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Leo Chesney Correctional Facility Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Leo Chesney Correctional Facility Sexual Abuse Lawyers sue attorney lawyer compensation liable

Unfortunately, sexual abuse is very common in prisons. Were you sexually abused during the time that you were detained at Leo Chesney Correctional Facility? If so, you could have the right to file a lawsuit. You could also be entitled to receive compensation. If you sustained physical, mental, and emotional injuries as a result of the sexual abuse that you suffered, contact us today.

The prison sex abuse lawyers here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group have decades of experience and are ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to begin or continue your prison sex abuse case. Our team is ready to hold all negligent parties/entities accountable to get our clients the justice that they are owed. If you are ready to speak with our prison sex abuse attorneys, contact us today.

Leo Chesney Correctional Facility Sexual Abuse Lawyers attorney sue liability liable
Our Latest Verdicts and Settlements

$54 Million

Sexual Assault

$1.93 Million

Security Guard Assault


Assault & Battery


Assault By Security Guard


Premises Liability


Back Injury


Back Injury


Head Trauma
About Leo Chesney Correctional Facility

The Leo Chesney Correctional Facility, located at 2800 Apricot Street in Live Oak, California, is owned and operated by CoreCivic. CoreCivic is a private company that owns and operates multiple correctional facilities. If you or a member of your family suffered abuse at Leo Chesney Correctional Facility or any other facility owned or operated by CoreCivic, you could have the right to sue CoreCivic.

Sexual Abuse of Inmates in Private Prisons

Sexual abuse is a major problem throughout California prisons, including both state-run and private prisons. Although sexual abuse is the most frequently used term, it is important to understand that sexual abuse is an umbrella term that covers all unwanted sexual contact. This can include the following:

  • Rape and attempted rape
  • Sodomy
  • Any penetration, including penetration with foreign objects
  • Fondling, groping, and any unwanted touching
  • Forced kissing on the mouth or anywhere on the body
  • Forcing the victim to perform any sexual act (including oral sex, masturbation, etc.)
  • Making sexual jokes or comments about the victim or in front of the victim
  • Forcing the victims to pose for explicit images
  • And more
The Harm Inmates Could Suffer

Inmates that are subjected to sexual abuse are likely to suffer physical injuries, as well as mental and emotional harm. Although every situation is different, victims could potentially suffer the following harm:

  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Pregnancy-related complications
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Injuries to genitals
  • Injuries to reproductive organs
  • Fractures, lacerations, and other physical injuries resulting from a struggle during the abuse
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Fear
  • Increased risk of self-harm
  • Increased risk of substance abuse

No matter the specific harm that you or a loved one suffered as a result of sexual abuse while detained at the Leo Chesney Correctional Facility, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

Liability for Sexual Abuse in Private Prisons

Can I file a lawsuit for the sexual abuse that I suffered at Leo Chesney Correctional Facility or at another facility operated by Core Civic? Yes – you could have the right to file a lawsuit. The companies that run these correctional facilities have a duty to ensure that their inmates remain safe during their detention. Unfortunately, inmates can be harmed by guards, prison staff, and other inmates. Core Civic has the duty to subject their staff/guards to thorough background checks, training, and supervision. When staff/guards abuse inmates, it is important for the facility to take reports of abuse seriously, investigate the reports, and act accordingly to prevent further abuse (this could include placing the employee on leave, changing their duties so they are not in contact with inmates, etc.). Similarly, when the abuse occurs between inmates, it is important for the facility to have clear procedures for inmates to report the abuse. These facilities have to take reports seriously and investigate the reports thoroughly. They could potentially increase security/surveillance, separate inmates, transfer inmates to different facilities, etc.

In some cases, the facility is aware of the abuse that is occurring but ignores all reports and fails to take any action to prevent it. The facility might even enable the abuse. In these situations, sexual abuse may be considered cruel and unusual punishment; therefore, the abuse may be considered a civil rights violation.

So, can you file a lawsuit for sexual abuse? Yes – you could sue. You could file a lawsuit against CoreCivic for negligently contributing to the sexual abuse at the hands of staff/guards or inmates. However, based on the details surrounding the abuse, you could also have the right to file a lawsuit for the violation of your civil rights.

Many people believe that inmates lose all their rights during their detention. Although inmates certainly lose some rights, they maintain their right to safety and their civil rights. For more information about your right to file a lawsuit, please do not hesitate to reach out to our expert prison sexual abuse lawyers today.

Leo Chesney Correctional Facility Sexual Abuse Lawyers sue attorney lawyer compensation
Can I Recover Compensation for Sexual Abuse at a Privately-Owned Prison?

Yes, you could be entitled to receive compensation for sexual assault at a prison. Although every situation is different, claimants could be eligible to recover compensation for some of the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Treble damages
  • Legal fees

For more information about the possible value of your claim and what you could be awarded, pleases do not hesitate to reach out to our legal team as soon as possible. Our prison sex abuse lawyers are fully committed to fighting for your rights and getting you justice; this includes ensuring that you are awarded the highest recovery available for your claim. Whether our team has to negotiate a settlement or take your claim to trial to reach a fair verdict, you can be certain that our team will do everything necessary to reach the maximum payout possible.

How much is my prison sex abuse claim worth? Prison sex abuse claims can be worth anywhere from $500,000 to $5 million. Of course, case value is based on the details surrounding the claim, such as the type of abuse that occurred, the resulting harm, whether any permanent harm occurred, and more. For case-specific information about the possible value of your claim, contact us and schedule a free case review.

Contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

Our team is not afraid to take on CoreCivic or any other private company that owns prisons to fight for your rights after sexual abuse. If you are ready to explore the legal options available to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to our legal team. Our experts here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group have decades of experience and are ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to pursue your prison sexual abuse claim and get justice. If you are ready to speak with our expert legal team, contact us today.

We offer free legal services, which include free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our prison sex abuse lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. Our legal team will provide you with the guidance that you need to fight for your right to justice. If you would like to schedule a free case evaluation, contact us today.

Our firm is proud to offer a Zero-Fee Guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay upfront legal costs for our legal services. In addition, our law firm works on contingency, meaning that our clients will not be responsible for paying any legal costs if their claims are not successful. If you do not win, you simply will not pay anything.

Contact us today to learn more about your right to file your prison sex abuse lawsuit!

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