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Hip Fracture Attorney | Slip and Fall Nursing Home Lawsuits

Hip Fracture Attorney | Slip and Fall Nursing Home LawsuitsHip Fractures particularly amongst the elderly is one of the most common injuries resulting from Slip and Fall accidents.  Hip fractures are serious injuries requiring revision surgery, hip replacement implants, months of rehabilitation and permanent disabilities. If you or a loved one have suffered from severe injuries from a car accident, slip and fall, or nursing home abuse contact the Personal Injury Lawyer at the Downtown LA Law Group. (855) 339-8879

Common Causes of Hip Fractures

  • Slip and Fall accident due to wet or slippery floors or failure to maintain clean debris free floors
  • Auto Accidents including Truck accidents, Bus accidents, and Pedestrian Collisions
  • Nursing Home Abuse and Elderly Care Neglect
  • Medical Malpractice including surgical errors during hip replacement surgery

Common Signs and Symptoms of a broken hip can be numerous.

If you suspect you have a hip fracture seek medical attention immediately. Some of the most common signs include,
  • Swelling and Bruising of the hips
  • Numbness and inability to move, (may also be a sign of nerve damage)
  • Severe pain extending to the groin
Lawsuits Against Nursing Homes: Under various laws across the county Nursing Homes owe a caretaker duty the residents of nursing homes for proper care and treatment. Some vital duties of nursing home staff include,
  • Insufficient number of staff
  • Poor or lack of training for the staff
  • Under qualified or non-qualified nurses and caregivers
  • Dreadful hiring procedures
  • Lacking oversight by management of their staff
  • Nursing Home Negligence Attorneys
  • Improper funding of the nursing home
  • Lack of quality medical devices, medicines or equipment
Nursing homes will be held liable for all injuries resulting from the failure of their staff to conduct such duties. [ca-sidebar id=”21530″] What Compensation Can I Receive for My Injuries: Monetary compensation will be based on several factors including, the extent of your injuries, the cost of medical care and rehabilitation associated with your injuries, need for a hip replacement surgery, whether you had  the level of pain and suffering you had to undergo, and any financial losses you may have experienced. Contacting an Attorney – Filing a Claim for Your Injuries: The Downtown LA Law Group is able to take on challenging personal injury claims associated with Elder Abuse, Car Accidents, Slip and Falls and defective hip replacements. We conduct a thorough investigation of the matter and bring to attention all liable parties so that you can be fully and justly compensated for your loss. We offer all our clients a free initial consultation regarding your case. (855) 339-8879

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