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Omni Palm Springs Abogado de Lesiones

Omni Palm Springs Injury Attorney sue lawyer

If you have taken a vacation in Palm Springs lately, you may have stayed at the famous Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa, or locally sometimes referred to or called Omni Palm Springs. The Omni Palm Springs offers many different resort packages and accommodations, including:

  • Spas
  • Golfing facilities
  • Tennis facilities
  • Pickleball courts and facilities
  • Bed and breakfast services
  • Longer days and longer stay packages

But some of these rooms or areas of the hotel have problems with the stairs, stairwells and treads on the stairways, which make it a dangerous condition for the guests as they are walking around at the resort.

Why Are the Stairs at the Omni Palm Springs So Dangerous?

The stairwells, stairways, stairs and treads on stairs at the Omni Palm Springs can be dangerous and have issues in regard to safety. The stairs at this resort may have problems because of low maintenance, with the:

  • Stability of the stairs
  • Crumbling stairwells
  • Loose hand railings
  • Wrong dimensions for handrails
  • Improper tread distance on stairs
  • Poor appearance

Another reason for the stairs at the Omni Palm Springs to be dangerous, is because they were designed wrong. If you have fallen on a winder or curved stairway that does not have an intermediate platform for you to step onto to descend the stairway, you may be susceptible to tripping and falling on that stairway. Finally, if there are rugs or mats placed at the bottom of the stairs, they can become frayed, scrunched up, bunched up or otherwise not flattened out by continued use of the stairwells. You can fall and trip on the bottom areas of a stairway, just as easy as falling from the top of the stairs, when the stairs are in a serious state of disrepair. If this has happened to you, call us now and we can review your claim with you today.

Omni Plam Springs Injury Attorney lawyer lawsuit sue
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Responsabilidad civil


Lesión de espalda


Lesión de espalda


Traumatismo craneal

How Are People Injured by Walking on the Stairs at the Omni Palm Springs?

People can be injured by falling down a flight of stairs, and can be injured seriously when stairs are in question for safety reasons at an Omni Palms Springs hotel. The types of injuries that you can sustain by falling down the stairs, include:

  • Esguinces
  • Strains of muscles
  • Fracturas y fracturas óseas
  • Contusiones y hematomas
  • Traumatismos craneoencefálicos
  • Cortes y laceraciones
  • Lesiones internas
  • Piercing internal organ injuries
  • Broken back and serious spinal injuries

Spinal injuries also have a whole host of other serious repercussions, which can include other symptoms that need to be addressed medically, after a fall down a flight of stairs. These other medical problems and related secondary medical issues that can result from a fall down the stairs at an Omni Palm Springs hotel, can include:

  • Neurological deficits
  • Pérdida de sensibilidad
  • Bowel issues
  • Bladder problems
  • Sexual impairment
  • Autonomic dysfunction
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Cystitis
  • Emergency readmissions
  • Spinal cord injury-immune deficiency syndrome
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Problemas respiratorios
  • Neumonía
  • Parálisis
  • Muerte

If you fall down a flight of stairs and injure your back, it can lead to longer-term complications to heal your back. If you suffered a herniated disk or spinal cord damage, you may be in for a recovery period that can last for months to years, not just a few weeks. You can call us even as you are recovering from your injuries. It is the right time to give us a call, even if you are still under the doctor’s care for your injuries sustained as a guest at the hotel.

Why Are There More Risks to Acquiring a Permanent Disability with a Spinal Cord Injury?

If you fall down the stairs at an Omni Palm Springs hotel and injure your back, you may have a higher risk of acquiring a permanent disability if you are suffering from a spinal cord injury. You must remember, spinal cord injuries are usually serious in nature, and often require complex treatments after you have suffered this type of injury. For example, with a spinal cord injury, to help you recover, you may be required to have several different types of treatments to help you recover from your injury, including:

  • Surgical treatments
  • Treatments to relieve pressure and compression on the spinal cord
  • Treatments to reshape spinal stability
  • Treatments to mitigate damage to other areas of the spine
  • Medication steroid hormones
  • Medication gangliosides
  • Opioid receptor antagonists to improve blood supply to spinal cord
  • Calcium channel blockers to inhibit muscle contraction
  • Neurotrophic factors to promote nerve regeneration
  • Hyperbaric oxygen to improve hypoxia and promote nerve cell repair of spine area
  • Chondroitinase ABC to promote neurological function recovery
  • Riluzole to improve motor function
  • Various rehabilitation and physical therapies after a spinal injury

If you have suffered an injury from visiting an Omni Palm Springs hotel, just give us a call today, and we will help you to get the recovery compensation that you deserve in this case.

Can an Injury Falling on the Stairs Be Serious, or Result in a Permanent Disability?

Yes, a fall down a flight of stairs can lead to a serious injury, or even a permanent disability. For example, if you are on a stairwell that is poorly maintained with crumbling stair treads that give away under your feet, you can easily take a tumble backwards and fall down the full length of the stairs. If the stairs are concrete, then the likelihood of your sustaining a serious and permanent disability are increased. If you fall down a flight of stairs either inside or outside of an Omni Palm Springs building, then you may be injured and suffer multiple injuries. Even if you are a stunt double as your “day job” and you are used to falling down stairwells for a living, falling, and careening down a flight of stairs is going to do more than just “hurt.” You can sustain serious injuries that may put you into a hospital, requiring additional surgical procedures, treatments, and other therapies to help you to recover, heal and get “put back together” after a fall on a stairway.

Garantía de cero comisiones

We offer a zero-fee guarantee that allows us to review your claim without requiring you to pay us any up front money first. You can get in on this special offer today, just give us a call right now at the DTLA Law Group.

Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in an Omni Palm Springs Injury

We can give you a free second opinion case review, with our experienced lawyers at the DTLA Law Group. We have on our professional legal team many attorneys who specialize in winning personal injury cases. It can be the first step for you, to call us to talk to a lawyer with a specialty in personal injury claims. We are here to help you, and we are always on your side with experienced attorneys in Los Angeles at the DTLA Law Group at 855-339-8879.

Can I Sue for an Omni Palm Springs Injury?

Yes, we can sue for an injury sustained by visiting an Omni Palm Springs hotel. If this has happened to you, just call our Los Angeles case lawyers today, and we can file a lawsuit on your behalf against the at-fault parties. Just call our case attorneys in Los Angeles right now at the DTLA Law Group at 855-339-8879.

Average Case Value of an Omni Palm Springs Injury

The average case value of an injury from staying at an Omni Palm Springs hotel, can range from $100,000 to over $3 million for a serious and debilitating injury, in this type of case.

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¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en resolver y cobrar estos casos?

The length of time that it will take to settle and get paid on this case, will depend on your injuries, damages, and future medical procedures that you may need to help you make the fullest possible recovery. You can expect that it may take 4-7 months to settle out your claim, to reach the final settlement.

Prescripción - ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para presentar una demanda?

El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales es de dos años. El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por acoso y discriminación es de un año, con un plazo de dos años para presentar una demanda por despido improcedente.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

It is easy to call us now to review your Omni Palm Springs injuries, and help you to initiate a lawsuit based on the merits of your claim. You can contact us now at the DTLA Law Group at 855-339-8879.


Freyermuth-Trujillo, X., Segura-Uribe, J. J., Salgado-Ceballos, H., Orozco-Barrios, C. E., & Coyoy-Salgado, A. (2022). Inflammation: A Target for Treatment in Spinal Cord Injury. Cells, 11(17), 2692.

Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., & Qian, T. (2021). Inflammatory Response to Spinal Cord Injury and Its Treatment. Neurocirugía mundial, 155, 19–31.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.