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17 of 31 Occupants aboard Duck Boat Drown in Capsize Incident

As investigation into deadly duck boat incident begins, survivor describes almost drowningA Missouri duck boat carrying 31 passengers of varying ages capsized in a storm while it was out on the water. Winds in excess of 70 mph caused the boat to have trouble making it back to shore, and it inevitably sunk. Reports from individuals who survived state that the captain said that they would not need the life jackets, although he did point out their location. One woman lost 9 members of her family in the incident. As recently as last year, there were reports that the duck boats were improperly designed and could make escaping difficult for passengers in the event the boat capsized. The canopies would be harder to escape from, for instance, and the pump that would extract excess water would not work if the motor shut off. In addition to the issues with the design of the boats, there are problems with the regulation of the trips. Essentially, there is none; the boats were not created to be carriers for tourists. The boats do not have any limits on how many people can be on them, how to operate in storms, when it is too dangerous to go out to sea, and more. The Coast Guard has not looked into banning the commercial tourist use of duck boats; instead, they have focused on the environmental impact and the preservation of the waterways.
With the large amount of fatalities from the incident, many families are seeking compensation for the untimely deaths of their family members.

Learn more about your legal options: call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

Wrongful Death Claim against a Marine Tourist Company

When customers are aboard a boat, the captain has a responsibility to protecting them. He should always ensure that the customers are outfitted with life jackets, know emergency procedures, and can be kept safe in the event of a disaster. If the captain is negligent in these duties, he and the company employing him can be hit with hefty lawsuits, especially if the negligence results in death. If a loved one or family member has been killed as a result of the design flaw of a boat or as a result of the captain’s negligence, you should pursue a wrongful death claim against the responsible party. We will help you win the compensation you deserve, including coverage for funeral and burial expenses, pre-death pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of expected savings and inheritance, and much more. 17 Dead After Duck Boat Capsizes Near Branson, Missouri

Contact Us

If you are in need of legal assistance to handle your wrongful death claim, call our law group in Los Angeles, the Downtown LA Law Group. We’ll gladly handle your case for you and walk you through the entire legal process. We are an aggressive group of lawyers and we do not stop pursuing your rightful compensation from the responsible party. We are always willing to take your case to court and will fight for your fair restitution in front of a judge and jury. Call us today to receive a free legal consultation with a skilled lawyer. We’ll look over your case and tell you what we believe it’s worth. We’ll also give you more details about our zero fee guarantee, which promises that you won’t pay any fees unless and until we win your lawsuit.

Find out more about how we can help you. Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

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