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Average Value Of An Accident Injury Case Against Chick Fil A

Average Value Of An Accident Injury Case Against Chick Fil A sue liability incident compensation lawyer attorney

As a loyal Chick Fil A customer, you will want to understand why this company has an insurance policy that provides up to $200,000,000 in coverage for injury incidents occurring in its stores. As most people know from purchasing their car or home insurance, the cost of the policy increases, often significantly, when you increase the amount of coverage. So, why does this business charge what many consider to be a very high price for their products, paying for a massive insurance policy that increases their overhead?

The company might say that it is out of genuine concern of the well-bring of its customers. Or they might have found that they face many personal injury lawsuits each year. Only they can explain the reasons for this considerable coverage amount. But the public needs to understand that just because Chick Fil A carries an astronomical amount of insurance coverage, that does not mean your accident injury lawsuit compensation from an incident in one of their stores will be larger than if you were hurt at another fast-service restaurant.

Looking at the historical numbers for compensation paid by Chick Fil A to an injury victim, the cases involving minor injuries or those that are not life-threatening were from $50K to $100K. In cases where the victim sustained severe harm and required extensive medical treatment and an extended recovery time, the cases often were resolved for $1M to $4M in compensation. But the average value of a Chick Fil A accident injury case will have little bearing on the amount of compensation you receive if you recently suffered an accident injury at a Chick Fil A location.

To learn more about getting the most robust compensation for any harm you sustained at a Chick Fil A due to negligence or other failures by the staff to maintain a safe environment for customers, please reach out to the DTLA Law Group immediately. Our office staff can be reached 24/7 to ensure you have reliable answers to your questions regarding a personal injury case and how to protect yourself from excessive medical debt and other expenses if you suffered injuries at a Chick Fil A location. In addition, our team will help you book a free consultation with a DTLA Law Group Chick Fil A accident injury lawyer to discuss your case in detail.

After discussing the injury incident and gathering all the vital information, our personal injury lawyer will explain the legal merit of your case and your ability to file a Chick Fil A accident injury lawsuit to seek compensation for your expenses and losses. With this helpful and valuable information, you can begin to feel hopeful about overcoming the challenges of the injuries you sustained and moving forward without excessive debt and expenses caused by someone else’s negligence and poor choices. You should also understand that even after gaining all of this information from a DTLA Law Group personal injury lawyer, you are never obligated to hire our firm, even if you decide to pursue a lawsuit against Chick Fil A.

Our only goal is to ensure that all personal injury victims understand their rights and how to use the legal system as it was designed to protect themselves and their future financial stability. We also want you to fully understand that you have only two years from the date of the injury incident to file your lawsuit with the court. It will be denied if you wait longer than the time allotted to try to file a claim. So please reach pout to DTLA Law Group today to discuss this vital matter that could impact the rest of your life.

Average Value Of An Accident Injury Case Against Chick Fil A compensation incident sue liability
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What Makes Chick Fil A Locations So Dangerous?

If you have visited a Chick Fil A location at mealtime, you know that they are often crowded with patrons. Many locations have a line out the restaurant door at lunch and dinner. That means you will have a large number of people in a small space trying to avoid spilling food and drinks. It can also mean that cleaning these areas is impossible until the rush is over and the lobby and dining area are less overwhelmed. But what that really means for customers is that you could easily suffer an injury at a Chick Fil A due to these common safety concerns:

  • Water, tea, soft drinks, or ice spilled on the floor that were not properly cleaned up
  • Food dropped on the floor, stepped on, and tracked throughout the restaurant without being cleaned up
  • Litter and trash, from straw wrappers and napkins to sandwich wrappers and drink lids, dropped on the floor and not picked up and placed in trash cans
  • Liquid leaking onto the floor from drink machines, equipment cooling lines, damaged pipes, or malfunctioning plumbing fixtures
  • Clogged drains cause water to back up onto floors
  • Damaged carpet or flooring surfaces
  • Grease tracked from the cooking area into other parts of the store
  • Unmarked or poorly marked transitions from one flooring surface to another or one elevation to another
  • Areas that are overly dark and dangerous because of damaged light fixtures or burned out light bulbs
  • Damage to concrete sidewalks or parking lots that have not been repaired
  • Faulty wiring at light switches that could result in electrical shocks
  • Hoses or electrical cords errantly left in walkways

Sadly, most of these issues could have easily been eliminated if the staff at Chick Fil A had been focused on meeting their legal obligation and duty of care to provide a safe environment for patrons. Instead, these hazards were ignored, and patrons suffered countless injury incidents that could include:

  • Electrical shocks or burns
  • Trip and fall injuries
  • Slip and fall harm
  • Injuries due to falling objects

If you have suffered any of these injuries at a Chick Fil A location in California, please reach out to DTLA Law Group to learn more about our services and how we can help you overcome the hardships caused by your injuries.

When Is Chick Fil A To Blame For Injuries You Sustained?

Just because you were hurt while at Chick Fil A does not mean you are owed a piece of their $200M insurance policy. However, if the injuries you suffered were due to the store staff not meeting their obligation under premises liability law to keep the store safe and hazard-free, then you could have grounds for a lawsuit. When there are safety issues like a spill or food dropped on the floor, the staff must take action to correct the hazard. They are required to act in the same manner as the average prudent person would if they encounter a similar issue.

For example, if you see water on the floor, you mop it up. If the staff at Chick Fil A failed to take the appropriate action, then they can be deemed negligent in their duty of care. If that negligence is the cause or a contributing factor in your injury incident, the store could be liable for your losses and expenses due to the injuries you suffered. Please make time today to contact the personal injury lawyers at DTLA Law Group to book a free consultation to discuss your potential case and the time remaining for you to pursue legal action.

Average Value Of An Accident Injury Case Against Chick Fil A lawyer attorney compensation
How Much Is The Average Chick Fil A Lawsuit Compensation?

Many injury victims focus on average compensation amounts, thinking they dictate how much they could receive. However, they need to understand that each lawsuit is independently evaluated to determine the compensation awarded to the victim. Working with your DTLA Law Group legal team, you will compile all documentation supporting your allowable expenses incurred. This list will typically include but is not strictly limited to:

  • All current and estimated future medical expenses related to the injuries suffered at Chick Fil A
  • The cost to replace any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the injury incident at Chick Fil A
  • Your legal costs to prepare, file, and litigate the accident injury lawsuit against Chick Fil A
  • Your lost income if the harm you suffered at Chick Fil A prevents you from working at your regular job until you have fully healed from the injuries

In cases that involve severe damage and require extended recovery time and lengthy medical treatment, you are permitted to seek added compensation for your pain and suffering. Because this is not a documented expense, your legal team will provide guidance if this applies to your claim. They will refer to recently resolved cases with similar details to ensure you are fully and fairly compensated for all the pain you have endured.  

No Upfront Legal Costs

When you hire DTLA Law Group to handle your legal matter, please know that we only get paid after the case is resolved and you have the compensation needed to cover your legal costs and other expenses. This simple payment policy ensures that all personal injury victims can receive the legal services and expertise needed to secure the compensation that is owed to them for the harm they sustained. Finally, if the DTLA Law Group Chick Fil A accident injury lawyers fail to win your case and get you the compensation to cover your expenses, you owe the firm nothing.

Please make time today to contact the DTLA Law Group to learn more about your rights as a personal injury victim and how Chick Fil A could owe you thousands of dollars or more in compensation for the injuries you suffered at one of their locations.

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