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Accidents at a Salvation Army Thrift Store

Accidents at a Salvation Army Thrift Store sue liability incident compensation lawyer attorney

Salvation Army was founded in the 1860s for the purpose of bringing salvation to underprivileged people. Currently, the organization is recognized for its disaster relief efforts and community services, including the Salvation Army thrift stores. The stores help raise money for the organization’s Adult Rehabilitation Center, while helping the public find clothing, home furnishings, books, and other items at deeply discounted prices.

Regardless of their mission, the Salvation Army is no different than any other store, where someone may be injured from hazards and lack of security. Owners of stores and other commercial properties have a legal duty to safeguard their premises and minimize the potential for harm to their guests.

Were you injured at a Salvation Army thrift store due to safety issues that the business failed to take care of? If so, contact our office and speak with a lawyer that specializes in premises liability claims on property at a Salvation Army location.

Accidents at a Salvation Army Thrift Store compensation incident sue liability
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Dangerous Conditions at a Salvation Army Store

There are many different situations that can cause an accident, but not all of these cases are eligible for a lawsuit. In order to seek monetary damages from a business owner, you must prove that they failed in the duty of care they had to you as a customer / visitor.

For example, let’s say that one of the employees at the store was careless in the way they stacked items on one of the higher shelves. As a result, some of the items fall off the shelf while you are passing by and hits you on the head. Another common example has to do with trip and falls, which are extremely common events at thrift stores. These incidents can happen from not picking things up off the floor, failing to secure loose cords and wires, and leaving boxes and pallets out on the sales floor.

When store owners and operators are negligent in their duties, an accident on the property is inevitable. However, making a case for monetary damages can be very challenging, so it’s in your best interest to seek help from a Salvation Army accident lawyer.

Car Accidents Caused by the Salvation Army

Accidents involving motor vehicles are generally blamed on the driver that acted carelessly, like a customer in a Salvation Army parking lot that pulled out of their spot without checking if anyone is behind them. However, the Salvation Army can also be sued for accidents caused by drivers that operate a company truck. These vehicles are used for picking up scheduled donations, so an accident can happen just about anywhere if the driver chooses to disregard safe driving practices.

Aside from Salvation Army truck accidents, you can also get hurt from incidents in the parking lot due to hazards like missing or confusing traffic signs, pot holes, and blind spots from obstructions that the store failed to resolve.

Assault and Battery at the Salvation Army

Like any store location, a lack of security is usually why people are assaulted at a Salvation Army location. Most incidents involve theft, muggings, and sexual assault, and they usually take place outdoors. This is an important consideration, as many owners focus on the inside of a store while neglecting conditions on sidewalks, parking lots, and other outdoor areas. If you are a victim of assault and battery due to security lapses at a Salvation Army store, you may have grounds to sue the organization for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and other applicable damages.

Misconduct by store employees can also be the source of assault and battery claims against the Salvation Army. Many of these cases are due to verbal arguments that escalate to violence, and it would seem that this is a personal dispute between two people. However, there are situations where employers can be held responsibility for injuries caused by their workers. For example, maybe the staff member that assaulted you has a history of complaints from other customers regarding aggressive and harassing behavior. Or, they had a record of violence that the store knew about or should have known about, but the employee was allowed to work at the store anyway.

Dog Bites and Other Animal Attacks at the Salvation Army

The laws in California for animal attacks are based on the principle of strict liability. So, if you were bitten by at a dog at a Salvation Army store, you would generally go after the dog owner for compensation. Dogs generally are not allowed in the store, but some people leave their dog tied to something outside the store, and this can put others at risk of being bitten by the dog.

Or, the animal is permitted inside the store, even though it is against the rules. This can happen with dogs that belong to volunteers or friends and family of the staff member. Here, you can argue that the store accepts at least some degree of responsibility for injuries by the animal, since they are letting it into the property. This can form the basis of a dog bite lawsuit against the Salvation Army and not just the owner of the dog.

Accidents at a Salvation Army Thrift Store lawyer attorney compensation
Statute of Limitations to File an Injury Claim

Most personal injury lawsuits have a deadline of 2 years, so that’s how long you have to file a claim with the Salvation Army, starting from the date of the accident. However, it’s possible that your own circumstances will change the amount of time you have for a lawsuit. For example, if you were a minor when you were injured at the Salvation Army, your deadline for a lawsuit is 2 years following your 18th birthday, as opposed to the accident date.

A thrift store accident injury lawyer can help you figure out how much time you have for a lawsuit and ensure that a claim for damages is filed by the correct deadline.

Contact DTLA Law Group

Our attorneys are here to fight for you and the compensation you deserve if negligence by a store owner caused you harm and suffering. We understand how an accident can devastate your finances, which is why we are committed to securing maximum payment from a Salvation Army injury claim.  

We operate under a policy known as the Zero Fee Guarantee, so you won’t have to pay us for the cost of legal services. Our law firm asks the Salvation Army to cover legal fees as a part of the compensation owed to you. So, either we win your case and recover our expenses, or we make nothing at all.  

For a free consultation on your rights and legal options, feel free to contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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