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Hyperbaric Chamber Injury Attorney Lawyer attorney lawsuit compensation incident sue
Hyperbaric Chambers Are Used as Interventions for Advanced Oxygen Therapies

Hyperbaric oxygen therapies are used when there is a necessity for pure oxygen to increase atmospheric pressures for a person’s blood to heal tissues that are damaged on account of an accident. The way the therapy works, is that the increase of pressure and oxygen increases blood oxygen levels and oxygen in human tissues, which can promote rapid healing when necessary. Oxygen is a nutrient that is needed by the body, and it is usually gained in the lungs not the gastrointestinal tract. Oxygen is necessary to basic life force, and it acts as an electron acceptor that promotes ATP synthesis which is oxidative phosphorylation.1 If a person has been in an accident and experiences a lack of oxygen to the lungs or tissues, this is called hypoxia, which can cause many complications in the body. The use of a hyperbaric chamber will help to reverse this situation, and will give the living cells the oxygen they need to manage hypoxia as a therapeutic strategy for healing.

Hyperbaric Chamber Injury Attorney Lawyer attorney lawsuit compensation incident sue
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Complications of Hyperbaric Chamber Interventions Can Be Serious

If you are in a hyperbaric chamber, you may be put there for healing reasons, but that therapy can also cause serious complications. Your time in the hyperbaric chamber will average from 1-2 hours, and can cause some side effects if your time in the chamber is not monitored carefully by a certified healthcare professional. Common side effects of hyperbaric chamber therapies can include:

  • Daño pulmonar
  • Sinus problems
  • Vision changes
  • Myopia
  • Oxygen poisoning
  • Lung failure
  • Fluid in the lungs
  • Convulsiones

When monitoring a hyperbaric chamber the pressure in the chamber has to be lower than three times the normal pressure in the ambient room atmosphere. If these pressures are too high, it can cause damage to the person’s lungs and circulatory system. A person should not be put into a hyperbaric chamber with:

  • Recent eye or ear surgery or injury
  • Recent fever
  • Claustrophobic
  • Pulmón colapsado
  • At risk for lung disease or a high risk of developing a collapsed lung

We are here for you, and our legal team will review your hyperbaric chamber injury claim today when you give us a call. We understand that you may still be under a doctor’s care, and we can work with you now to get you the recovery compensation that you deserve in this case. If you have had an accident and medical complications with a hyperbaric chamber and technicians who put your health at risk with wrong treatment options, you need to talk to a lawyer with experience in personal injury claim. We are that legal team, and we are here to give to you the peace of mind that you will get when you are working with an attorney with expertise in winning personal injury claim.

Garantía de cero comisiones

We offer a zero-fee guarantee, when you call us now at the DTLA Law Group for a free case review of your personal injury claims.

Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in a Hyperbaric Chamber Injury

We can offer to you a free second opinion case review, with our professional legal group of attorneys who specialize in personal injuries related to a hyperbaric chamber accident. You can start the process now to a full recovery compensation package, by working with our legal team today. When you are ready to get your claim started with an experienced attorney in Los Angeles, you can call us at the DTLA Law Group.

Can I Sue for a Hyperbaric Chamber Injury?

Yes, we can sue for your personal injuries as are related to a hyperbaric chamber accident. You can call us today to talk to our Los Angeles case lawyers, who can file a lawsuit on your behalf right now. Just call us to speak directly to our case attorneys in Los Angeles at the DTLA Law Group at 855.339.8879.

Average Case Value of a Hyperbaric Chamber Injury

The average case value of a hyperbaric chamber injury can range from $30,000 to over $300,000, depending on your losses and damages related to your personal injury claim.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en resolver y cobrar estos casos?

It can take 3-6 months to settle and get paid on your hyperbaric chamber injury case. If you are still under a doctor’s care, you can call us today, as we can work with you in that case as well. Just call us now at the DTLA Law Group.

Hyperbaric Chamber Injury Attorney Lawyer Attorney lawsuit attorney sue
Prescripción - ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para presentar una demanda?

El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales es de dos años. El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por acoso y discriminación es de un año, con un plazo de dos años para presentar una demanda por despido improcedente.

Llame para una consulta gratuita

You can call us now for a free consultation, and we will go over your claim with you for free. If you have had a hyperbaric chamber accident, you may be experiencing medical issues now that are directly related to your injuries. The healthcare providers who helped you and monitored you in the hyperbaric chamber may have given you the wrong oxygen therapies, which can cause you medical complications. If you found that you have poor health now because of your time spent in a hyperbaric chamber, you need to call us immediately for help with your claim. When you work with our legal team, you will never need to give us any money down, money in advance or money towards your recovery. We will handle your claim for you from start to finish, and give you the peace of mind you deserve in this type of personal injury case.


1Ortega, M. A., Fraile-Martinez, O., García-Montero, C., Callejón-Peláez, E., Sáez, M. A., Álvarez-Mon, M. A., García-Honduvilla, N., Monserrat, J., Álvarez-Mon, M., Bujan, J., & Canals, M. L. (2021). A General Overview on the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Applications, Mechanisms and Translational Opportunities. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 57(9), 864.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.