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Former El Segundo Water Polo Coach Accused of Sexually Abusing Students

Former El Segundo Water Polo Coach Accused of Sexually Abusing Students compensation lawyer attorney sue

George Harris Jr., a former El Segundo water polo coach, has been accused by 3 former students of sexual abuse. According to a recent lawsuit, the abuse took place between 2002 and 2010. The lawsuit also names El Segundo Unified School District as being responsible for these acts, claiming that they knew about the incidents and allowed it to continue.

Sadly, this is an all too common scenario at schools throughout California, where predatory teachers take advantage of vulnerable children. In most cases, the teachers are beloved members of the community, who give off the appearance of going the extra mile for their students. In reality, this is a ploy to disarm an underage victim and groom them over an extended period of time. By the time they are sexually assaulted, the student is conflicted about reporting the abuse, as they have a special connection to their abuser.

This seems to be the case with George Harris Jr., according to one of the plaintiffs. “I can’t tell you how beloved of a teacher he was,” said one of the victims, who is identified as 32-year-old John Doe, “He was the favorite teacher, the goofball teacher.”

We can only imagine how difficult it must have been for these three victims to come forward after all these years. And we are certain that there are many other victims that have yet to come forward and demand justice for what was done to them by the former El Segundo coach and geography teacher. If you are one of the students who was sexually abused by Harris, please contact us to learn about your rights and legal options.

Former El Segundo Water Polo Coach Accused of Sexually Abusing Students lawyer attorney lawsuit sue
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Is the School Responsible if a Student is Sexually Abused by a Teacher?

Frankly, our experience with these cases has shown us that school districts and officials are almost always responsible when there is a long history of inappropriate conduct between teachers and students. Typically, there are at least a few victims who are brave enough to report the incident to their parents or another trusted adult – perhaps a teacher or the principal.

As mandatory reporters under California law, school district employees have a duty to report all incidents of abuse, whether they are proven or not. The fact that the child came to them is enough of a reason to contact the authorities. In addition, staff members at a school are trained to look for signs of abuse and neglect in their students. If they suspect that a child is being neglected or physically / sexually abused, they must report their suspicions to the authorities.

If it’s proven that the school concealed evidence of student sexual assault or failed to contact the police, they can face criminal penalties, including up to 6 months in jail. The assault victim can also file a lawsuit against the school district for monetary damages. That’s where we can be of help, though taking legal action against the school system is ultimately up to you. Our job is to educate you on your legal rights and help you figure out the best course of action if you were sexually abused by George Harris Jr or another teacher at El Segundo High.

School Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Average Case Values

The amount of compensation from a child sexual abuse lawsuit is based on numerous factors that are specific to the victim and the injuries they’ve suffered as a result of the abuse. In most cases of sexual assault, more emphasis is placed on emotional injuries, as many victims have little to no physical damage in these situations. However, the impact on a student’s mental health is tremendous when they are sexually violated by a teacher they love and respect.

Settlements are fairly high in cases of school sexual abuse. Claims that are settled by our attorneys typically start at around $450,000, though many victims end up with $1,000,000 or more. In the most severe cases, you may see payments of $5,000,000 or more, which usually include punitive damages that are awarded by a jury.

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Child Sex Abuse Case?

These cases are among the most complex when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. And you can be sure that no school district wants to be associated with claims of sexual abuse by one of their teachers. In our experience, these cases normally take one or more years to settle. Sometimes, we get lucky, and the defendant is willing to make a fair offer within the first 6 months. Unfortunately, the majority of lawsuits take more time and effort, though it’s more than likely that we will reach a settlement without the need for a trial.

For more information on the settlement process for a school sexual abuse lawsuit, contact our office and speak to one of our attorneys.

Statute of Limitations for a Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Most underage victims are not prepared to deal with what has happened to them until they are adults. That’s why the state of California allows for a generous amount of time if you are seeking justice as an adult survivor of child sexual abuse. Basically, your deadline for a lawsuit is based on the latter of these dates:

  • 22 years after turning 18 years old, i.e., up until the victim’s 40th birthday
  • Within 5 years from the discovery of child sexual abuse, or the psychological / physical impact of sexual abuse during childhood.

Don’t worry if you are unsure about which of these dates to go by. A sex abuse lawsuit attorney at our office can help you figure out the correct statute of limitations for a lawsuit, based on your own circumstances.

Former El Segundo Water Polo Coach Accused of Sexually Abusing Students compensation lawyer attorney sue
Second Opinion from an Experienced Sexual Assault Lawsuit Lawyer

Moments of doubt and frustration are not unusual when you are waiting to settle a legal case and move forward with your life. Sometimes, the process will take much longer than expected for reasons that are beyond your lawyer’ control. But what if you suspect that your lawyer’s lack of dedication or experience is the problem?

A free second opinion at our law firm can put your mind at ease, whether you need clarification on the laws or your available legal options if your case is headed in the wrong direction. There’s no pressure to do anything aside from meeting with us for a free consultation. Best of all, there is no fee for this service, so please take this opportunity to contact us and schedule a free second opinion.

Free Legal Services at DTLA Law Group

Justice means different things for different people, but we can all agree that victims of sexual abuse deserve resolution for the harm they’ve suffered. Those who were sexually violated during childhood struggle with a variety of physical and mental health issues, and a lawsuit may be the only way to punish their abuser and the entities that turned a blind eye to what was happening.

Here at DTLA, we believe in free legal services for anyone that was sexually abused. That’s why the Zero Fee Guarantee is there for you from the very first consultation. You pay $0 upfront to hire a lawyer with experience in sexual assault lawsuits. All legal fees are covered by the school system and paid to us as a part of your settlement check.

To schedule a free case review or free second opinion, don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to guiding you through the legal process and bringing you the compensation you deserve.

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