Gastos médicos pasados y futuros
  • Salarios perdidos en el pasado y en el futuro
  • Daños materiales
  • Dolor y sufrimiento

You may also be able to receive wrongful death damages if a family member or loved one passed away due to injuries from the accident, as well as punitive damages if the defendant acted particularly negligently or if he outright tried to harm you. Our lawyers will strive to secure you every penny you deserve. If you try to undertake your case alone you may wind up with nothing at all due to your lack of experience or inadequate amount of time and knowledge. Let our Rancho Cucamonga car accident lawyers win you the restitution you need after your accident.

Por qué elegirnos

Downtown LA Law Group has a promise that each of our clients deserves the fairest treatment possible, and we will always work to bring you the maximum compensation available. If we have to go to court, we are willing to do so. Our lawyers are aggressive and do not take no for an answer. We will negotiate the fairest deal possible. If you need medical help or if you are in need of other assistance, we will make sure you are squared away. For a free legal consultation, contact our offices today. We’ll answer any questions you have and we’ll tell you what we believe your claim is worth. We will give you a free second opinion if you already have an attorney, and we will inform you about the legal process. Hiring us means you will receive our zero fee guarantee. This keeps your finances secure and will not place you in any risk of losing money. You will not pay us a dime throughout the duration of your case. We will only get paid if we win and the money will come from the settlement we win for you. If we lose, we take no payment at all. Call (855) 339-8879 to get in touch with the Downtown LA Law Group today for expert legal representation from our Rancho Cucamonga abogados de accidente de coche.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
para nuestros clientes

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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