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Irvine Personal Injury Attorneys

Irvine personal injury attorneys Injuries happen every day, but some accidents can be blamed on the recklessness of other parties. If you are implicado en un accidente, you may not want to take legal action because you feel that you cannot prove that you weren’t at fault or because you do not know where to start. Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers in Irvine en el Downtown LA Law Group will be more than happy to take on your case for you and successfully defend you to win your rightful restitution.

Forms of Personal Injury Claims

You may be involved in any number of accidents or incidents. Most claims have their own specific name and target. They will depend on the type of accident, where it happened, who was at fault, and more. Our personal injury attorneys in Irvine have years of experience in personal injury law and we have handled myriad different cases. We can help you in cases with simple negligence or those involving strict liability. Talk with us about your case and we’ll help you get started. Some of the personal injury areas we handle include:

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If you were hurt because of someone else’s negligence, we will help you with your case. You will not have to worry about anything when you come to us – we know how difficult it can be in the aftermath of an accident, and you may not have the time, money, knowledge, or experience required to move forward with your lawsuit. Our Irvine abogados de lesiones personales will be able to assist you.

Proving Your Lawsuit

Con el fin de presentar una demanda por daños personales against the responsible party, you must be able to show that you were the victim of negligence. To do so, you must show these four points as true. Bear in mind that if even one of these points is established to be false, your entire claim will fall apart. The four points are:
  • Se le debía un deber de diligencia
  • The duty of care was breached by the party
  • The breach of duty resulted in an accident or incident of some sort
  • The incident led to your actual physical injuries
If you were not physically harmed in the incident, you will not be able to file a personal injury lawsuit. You will only be able to pursue damages for lost wages and damaged property. The benefit to situations like that is the lack of a need for a lawyer; you can usually negotiate the claim yourself because attorneys will not fight as hard due to the small and reduced costs. Once medical bills and other damages pop up, though, insurance agents will become much more defensive and refuse to settle easily, so an attorney will be highly recommended. If you want the best chance of success with your claim, you can take these steps to ensure that you have ample evidence and that you’re adequately prepared for your lawsuit:
  • Seek medical treatment as quickly as possible, even if you feel that you were not hurt (a lengthy gap between the accident and the treatment can be a red flag for insurance agents, as they can blame the injury on another incident)
  • Haz fotos de tus lesiones, the scene of the accident, the damage to your belongings, and any other evidence that can be preserved with pictures or videos
  • Keep any receipts, documents, notes, credit card statementsy mucho más
  • Hold on to any contracts or signed agreements
  • If applicable, obtenga una copia del informe policial from the incident
  • Interview eyewitnesses and bystanders for their statements and testimonies to corroborate and support your claim
  • Do not accept any compensation, free perks, benefits, or other forms of gifts from the responsible party, as they can claim that they fairly compensated you and additional compensation is excessive
  • Record any insurance information, contact details, personal details, and other necessary information so you will have no trouble identifying who was at fault and who will be the target of the claim
It is important that you speak with one of our personal injury attorneys in Irvine for more help. You can contact us at any point, whether you were just involved n an accident or you are a few weeks removed and want to pursue a legal claim but don’t know where to start. We will be available to assist you no matter what.

Descubra cómo podemos ayudarle. Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Lawsuit Compensation

A personal injury lawsuit can result in you getting ample compensation for your damages. If you were injured in any kind of incident, you could sue the responsible party and be properly reimbursed for the various debts and expenses. Our Irvine personal injury attorneys will work around the clock to make sure you receive full restitution for your losses. We will see to it that you earn:
  • Coverage for medical expenses from the past and future (surgery, ambulatory transportation, hospitalization, x-rays, anesthesiologist fees, physical therapy sessions, medication and prescription drugs, and more)
  • Reimbursement of the wages you lost from not being able to go to work, as well as coverage for the wages you will not be able to earn because of additional medical treatments or time spent away for recovery
  • Pago de los bienes dañados and belongings, like your furniture, vehicle, laptop, cell phone, and more
  • Daños morales, which cover the emotional and mental trauma you suffered in the incident, such as anxiety, PTSD, fear, psychological trauma, and more
Your type of lawsuit can also dictate additional forms of compensation. For instance, a claim against a hotel for bed bugs can yield in coverage for the rented room, reimbursement of vacation costs, and coverage for extermination if the bed bugs came home with you. If a family member or loved one passed away in the accident, you could receive coverage for their wrongful death, like funeral costs, burial expenses, pre-death medical expenses, pre-death pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of inheritance and savings, and much more. In situations where the responsible party acts with gross negligence or intentionally attempts to harm you, you could pursue punitive damages. These are monetary payments meant to punish the defendant and are usually handed out to replace jail time as punishment. However, they are usually viewed as excessive and may not be easily awarded by judges and juries. Only a skilled lawyer with experience in personal injury law will be able to win them for your lawsuit. Póngase en contacto con nuestra personal injury attorneys in Irvine for more assistance.

Time Limit on Personal Injury Cases

Often, victims of accidents and incidents will be unable to receive the compensation they deserve because they were unaware of when the statute of limitations ran out for their claims. It is crucial that you pay careful attention to these dates and identify when your case will no longer b eligible. In California, you have 2 years from the date of the injury to file a claim against the responsible entity. However, if you plan on filing a medical malpractice case, you have 1 year from the date of the injury or 3 years from the discovery of the injury – unless there was a foreign object left in your body during surgery, in which case, you will not have a statute of limitations on your claim. There are other ways that the statute of limitations can be extended. Examples include:
  • Age of the plaintiff: Plaintiffs under the age of 18 do not have to adhere to the statute of limitations until they turn legal age, as minors cannot file lawsuits.
  • Status of the plaintiff: If you were greatly injured and left mentally or physically unable to file a claim, you would not have to adhere to the statute of limitations until you returned to functioning and capable health.
  • Location of the defendant: If the defendant vacates the state or leaves the country, you will not be able to take legal action. Thus, the statute would be put on hold until he returned to the state.
  • State of war: If the country entered a time of war and the party or parties had to serve in the military, the statute would be suspended until their duty is over or until the war ceases.
If you need assistance determining how much time you have left for your case and what the statute of limitations is, contact our Irvine personal injury lawyers. We’ll be able to get your documents submitted on time and will ensure that you do not miss any important deadlines. You won’t have to worry about any dates if you select us to represent you.

Obtenga más información sobre sus opciones legales: Llame a (855) 339-8879 para hablar ahora con un representante.

Permítanos ayudarle

Downtown LA Law Group can provide you with a team of expert personal injury lawyers in Irvine. We have years of experience in personal injury law and know the best methods to winning your claim. We will go to court if we have to in order to defend your rights and prove you were a victim in front of a judge and jury. Our aggressive attorneys won’t rest until you are adequately compensated. If you wish to speak with us about your case, call our offices at (855) 339-8879 for a free legal consultation. We will tell you what we feel you can earn and what we will do to help. We’ll also give you our zero fee guarantee, which will promise that you do not have to pay any expenses throughout the legal process. We won’t get paid unless and until we win, and if we lose, we do not take any payment whatsoever. Let the personal injury lawyers in Irvine en el DTLA Law Group help you with your lawsuit.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.


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