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Camp Judith Resnik Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Camp Judith Resnik Sexual Abuse Lawyer sue liability incident attorney

Camp Judith Resnik is a juvenile detention center located in Lancaster, California. Minors who have committed various offenses are sent to Camp Resnik as they await sentencing by the juvenile court system. Some of the inmates have already been sentenced and are waiting for release back into society. During this time, they are supposed to receive counseling, education, mental health services, and other forms of rehabilitation. The facility has room for 77 inmates who are accused of minor offenses, meaning they will serve relatively short sentences.

However, even a few weeks in juvie can seem like a lifetime when you are being harassed or assaulted by the adults in charge. The truth is, many sexual predators take jobs in places like juvenile camps, where they have easy access to victims. As they are in a position of authority, it’s easy to manipulate or force these kids into sexual relationships. Even worse, the system that is supposed to catch these people and punish them is part of the problem.

Turning a blind eye to the sexual assault of inmates is standard practice at many juvenile halls throughout California. If you are someone who was sexually abused during your stay at Camp Judith Resnik, please consider a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Our goal is to educate you on your legal rights and help you determine the best way to move forward.

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Can I Sue for being Sexually Abused at Camp Resnik?

Yes, you can sue for the sexual abuse you endured by a staff member at Camp Judith Resnik. The lawsuit can be filed against the person that took advantage of you, but you are likely to have a case against the LA County Probation Department as well.

First and foremost, we want to be clear on the fact that any sexual relationship between a minor and adult is child sexual abuse in California. Furthermore, sexual interactions that are physical in nature (sexual groping, intercourse, oral sex, etc.) are classified as child sexual assault. California defines minors as individuals under the age of 18, which is also defined as the age of consent. So, any adult that engages in sexual conduct with individuals under this age can be found guilty of a criminal offense.

Adult survivors of sexual assault and harassment during childhood also have the option of suing the parties at fault for monetary compensation. A settlement for sexual abuse at Camp Judith Resnik may include:

  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses, including cost of therapy
  • Lost wages / earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Attorney’s fees
  • Punitive damages

We mentioned before about the possibility of suing the county, and not just the employee that abused you. The truth is, most cases of sexual abuse are allowed to happen, either from negligence or deliberate misconduct by the people in charge. Many juvenile hall administrators don’t recognize the signs of sexual misconduct or fail to take actions to remedy the situation. Sometimes, it’s clear that they are protecting the abuser rather than the victim, and there are other employees at the facility that regularly abuse children. This is why a culture of inmate sexual assault can exist at the same youth detention center for many years.

There’s no way to deny that countless juvenile offenders in Los Angeles County were physically and sexually abused by the people who were supposed to protect them. Though we can’t erase the past, our goal is to stand with the victims and ensure that justice is served on their behalf. For more information on your rights and legal options, call us today and talk to a Camp Judith Resnik sexual abuse lawyer.

Joining a Camp Judith Resnik Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuit

As you are probably aware, the culture of child sexual abuse is a long-standing tradition at many youth detention facilities in LA County. Thus, it’s quite common for dozens, if not hundreds, of victims to come forward when a juvenile hall sex abuse lawsuit is announced. Currently, there are numerous youth inmate abuse class action claims against the LA County Probation Department. If you would like to join a lawsuit for sexual assault and exploitation at Camp Judith Resnik, contact our office at your earliest opportunity. A juvenile hall sexual abuse lawyer will answer any questions you have and help you join a lawsuit with others former inmates of Camp Judith Resnik.

Camp Judith Resnik Sexual Abuse Lawyer sue liability lawyer attorney compensation
How Long Do I have to Sue for Sexual Abuse at Camp Judith Resnik?

If you were sexually assaulted or abused at Camp Judith Resnik at the age of 18, you have 10 years to file a lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Probation Department. The statute of limitations can start from the incident date, or from the date of the most recent case of inmate sexual abuse if there were multiple incidents.

Of course, most of the offenders that spend time at Camp Judith Resnik are minors, meaning they have not reached the age of adulthood. For those who are victims of child sexual abuse, the deadline to sue the liable entities is the victim’s 40th birthday. So, that gives you 22 years from the time you are an adult to file a Camp Judith Resnik sexual abuse lawsuit.

With child sexual abuse claims, the statute of limitations can also be determined by the discovery rule. This is a legal exception where victims are allowed to file a lawsuit within 5 years of discovering an injury related to sexual exploitation and assault during childhood. These cases are very common, as children typically suppress what’s being done to them rather than telling someone and asking for help. Though victims go on with their lives as if nothing happened, they are likely to develop mental health conditions due to the trauma of sexual abuse while they were incarcerated at Camp Judith Resnik. It’s quite possible that it can take decades after the abuse for the victim to realize how their psychological state has been shaped by these events.

If you are older than 40 when you reach the point of discovery, there is a window of 5 years if you are interested in suing Camp Resnik for inmate sexual abuse. To learn more about the discovery rule and your eligibility for a juvenile detention center sex abuse claim, call us to schedule a free case review.

Contact Our Law Firm

How much it will cost to hire a juvenile hall sexual assault lawyer should not be something you are burdened with as a victim of child abuse. Here at DTLA Law Group, we never charge upfront for the cost of legal services. Instead, we wait until you receive your settlement from LA County, which includes the cost of representing you. Thus, it’s the County that covers our expenses, which only happens if we win your lawsuit. If we don’t recover your settlement, there is a Zero Fee Guarantee to ensure that you walk away without spending a penny.  

Our youth detention center sexual abuse lawyers are ready to speak with you and fight for the justice you deserve. Contact our office and schedule a free case evaluation if you were sexually assaulted at Camp Judith Resnik, located at 5300 W Ave I, Lancaster, CA 93536. 

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