Food Truck Accident Attorneys
Many communities in California enjoy the services of dozens or more food trucks that operate out of parking lots, along the street, or in what many call a food truck court. These locations offer spaces to many food trucks and often provide a seating area or picnic area for the customers to use when eating their meals. Many enjoy these group locations because they offer abundant varieties, the food trucks and menu options change regularly, and the food is often very high-quality. But what these foodie patrons are not considering are all the safety concerns that often result in food truck accidents.
Sadly, these compact vehicles include a food prep space, cooking area, and serving counter in minimal space. While it is not exactly cluttered, the tight quarters can increase the potential for food truck accidents that cause harm to the staff, patrons, and even the surrounding property. If you or a loved one have recently suffered an injury at a food truck, please know that the food truck accident attorneys at DTLA Law Group are here to help.
Our office staff can be reached 24/7 and are always ready to answer your time-sensitive questions and provide valuable legal guidance. In addition, we hope that once you have gotten any emergency medical care required for your food truck accident injuries, you will accept our generous offer of a free consultation with our skilled food truck accident attorneys. After sharing the facts of your case with them, they will explain the legal merit of the matter and if you have grounds for a food truck accident injury lawsuit. With this vital information, you can carefully evaluate your options and decide if pursuing legal action is the best way to meet your immediate and long-term needs. Rest assured, our staff will never pressure you to file a claim, and you are not obligated to hire DTLA Law Group, even if you pursue a food truck accident injury lawsuit. Our goal is only to ensure you have a complete understanding of your rights and the time limit to file your claim with the court.

$2.2 Million
$54 Million
$22 Million
$2.5 Million
When you think of a food truck, all you imagine are amazing aromas, tasty food, and a wide array of choices. Even if you have to stand in line for a bit to order and get your food, the prices are generally very reasonable for the meal quality. That time is often spent surfing the web or scrolling through messages on your phone or social media. Rarely do patrons look around at the food truck or food trucks nearby and really take in the equipment and potential safety hazards around them.
The most hazardous feature of a food truck is also its most vital, the propane that is typically used to cook the food. There are often multiple tanks stored on the truck or a single large one that heats the grill and other cooking surfaces. However, with the added stress of daily motion and movement of these mobile food kitchens, there is a significant possibility that the propane tank or the gas lines will fail, allowing propane gas to leak. With the gas leaking into the truck or surrounding air, all it takes is a spark to ignite the gas and cause a fire or explosion.
In addition to the safety issue posed by propane are the other fire hazards that are likely present, such as hot grease and cooking surfaces near paper products and other combustible materials. In just a fraction of a second, these items can become overheated and burst into flames. Sadly, unlike a brick and mortar commercial kitchen, the average food truck does not have a fire suppression system or enough water or fire extinguishers onboard to put out the fire. It is not uncommon for patrons of the food truck and the staff working in it to suffer severe injuries from the blaze, including burns, severe lacerations or puncture wounds, and even head injuries due to falling or injuries from falling debris.
Finally, most food trucks are larger than the average vehicles on the road. They are certainly larger than the cars and SUVs that most people are capable of driving. But in most cases, all the food truck owner or operator needs to drive these large trucks or trucks hauling food trailers is a standard driver’s license. No added training or experience is needed to operate a vehicle that requires more time and stopping distance to avoid a collision and can demand more than a single lane to complete a turn or avoid a roadway hazard. If you or a loved one was in a vehicle accident with a food truck, it is certain to have been terrifying and likely very hazardous, resulting in many costly and painful injuries. Please get in touch with DTLA Law Group today to gain a better understanding of your rights as the victim of food truck injuries and how the food truck accident attorneys at DTLA Law Group can help you resolve the issues caused by the incident.
Is The Food Truck Owner Always Responsible For My Injuries?The general public is typically aware that a food truck owner is responsible for the safety of that vehicle. They are also responsible for the safety of the food prep and cooking areas much in the same way they would be if the space were in a brick and mortar restaurant. They have an obligation to patrons and the general public called a duty of care that is similar to the responsibility of a land or building owner. If the food truck owner fails to provide the required care and maintenance for all the parts and aspects of the food truck, they can be deemed negligent in their duty of care. In addition, if that negligence is later found to have caused or contributed to a food truck accident injury, the owner can be held liable for the losses and expenses incurred by the victim.
However, it is critical to understand that there are other parties that might share some or all of the blame and legal obligation for a food truck accident injury. The food truck owner might have followed all the rules and guidelines and taken the vehicle in for routine service and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. However, the service provider could have failed to discover an issue, complete the maintenance or repair correctly, or cause other harm that resulted in the food truck accident injury incident. Part or all of the liability could also fall on parts manufacturers, or the vehicle manufacturer if one or more parts of the vehicle were defective from the time it was built.
To better understand whom to hold accountable for your food truck accident injuries, please get in touch with the DTLA Law Group food truck accident attorneys to discuss the details of your case. Our staff can be reached day and night to help you understand your options for assistance and compensation.
How Much Is The Average Food Truck Accident Lawsuit Worth?Many people who have never been involved in a legal matter or a personal injury case are misinformed about the compensation in personal injury cases. They assume or are told there are average or standard compensation amounts for certain cases. They think they can contact DTLA Law Group and ask how much their food truck accident lawsuit will be worth. And while our staff is happy to provide an estimate, we can only offer meaningful information after discussing the facts of the case. When you move forward with a lawsuit, your DTLA Law Group food truck accident attorneys will work with you to compile all your allowable expenses that will be used to calculate the amount of compensation sought by your case. These items will typically include but are not always limited to:
- Your lost income if the food truck injuries sustained prevented you from working at your regular job until you were fully recovered
- The replacement cost of any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the food truck accident
- All current and projected future medical costs related to the injuries suffered in the food truck accident, including hospital costs, doctor’s bills, diagnostic and treatment fees, the cost of essential medical devices, prescription medication, rehabilitation care, and more
- Your legal costs for the preparation, filing, and litigation of your food truck accident injury lawsuit
As a personal injury victim, you have two years from the date of the food truck accident to file your claim with the court. If the case is not filed in that time, you lose the right to seek compensation for your losses and expenses due to that incident. Please contact DTLA Law Group today to discuss the remaining time to file your claim.
No Added Stress From Out Of Pocket Legal CostsWhen you work with DTLA Law Group, we never ask for any upfront payments. Instead, we only get paid after the case is completed, and you have the compensation needed to cover your legal costs and other expenses. In addition, you owe DTLA Law Group nothing if our expert food truck accident attorneys fail to win your lawsuit and get you the funds you need and deserve. Please get in touch with our dedicated staff at your earliest opportunity to book your free consultation and begin feeling peace of mind for a reasonable and fair resolution to the hardships your food truck injuries created.
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