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Swimming Instructor Sexual Assault

Swimming Instructor Sexual Assault lawyer sue compensation lawsuit liability groping touching inappropriate

Summertime is in full swing, and many students and adults are looking to improve their swimming skills. It is necessary to learn to swim, both as a student, young child and as an adult. It is always better to have this skill than not, as you can be in a position to need to learn to at least tread water if you find yourself in an emergency situation.

A swimming instructor is meant to help people of all ages to safely learn to swim. But if the swimming instructor is an offender who sexually assaults the students and adults in the swim lesson, then this will be a traumatic event for everyone involved with that swimming instructor. No none takes a swimming lesson, books a private swimming lesson, or arranges for your child to take a swimming lesson expecting to be sexually assaulted as part of the lesson. The idea that the swimming instructor is supposed to follow the basic guidelines of decency and professionalism, seems to be lost on some people – sexual predators and sexual offenders.

If you have been sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor, we are here to talk to you about your injuries. We can discuss your case, when you call us today at the DTLA Law Group. We are here for you, and can initiate a lawsuit on the basis of your personal injuries at the hands of being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor.

What Do Swimming Instructors Teach the Students in the Class?

A swimming instructor is tasked with teaching members participating in the class, about how to swim. There will be many skills that the swimming instructor will be responsible to teach others in the swim class, and these skills will include:

  • Swimming
  • Diving
  • Safety in and around the water
  • Treading water
  • Floating
  • Rolling
  • Kicking
  • Various strokes
  • Jumping into the water safely
  • Breath control
  • Dog paddle
  • Overhand crawl
  • Dive and rise
  • Back sculling
  • Back stroke
  • Freestyle breathing and stroke
  • Advanced treading water
  • Water rescue basics
  • Eggbeater kick
  • Breaststroke kick
  • Deep water diving
  • Butterfly stroke

In the event that you have taken a swimming class and have been sexually assaulted by the swimming instructor learning any of these swimming basics, you need to call us right away. We are able to help you and can talk to you about initiating a lawsuit on the merits of your claim.

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A sexual offender can also be a sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor, if the person does not have a history of sexual offending, then it will be difficult to screen for these types of sexual predators. A student or adult taking swimming lessons can be sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor quite easily – because of the nature of clothing worn in the pool. People who go swimming have their skin exposed, and a sexual deviant can take advantage of this to grope, molest or rape someone in the swimming class.

How Does a Swimming Instructor Sexually Assault a Student?

A swimming instructor who is a sexual predator or sexual offender has many opportunities to grope, molest, rape and sexually assault a swimming program participant. Because of the fact that most people wear revealing clothing to go swimming, the sexual offender has a view of the person’s skin and body the entire time the individual is in the pool during the swimming lesson. A swimming instructor can sexually assault someone during a lesson by:

  • Groping the person
  • Sticking hands in and around the person’s genitals under the guise of helping teach a swimming stroke
  • Touch the person inappropriately and without consent
  • Penetrate the person’s genitals under the water away from view of any witnesses
  • Sexually assault the person in a locker room before, during or after a swim lesson
  • Force the person to have or give sexual acts during or after a swimming lesson
  • Force the person to sodomy in and around the pool area, or near the swimming lesson location

We understand that these are sensitive issues, and we are here to discuss your case with you if this has happened to you or to your child. You can call us now at the DTLA Law Group today.

Sexual Assault of Students and Swim Lesson Adults in the Swim Locker Room

A person can be sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor in a swim locker room. If the swimming instructor changes clothes with the participants of the class, the swimming instructor can have the opportunity to sexually assault someone in the swim locker room. The deviant sexual predator can force someone from the class into a sexual act in the locker room. There may be no witnesses or bystanders around, and the swimming instructor can grope, fondle or rape a swimming class participant quite easily in the swim locker room before, during or after the lesson.

What Is Considered Sexual Assault?

A sexual assault is when one person forces, pushes or threatens another person to engage in sexual acts, without the consent of the party being threatened. A swimming instructor can have the opportunity to sexually assault many students, in the course of even one swimming class. People who sign up for a swimming class do not expect to be sexually assaulted by the swimming instructor. If this has happened to you, just give us a call today to discuss your legal options.

Why Is Sexual Assault a Problem in the Swim Class?

Sexual assault in any type of lesson or class is going to be a major problem, because participants who pay for a lesson in sports are not expecting to be traumatized by being sexually assaulted by the instructor. In a 2017 study, the Centers for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that 10 percent of student in high school were found to have been sexually assaulted, with girls experiencing more sexual assault than boys. This means that a person being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor is not an out of the norm idea, but is fast becoming a normal occurrence in some areas of the country.

How Does Sexual Assault by a Swimming Instructor Affect the Students?

Students and adults in a swim class who are sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor can feel a number of different emotions, as the result of a sexual assault. These feelings after being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor or teacher can include experiencing:

  • Shame over the sexual assault
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Feelings others are faulting you for the trauma
  • Silence to keep others from finding out about the sexual assault
  • Anger at the assailant
  • A sense of loss of innocence and safety
  • Loss of being in control of your body
  • Feeling violated
  • Feeling weak and out of control

There is no need to suffer in silence any longer, and you can call our law office to talk to a lawyer on our legal team about being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor. You need to get the full settlement due to you regarding this personal injury case. For that to come true, you need to talk to an attorney with a solid expertise in personal injuries and damages, losses and traumas affecting you after a sexual assault. We are here today to take your call, just call us this afternoon to discuss your case regarding an incident being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor.

Swimming Instructor Sexual Assault lawyer compensation lawsuit liability groping touching inappropriate sue
Zero Fee Guarantee

Call today for our zero-fee guarantee. We are here to discuss your claim regarding being sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor.

Free Second Opinion

You can call us today for a free second opinion, with an experienced attorney in Los Angeles from our law firm. We can offer to you a free second opinion regarding your case of having been sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor.

Can I Sue for Being Sexually Assaulted by a Swimming Instructor?

Yes, we can sue if you have been sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor. You can call us to discuss your sexual assault with our Los Angeles case lawyers today. We are able to work with you now, and can file a lawsuit based on the merits of your case. There is the option of calling us right now, to talk to our case attorneys in Los Angeles today about your case.

Call for a Free Consultation

You can call us today for a free consultation if you are sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor. We are here for you and can take your call 24/7. Just call us today to review your options for a lawsuit, if you or your child is sexually assaulted by a swimming instructor.

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