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PE Teacher or Physical Education Teacher Sexual Assault Attorney

PE Teacher or Physical Education Teacher Sexual Assault Attorney lawyer sue compensation lawsuit staff injury liability school

PE or Physical Education teachers can easily perpetrate sexual assault on boys and girls in their physical education classes. The physical education teacher has nearly unlimited access to the children during the physical education class time. This allows the physical education teacher to have unlimited personal and private time with the students, without other teachers knowing what they are doing. It also gives the physical education teacher and substitute teachers to the physical education class an opportunity to secretly watch or videotape the students as they are in the boys and girl’s locker rooms getting dressed and undressed for the class time.

Physical Education Teachers Can Be Substitutes, Volunteers or Staff Members Who Fill in When the PE Teacher Is Away

A student at a school can be physically sexually assaulted by the physical education teacher or by someone who has to fill in for that teacher during the school day. There are many people who may have to fill in for the regularly scheduled physical education teacher at a school. This would happen if the physical education teacher is called out of the class or gymnasium on an emergency. The people who may have limited or “emergency” access to your child during a gym class or session could be a:

  • Principal
  • Assistant principal
  • Secretary
  • Substitute teacher from another class
  • Volunteer
  • Administrator
  • Paraprofessional
  • Parent volunteer
  • Community volunteer
  • Other teacher from another class

Although everyone who works in a school is fingerprinted and background checked at the beginning of each year, there could be people who do have access to the boys and girls in the physical education or “gym” class who normally would never be ablet to get near to your child. No one can pinpoint the reasons why a person who never did it before, would want to sexually assault a child. But it can happen, and when it does it is a criminal act. Call our law office today if your child has been sexually assaulted by the physical education teacher. We are here to help you, but that can’t happen unless you give us a call today.

Our Latest Verdicts and Settlements

$54 Million

Sexual Assault

$1.93 Million

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Assault & Battery


Assault By Security Guard


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Head Trauma
Students Often Feel Ashamed After a Sexual Assault by the Physical Education Teacher

Your child as a student is told most of the day to follow the direction of the adults in the classroom. These students are being obedient and “good” to follow the instructions of the teachers. It is not the child’s fault if a physical education teacher is sexually assaulting the students. The child may not know what is happening, and may just feel ashamed over the incident. Many situations of sexual assault by the physical education teacher go unreported, because the child is unsure of what has actually taken place, and may not know where to go to report this type of inappropriate touching by the physical education teacher.

If your child has been inappropriately touched and has experienced a sexual assault by the physical education teacher, you need to call us today. We are able to sort out the claim for you, and give you the peace of mind that you need with employee sexual misconduct and sexual assault by the physical education teacher at your child’s school.

Do Not Trust the School to Correctly Handle Physical Education Teacher’s Sexual Assaults

The schools often will hide the fact that a sexual assault by the physical education teacher has occurred. Sometimes the schools will fire a teacher, and the offending physical education teacher will just quietly go to another school in the district. This will allow the physical education to perpetuate the instance of sexual assault all over again at another school with other innocent students. If your child has been sexually assaulted by the physical education teacher, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group this afternoon. We are here to take your call and confidentially discuss your case of sexual assault of your child, by the physical education teacher at your child’s school.

Physical Education Teachers Can Spend Time Alone with Your Child and Sexually Assault the Child During those Times

The physical education or PE teacher who schedules time alone with your child, may be sexually assaulting your child during those private times. It is a way for the sexual predator to get your boy or girl alone, away from other people who can tell what the PE teacher is doing. The student may not understand what is happening, and may then felt ashamed or embarrassed to talk about the incident of sexual assault.

You need to call us at the DTLA Law Group to go over the actions that lead to the sexual assault by the physical education teacher of your child. That PE and physical education teacher needs to be held accountable for any actions that led to a sexual assault of a child in a gym class.

Zero Fee Guarantee

We are able to explain the rules of law that will apply to your case, and go over the legal strategy to win your case. We can talk to you in a way that you understand, and will offer to you a zero-fee guarantee for this consultation.

PE Teacher or Physical Education Teacher Sexual Assault Attorney lawyer compensation lawsuit staff injury liability school sue
Free Second Opinion

You have an opportunity to talk to anyone you choose when your child has experienced sexual assault by the physical education teacher. We are here for you and can offer a free second opinion to your claim and your case. We understand that this may be a confusing time for your family, as your child may need time to heal from a sexual assault by the physical education teacher. We are able to review your case, explain the next steps and go over what will it get to get for you the recovery compensation that you need to fully recover from this type of claim.

Can I Sue for a Sexual Assault on My Child from the School Physical Education Teacher?

Yes, we can sue when you need to be reimbursed for your child’s sexual assault by the physical education teacher. When you call us, we can review your case with you and our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue. We want to give you the peace of mind that you deserve, when there are issues that cannot be resolved or mediated in a case involving sexual assault by the physical education teacher. Just call us at DTLA Law Group when you don’t know where to turn, and your young child has been sexually assaulted by the physical education or PE teacher at the school.

Call for a Free Consultation

Your ability to talk to your child about sexual assault will help you to determine the extent of sexual assault by the physical education teacher on your child. If you have found out that your child has been sexually assaulted by the physical education teacher, or someone standing in for the physical education teacher at the school, then you need to call us today.

We are able to talk to you and work with you to initiate a lawsuit for recovery compensation for your child’s trauma, sexual assault, personal injuries and emotional pain and suffering. Just call today for a free consultation and we will review your case for you for free. Call now!

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