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Tripped and Fell Over a Box in a Store Injury Lawyers

Tripped and Fell Over a Box in a Store Injury Lawyers incident accident liability sue lawsuit

If you were injured in a trip and fall accident in a store, you could have the right to file a lawsuit. For more information about the legal options available to you, contact the experts here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group today. Our personal injury lawyers have decades of experience handling personal injury claims, like trip and falls. Our team is not afraid to take on any property owner to fight for the rights of our clients and get them the best recovery possible.

Can I sue if I tripped and fell over a box in a store?

Yes, you sue. You can file a civil lawsuit against the owners of the store if you have tripped and fallen over a box that was negligently left on the floor of the store. This is because property owners, managers, and employees have the responsibility to keep the store floors clean and free of any debris, trash, merchandise, boxes, etc. that might represent a hazard to customers in the store. Of course, if you trip and fall due to something that was recklessly left on the floor, you would not be to blame. Rather, the property owner would be responsible.

Some of the different stores/establishments where trip and fall accidents could happen include the following:

  • Bakeries
  • Department stores
  • Farm supply stores
  • Grocery stores
  • Mail order stores
  • Merchandise “big box” stores
  • Office supply stores
  • Retail stores
  • Supermarkets
  • Warehouse stores

No matter the type of store, there should never be any boxes or merchandise left on the floor. Whether employees are stocking shelves, working on displays, etc., all boxes and other packaging must be cleaned up properly to avoid any risk to customers. When store owners, managers, and employees fail to keep the floors on their store clear of hazards, then they could be held accountable for any harm resulting from a trip and fall accident.

Tripped and fell over a box in a store sue lawsuit lawyer attorney compensation incident accident liability
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What are My Rights if I Tripped and Fell at a Store? Do I Have a Case?

Can you sue? Yes – if you were injured at a store after tripping and falling due to a box that was left on the floor, you could have the right to file a lawsuit. Your right to sue is based on premise liability, which states that property owners have a duty of care to all guests on their premises. They have a duty to keep their entire premises clear of any hazards (like boxes left on the floor) that could lead to incidents (like trip and falls). When property owners fail to identify and address hazards throughout their premises and directly contribute to an incident, they can be liable for all resulting harm.

In other words, store property owners can be liable for any injuries resulting from a trip and fall accident on their premises. Therefore, if you tripped and fell on a box at a store, you could certainly have a case. We recommend that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible to confirm whether you have a case and start the legal process.

The Possible Value of a Box Trip and Fall Claim

What is the average value of a trip and fall claim? How much can my case be worth if I tripped and fell on a box in a store? These are very common questions. Although these are important questions, they are not questions that we can answer accurately without knowing every detail about your case. Ultimately, the value of your case will be based on type of harm that you suffered. For instance, a trip and fall claim involving in a traumatic brain injury will typically be valued much higher than a claim involving a broken leg. For serious injuries, case values can range significantly – from $100,000 to $1 million or more, for instance. If your injuries are minor to moderate, like sprains and broken bones, then your case value is likely to be under the $100,000 mark.

In addition to the type and severity of the injuries suffered, additional details that affect case value include the wages that were lost as a direct result of the incident, all medical expenses, mental and emotional distress caused by the injury, etc. For more information about the possible value of your trip and fall claim, we recommend that you contact us today. One of our experts will be able to evaluate your situation and help you better understand what your case could be worth.

Injuries Resulting from Tripping Over a Box in a Store and Falling

Trip and fall accidents can result in many injuries, which can include the following:

  • Arm and wrist injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Contusions
  • Fractures
  • Head injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Leg injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

In some cases, the injuries resulting from a trip and fall accident can cause permanent harm and could even be fatal. No matter the specific injuries that you or a loved one suffered in a trip and fall accident, you could have the right to file an injury claim. Your accident occurred because of the negligence of store employees, managers, and owners, and they should be held accountable.

We Offer Free Second Opinions

If you have already started your case elsewhere but are unhappy with the way things are going, then you should consider switching lawyers. Whether the main issue is a lack of communication, missing deadlines, etc., switching representation could be beneficial to your claim. Here at our law firm, we offer free second opinions, so those who have already started their claims elsewhere can reach out and get a case evaluation. If you ultimately decide to switch lawyers and allow our team to handle your claim, you can trust that our team will immediately start working towards redirecting your claim and getting you the outcome that you are owed.

Tripped and fell over a box in a store incident accident sue lawsuit lawyer attorney
Our Zero-Fee Guarantee

Here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group, we believe in remaining as accessible as possible to anyone looking for legal help after an accident. We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee, which means that our clients will never have to pay any upfront legal costs for any of our legal services. This means that you can call us and benefit from our free consultations and free second opinions without having to worry about any expensive legal fees.

Contact Us Today

If you are ready to explore the legal options available to you after tripping and falling on a box or any other hazard at a store, contact us today. Our lawyers here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group have decades of experience and are ready to fight for your rights after your personal injury accident. Our team is ready to take care of your case and help you recover the highest settlement available. If you are ready to speak with our lawyers, contact us today!

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