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Cracked Pickleball Court Trip and Fall Accidents

Cracked Pickleball Court Trip and Fall Accidents sue liability lawyer attorney

Pickleball is a popular sport that combines elements of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton. The game can be played indoors or outdoors, though many people prefer to play in outdoor courts that look very similar to tennis courts you may find at a public park. As a result, you see pickleball courts in many places, like health clubs, community centers, parks, and even gated communities. Some people even purchase their own equipment and set up courts in their backyard.

The rise in popularity of pickleball has a downside, and that’s the possibility of accidents to players, whether they strain a muscle or fall down from a crack in the ground. In fact, fall injuries are quite common among those who enjoy this sport, and many of these accidents result in serious injuries to one or more parts of the body.

If you got hurt from tripping over a crack in a pickleball court, it’s essential to go after the responsible party for your medical expenses other monetary losses. The pickleball court injury lawyers of DTLA are here for you day and night, so contact us anytime to receive a free consultation. Our legal team looks forward to representing your interests and securing maximum payment for the harm you suffered.

Cracked Pickleball Court Trip and Fall Accidents sue compensation incident sue liability
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Injuries from a Trip and Fall Caused by a Pickleball Court

Injuries from a fall accident at a pickleball court can be quite serious. First, it’s likely that you are falling on concrete or another unforgiving surface. Second, you are falling down because your foot got caught in a crack. These circumstances are likely to cause numerous injuries, like the ones listed below:

  • Broken facial bones (broken nose, for example)
  • Head trauma leading to brain injury
  • Tearing of ligaments, muscles, and tendons
  • Deep cuts and scratches
  • Infections from open wounds
  • Hip fracture
  • Dislocated joints
  • Broken or lost teeth
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Damage to the spinal cord
  • Fractured tailbone or sacrum
  • Loss of hearing
  • Vision problems, like double or blurry vision
  • Sprained ankle or ankle fracture
  • Ruptured spleen
  • Chronic pain
  • Paralysis
Ensuring that a Pickleball Court is Safe

Owners and operators of properties with pickleball courts must take measures to ensure that the court is reasonably safe for those who are using it. These include maintaining the grounds and taking care of hazards like trash, holes in the grass, tree roots people can trip over, and slippery substances on the ground. If the court is open at night, there should be bright lighting, which is an affordable and common sense security measure.

The court needs maintenance as well, and this will depend on the type of material it’s made from. Outdoor courts are generally made from Astroturf or concrete, while indoor courts are similar to the sealed wood flooring you find in fitness centers and school gyms. In either situation, the surface of the court must be level and free of irregularities or damage, like sagging areas, holes, surface coating that’s worn off, or cracks that can people can cause people to trip.

If you fell down because of a crack in a pickleball court, you have the right to seek justice in the form of monetary compensation, which we can help you obtain. We have a proven record of recovery for trip and fall and slip and fall victims, built over a period of several decades. Contact our law firm as soon as possible if you would like more information on lawsuits for accidents on pickleball courts.

What can I Expect to Receive from a Lawsuit?

People are generally aware that an accident claim is meant to bring you compensation for injuries that are caused by another party’s careless or reckless conduct, i.e., negligence. However, many victims are unsure about the damages that can be recovered. A settlement for a trip and fall injury lawsuit may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Cost of legal services

Some of these categories, like pain and suffering and punitive damages, may be unfamiliar to you, but that’s what our attorneys are here for. During a free case evaluation, we can go over each of these damages and which of them you are eligible to receive. That way, you can be sure of obtaining the highest possible settlement from a pickeball court trip and fall accident case.

How Much Time Do I have to Sue for being Injured on a Pickleball Court?

The standard deadline for a liability claim in California is 2 years of when the injury occurred, which is normally the date of the accident. That means the clock starts ticking on the statute of limitations for a trip and fall lawsuit from the moment you are injured at a pickleball court. Our law firm is ready to take immediate action on your case, so call us right away to initiate a claim for monetary damages. We can handle the lawsuit process from start to finish, while you focus on your physical and mental recovery.

Accidents on Public Properties

We previously stated that you have 2 years from the date of your accident to file a pickeball court trip and fall lawsuit. The only exception to this rule applies to incidents that happen on public properties, like city parks, community centers, and public schools. If you tripped and fell on one of these properties due to failure to maintain a pickleball court, the deadline for an injury claim is 6 months. That means you will need to compile evidence, itemize your damages, come up with a legal argument for why the city, school district, etc., is responsible and file the claim with the appropriate office no later than 6 months after the accident.

These are just some of challenges to filing a government liability, but rest assured that our lawyers are here for you every step of the day. For more information on suing for trip and fall injuries on government property, please take some time to speak with one of our attorneys.

Cracked Pickleball Court Trip and Fall Accidents liability lawyer attorney compensation
Free Second Opinion

There are many aspects of the legal system that are frustrating, and your lawyer should not be adding to the stress you are already dealing with. However, we know that many people in the middle of an accident claim are unhappy with the lack of time and attention from their attorney. Maybe your lawyer takes too long to get back to you (if at all), or when they do, the answers are vague and evasive. Even if you don’t have these issues, you may have questions or concerns that you would like to go over with another legal expert. We are happy to offer you a free second opinion consultation, which you can schedule by contacting us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Zero Fee Guarantee

Here at DTLA Law Group, we pledge that victims of someone else’s negligence will never pay upfront for the cost of legal fees. If you decide to hire us, we will wait until the end of your case to recover our expenses. This, by the way, can only happen if we secure your settlement or a verdict awarding you compensation from the defendant. This way, you have a Zero Fee Guarantee to ensure that you pay nothing out of pocket, no matter the outcome.

Contact our office today and learn about your rights and legal options from a fall accident injury attorney.

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