Slip and Fall at a Gun Range Accident Lawyer
Gun ranges are not for everyone, but they serve a variety of purposes ranging from law enforcement training to learning how to defend yourself. Most of these places are privately owned, and they typically consist of indoor and/or outdoor facilities with targets, specialized walls, bullet traps, and other features for safety reasons. Depending on the size of the facility, there are likely to be classrooms, bathrooms, a lounge area, offices, and other spaces that most people are familiar with.
Owners of a property in the state of California are obligated to maintain their facilities and keep them free of hazardous conditions. At a gun range, you often think of injuries and death that can happen from people mishandling firearms, but this is not the only type of accident that can hurt people. Like any other commercial property, a gun range may have conditions that can cause people to fall down unexpectedly.
Were you or someone in your family injured from a slip and fall at a gun range? You may be entitled to payments for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, among other damages. For more information on suing a gun range for an accident on the property, contact the slip and fall lawyers of DTLA.

$2.2 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
$2.5 Million
Frankly, there is no shortage of issues that can cause someone to slip on something and fall down at a gun range. Though it’s impossible to name them all, here are some of the reasons why you may be injured from a slip and fall:
- Slippery floors due to improper cleaning methods
- Pipes and appliances that leak and create puddles on the floor
- Failure to clean up spills on the floor by guests and staff members
- Floors with tiles / carpets that are lacking in traction
- Leaking roofs and ceilings
- Not cleaning up snow, ice, and rainwater tracked in from outdoors
- Failure to maintain safe conditions in the parking lot – removing oil stains, shoveling snow, getting rid of garbage and other debris
- Steps / stairs with broken or improperly designed handrails
- Hazards in the bathroom – soap or hand sanitizer on the floor, leaking toilets, poorly designed handicap rails, paper towels on the floor, etc.
- Not using Wet Floor signs and/or safety barriers around areas that were recently mopped or waxed.
These are examples of a business owner breaching their duty of care to the people on their property. Under the state’s premises liability laws, you may have the right to file a gun range slip and fall accident lawsuit, which we can go over with you in detail during a free consultation.
Fall Accident InjuriesThough an accident claim involves many different elements, your injuries play the most important role, as they lead to all sorts of financial problems and emotional trauma. Please be sure to see a doctor within 48 hours of a slip and fall accident at a gun range. While some injuries are obvious, others are not noticeable for weeks or months. However, tests at a hospital can spot these problems early on, thereby allowing you to treat the injury as soon as possible. It’s also worth noting that you will need medical records, i.e., proof of bodily harm from the accident, in order to sue the owner / operator of the gun range. Injuries after a slip and fall include, but are not limited to:
- Broken bones
- Concussion and other head injuries
- Joint dislocation, particularly in the shoulder or elbow
- Fractured hip or pelvis
- Soft tissue injuries
- Neck or spinal cord injury
- Deep cuts
- Broken teeth and/or dislocated jaw
- Back injuries, such as herniated disc and sacral fracture
- Eye injuries, like optic nerve damage
- Tinnitus and other problems with your hearing
- Chronic pain
- Permanent nerve damage
- Fatality
The rate of deaths caused by a slip and fall is much higher than most people realize. According to statistics by the Center for Disease Control, 44,686 people died from a fall-related accident. Approximately 3,000,000 people seek treatment at an emergency room every year due to a fall injury, and more than 800,000 of these patients are hospitalized.
Deaths are more common among the elderly, but anyone can end up with potentially fatal injuries from a slip and fall. These include traumatic brain injury, serious infections, and damage to the spinal cord. At a gun range, you have the added complication of people carrying and using firearms. This increases the potential for accidental deaths if someone slips and falls down or drops their weapon as they try to brace themselves for the impact of a fall.
Family members and partners of those who were killed from a slip land fall at a gun range should explore their rights and legal options with a wrongful death lawsuit lawyer. Our legal experts are here to help, so contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you need information on suing for wrongful death benefits.
Slip and Fall Lawsuit Case ValuesThose who have been injured in a slip and fall usually have questions about how much they can ask for if they proceed with an accident claim. The answer will vary from one person to another, with some people receiving around $5,000 to $15,000, while other victims settle their case for over $1,000,000. This is due to the fact that health complications, their impact on the victim’s life, the total sum of monetary losses, and other factors are different with each case. Most of our claimants receive between $75,000 and $2,000,000 from a slip and fall or trip and fall lawsuit. But this is a rather wide range of values that do not give you a clear picture of what your own lawsuit is worth. That information can only come from a lawyer with experience in fall injury accident cases.
How Long Does a Fall Accident Case Take to Settle?It can take anywhere from several months to over 3 years to settle a slip and fall injury claim or death from a slip and fall case. If we had to narrow things down, we can say that the majority of lawsuits are settled within to 6 to 18 months. If the victim is left with severe injuries and permanent health complications, it may around 2 years before an adequate settlement is reached. As a general rule, gun range accident lawsuits are resolved by exchanging settlement offers until both sides agree on the amount that is owed to the victim or their family. However, a small percentage of cases do end up in court, and these lawsuits can take between 3 and 5 years before compensation is awarded to the plaintiff.
How long you have for a lawsuit against the liable entities depends on whether you are filing a personal injury lawsuit or a wrongful death claim. As the victim of a slip and fall accident, you are allowed 2 years starting from the date of injury to file a compensation claim. Keep in mind, however, that certain cases have exceptional circumstances that can change the statute of limitations. That’s why you should contact a fall injury lawyer to verify the correct deadline for a lawsuit.
Now, let’s look at the filing deadline for a wrongful death caused by a slip and fall at a gun range. With this type of lawsuit, you are seeking compensation for the losses you incur due to a loved one’s passing. For example, children whose parents die from an accident are left without the financial and emotional support they normally would have received. As the spouse of a deceased person, you are left with funeral expenses, medical costs, and other bills you would not have incurred were it not for someone else’s negligence.
A lawsuit for wrongful death must be filed no later than 2 years from the date of death. But just as we mentioned with personal injury lawsuits, there may be exceptions where the statute of limitations is extended beyond the normal timeframe. These are rare instances, but nevertheless, you should always confirm the amount of time you have for a lawsuit by contacting an experienced wrongful death attorney.
Contact Our Law FirmGuidance from an experienced fall injury lawyer is critical to recovering your losses after a slip and fall accident. Our goal is to ensure that you can afford the highest qualify representation, which is why we have a Zero Fee Guarantee policy. Legal fees are charged to the party you are suing and paid to us as a part of the compensation you receive at the end of your lawsuit. That means we make $0 if we don’t secure a settlement or verdict in your favor.
As you can see, there’s nothing to lose by taking a chance of us and learning about the ways we can assist you. Contact DTLA Law Group to speak with a lawyer who can help you sue for a slip and fall at a gun range.
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