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Hair Transplant Injury Attorney sue lawsuit compensation incident-06

Men and women who are losing their hair from age, trauma or medications related to a disease, feel less confident and secure with hair that falls out every day from their head. People look at hair transplants in a new way these days, and it is a viable option for men and women with thinning hair or who are losing their hair at any age.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant offers the opportunity for someone losing his, her or their hair to have hair restored to their head. The hair transplantation process is performed as a surgical procedure, whereby there are circular punches made to take skin grafts from the scalp, which than puts in hair follicles into the area to promote the growth of new hair.2 In general, human hair grows in groupings in the scalp, and a person’s hair density can be different among different ethnic groups. Some hair is straight, some curly at the root, and other people have combination hair follicles. The hair that is transplanted to a person for a hair transplant surgery, will come from a donor with the same type of hair for harvesting a donor strip, that is transplanted from the donor zone to the recipient’s hair zone. The procedure of a hair transplantation is usually part of the process to help a person grow new hair, and is usually not the last step in getting more hair from someone losing hair for medical or non-medical reasons. There may be medication that the individual with a hair transplant needs to take, more hair transplant grafts, and it can be a lifelong process to start growing new hair on someone’s head again.

hair transplant injury incident liability lawsuit attorney
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Some Types of Alopecia Hair Loss May Not Respond to Hair Transplantation Procedures

If you have hair loss because of the disease of alopecia, you may not be eligible for a hair transplant. Alopecia can affect men and women, but it is more common in men, and can result from:

  • Hereditary factors
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical conditions
  • A normal part of aging
  • Temporary medications
  • Permanent bodily changes and aging

If you have had scarring with alopecia, you may not be a candidate for hair transplantation. If you have had certain types of alopecia, you cannot have a hair transplant with a diagnosis of:2

  • Lichen planopilaris
  • Frontal fibrosing alopecia
  • Folliculitis decalvans
  • Discoid lupus
  • Alopecia areata

But if you have had other types of alopecia, a hair transplantation may be entirely suitable for you, such as with the condition of:2

  • Male androgenetic alopecia
  • Female pattern hair loss
  • Secondary scarring alopecia’s from burns, post-radiotherapy, post-surgical procedures
  • Temporal triangular alopecia
  • Advancement of frontal hairline in congenital high hairlines
  • Traction alopecia
  • Eyebrow hair loss from excessive plucking or trauma
  • Eyelash, beard or public hair loss
  • Heridas
  • Vitiligo

If you have been diagnosed with a condition that requires a hair transplantation and it was performed badly by the medical team assisting you, it is possible for you to call us today to get a free review of your medical claims.

“Help, I Had a Hair Transplant and Now I Am Scarred for Life, What Do I Do Now?”

If you have had a hair transplant and had scarring, you may have had a hair transplant gone bad. If a person is given a hair transplant and it results on your having scars, decreased follicle growth and other poor results, there may have been some negligence or malpractice associated with your hair transplantation procedure. For example, if you received a hair transplant that was meant to grow hair in your burn scar and it “didn’t take” but made your scars even bigger, then you may have had a failed hair transplantation. Your failed hair transplantation can be a result of malpractice, neglect or incompetence for the medical team who performed your procedure. In any event, you need not suffer any longer, and you can call us today at the DTLA Law Group at 855.339. 8879 for a free review of your case by our professional legal team.

Garantía de cero comisiones

We can review your claim for free when you give us a call today, and we can offer to you a zero-fee guarantee right now.

Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in a Hair Transplant Injury

We can give you a free second opinion case review, with our professional attorneys who specialize in personal injuries form a hair transplantation surgery. All that you have to do to get the claim started, is to call us to review your claim with our lawyers, with specialty in personal injuries from a hair transplant surgery gone wrong. Call now for help from an experienced attorney in Los Angeles at the DTLA Law Group.

Can I Sue for a Hair Transplant Injury?

Yes, we can sue the at-fault medical and healthcare parties for your hair transplant injuries. All that you need to do to get started, is to call us to speak directly to our Los Angeles case lawyers at the DTLA Law Group at 855.339.8879 today. We can file a lawsuit on your behalf, and our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue the parties at fault for your losses and damages.

hair transplant incident liability lawsuit attorney sue
Average Case Value of a Hair Transplant Injury

The average case value of a hair transplant injury can range from $30,000 to over $300,000. Your final settlement and recovery compensation package will depend on your expenses, personal injuries and losses as are related to your claim.

¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en resolver y cobrar estos casos?

It can take around 4-6 months to settle out your lawsuit and personal injury claim. If you are still under a doctor’s care, you may have additional physical therapy or other therapies that need to be scheduled, and that is acceptable as well. We will consider all future procedures that you will need to have as well in the settlement time table to settle out your claim.

Prescripción - ¿De cuánto tiempo dispongo para presentar una demanda?

El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales es de dos años. El plazo de prescripción en California para presentar una demanda por acoso y discriminación es de un año, con un plazo de dos años para presentar una demanda por despido improcedente.

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2Jimenez, F., Alam, M., Vogel, J. E., & Avram, M. (2021). Hair transplantation: Basic overview. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 85(4), 803–814.

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Abogados destacados


Steven Ross, Esq.

edward morgan

Edward Morgan, Esq.

Amy Gómez

Bonnie Madani, Abogada

Nina Sargsyan, Esq.

Jeffrey Bloeser, Esq.