Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Filed Against LAUSD – Sexual Abuse Lawyers
A former student of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has filed a lawsuit against the district alleging that she was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her teacher starting in 2009. The abuse allegedly began in 2009.
The abuser is named in the lawsuit – Barry Smolin. He is an English teacher in the high school’s humanities magnet program (specifically, at Hamilton High School). According to the allegations, Smolin began grooming the victim when she was only 14 years old; the suit claims that Smolin gave her drugs and alcohol as well as money to by LSD.
The sexual abuse started when the victim was 16 years old. It occurred both in the classroom as well as off-campus. There are also allegations that other teachers at the school were aware of the sexual abuse that was occurring, but they failed to report it to either law enforcement or child protective services (it is important to note that teachers are required to report because they are considered mandated reporters).
The victim’s attorney claims that she has suffered severe trauma and is entitled to compensation for the sexual abuse that she endured.
The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, in the Los Angeles Superior Court
Sexual Abuse at SchoolsUnfortunately, sexual abuse at schools is very common. Teachers, coaches, and other staff members take advantage of their position near children to harm them. The sexual abuse typically occurs at the hands of adults that these kids trust completely. It normally results in significant mental and emotional trauma.
Who is Liable?Who is liable for sexual assault and abuse that happens in schools? In general, the school district is liable. Liability is based on the fact that school districts and schools, including all the teachers and other staff, have a duty to keep students safe. While teachers and staff deal with students on the day to day, they must keep an eye out for potential abuse both in the home and in the school and report it immediately. The district, on the other hand, has a duty to ensure that they are hiring staff that does not pose a threat to students. In other words, they have to ensure that their hiring process (screening, testing, etc.), supervising process, and even disciplining process is effective. When these parties breach the duty of care, they could contribute to sexual assault incidents and be liable for the resulting harm.
Because the district could be liable for the sexual abuse suffered by students at the hands of school faculty, they could be sued. If you are interested in learning more about your right to sue for sexual abuse that occurs at a school, do not hesitate to contact the experts at our firm as soon as possible.
Contact Downtown L.A. Law GroupWere you or a member of your family a victim of sexual abuse at a school? If so, you might have grounds to file a lawsuit against the school district. If you are interested in learning more about your right to file a lawsuit, do not hesitate to contact the experts at our firm as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to win.
At our firm, we offer free legal services, which include free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim. If you are interested in benefiting from these free legal services, do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee which ensures that our clients will not have to pau upfront legal expenses. We also work on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after winning their lawsuit. If you do not win, you will not be responsible for paying anything.
Are you ready to discuss your claim with our school sexual abuse lawyers? If so, contact us immediately.
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