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Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall Physical and Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall Physical and Sexual Abuse Lawyers attorney compensation incident liability

Were you abused at Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall? If so, you could have the right to file a lawsuit; you could also be entitled to recover compensation for the harm that you suffered. Detained youth are often unaware of their rights – and may be unaware of their rights long into adulthood. Unfortunately, both physical abuse and sexual abuse is very common in juvenile halls all throughout California.

Detained youth can suffer abuse at the hands of staff as well as at the hands of other staff. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of attention directed at juvenile halls as victims continue to come forward with their experiences of abuse. If you were abused at the Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall, you should seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

Here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group, our team has decades of experience handling juvenile hall abuse claims. We believe that all victims of abuse at juvenile halls deserve justice. Our legal team is more than ready to evaluate your situation and help you in pursuing your claim and getting the justice that you are owed. If you are ready to speak with our juvenile hall abuse lawyers, contact us today.

General Information on the Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall

The Sonoma County Juvenile hall – also known as the Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall – opened in late 2005. The juvenile facility is located at 7425 Rancho Los Guilicos Road in Santa Rosa, California. The juvenile hall was designed for the detention of youth awaiting court hearings, placement in a group home or foster home, or serving short-term commitments.

Madera County Juvenile Detention Facility Sexual Abuse Attorney sexual abuse sue compensation incident liability
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Physical Abuse at California Juvenile Halls

Physical abuse is very common in juvenile halls, and it can take many forms. This can include pushing, shoving, kicking, throwing, punching, cutting, burning, etc. Youth could be minding their own business when they are suddenly attacked and thrown onto the floor or up against the wall and repeatedly beat. In general, this abuse classifies as assault and battery – or both the threat of violence and the act of violence. This abuse can happen at any time, in private areas, in communal areas, in front of other detained youth, and in front of guards. Youth could be abused by both other youth and by the guards that are supposed to be ensuring their safety. Unfortunately, many guards look the other way or even encourage the abuse to occur.

Physical abuse at Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall can lead to many injuries, which can include traumatic brain injuries, concussions, other head injuries, facial injuries, broken teeth, broken nose, broken jaw, neck injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, nerve injuries, internal bleeding, lacerations, scrapes, and bruises, etc.

Sexual Abuse at Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall and Other Juvenile Facilities in California

Sexual abuse – which in juvenile halls would be child sexual abuse since detainees are all minors – is very common in juvenile halls and caps. Just like physical abuse, sexual abuse can happen at the hands of detained youth or staff, including guards, officers, and directors. Victims who have shared their experience of sexual abuse at these facilities recall getting pulled out of beds during the nights, molested during showers, fondled during examinations, and more. The sexual abuse can include any sort of sexual misconduct, such as rape, attempted rape, sodomy, penetration with objects, groping, fondling, touching, kissing, showing inappropriate images, making inappropriate comments or jokes, etc.

Sexual abuse can have lasting physical, emotional, and mental consequences. This can include the following: sexually transmitted infections, injuries to genitals, injuries to reproductive organs, unwanted pregnancies and related complications, nerve damage, chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, fear, panic, increased risk of substance abuse, increased risk of self-harm, etc.

Do I have the Right to Sue for Abuse at the Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall or Sonoma County Juvenile Hall?

Yes – you could have the right to sue for any abuse that you suffered at this juvenile hall facility. Unfortunately, victims mistakenly believe that they do not have any rights when they are detained at juvenile halls. Even when youth is detained, youth has the right to safety. It is the duty of the county – and everyone at these establishments – to ensure that youth is safe while they are in these facilities. Because of the duty of care owed to youth, the county has to do a number of things to ensure that youth are not at risk of harm while they are detained at their facilities.

For instance, the county has to ensure that the employees/staff at their facilities do not pose a threat to youth. They must subject all prospective employees to background checks. Once hired, employees should be subject to random background checks. In addition, the county should provide and require all employees to complete training. Employees should also be supervised during all interactions with youth. Most importantly, it is essential that the county implements policies and procedures that allow youth or even other staff to report abuse so that it could be investigated. When it comes to abuse at the hands of other youth, it is important that staff remains vigilant to be able to identify and address abuse. When reports arise, they should take them seriously and take action to stop the abuse.

In summary, when a juvenile hall center fails to keep youth safe, the juvenile hall center – and the county that operates the facility – could be liable for all harm resulting from the abuse and could be sued. For more information about your right to file a lawsuit for the sexual abuse or physical abuse that you suffered at a juvenile hall, contact the experts here at our law firm as soon as possible.

Can I Recover Compensation for the Abuse I Suffered?

Yes, you could be eligible to recover compensation for the harm that you suffered at Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall or Sonoma County Juvenile Hall. Some of the categories available for recovery include the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Treble damages
  • Punitive damages
  • Legal fees

Claims stemming from abuse at juvenile halls can be worth anywhere from $150,000 to $3 million, although some claims can be worth more. The value of claims will be strictly based on the type of abuse that occurred (physical, sexual, or both), the resulting injuries, the permanency of the injuries, the mental and emotional harm resulting from the abuse, etc.

Our juvenile hall abuse experts are fully committed to getting the victims of juvenile hall abuse justice, and doing so entails fighting for your right to the maximum payout available to you. For more information about the compensation that you could receive, contact the experts as soon as possible.

Madera County Juvenile Detention Facility Sexual Abuse Attorney liability compensation lawyer attorney sue
How Long Do I Have to File My Abuse Claim?

All abuse claims are subject to a statute of limitations or a deadline to sue. It is essential that claimants file their claims on time. Failing to file claims on time could result in losing the right to file a lawsuit altogether.

So, what deadline applies to your claim? The answer to this question depends on the type of case being pursued. Victims of child physical abuse generally have two years after the age of eighteen to file their claims. Victims of child sexual abuse generally have twenty-two years from the age of eighteen to file their lawsuits (or until the age of forty); in addition, there is a five-year discovery rule, meaning that claimants can sue within five years of the discovery of the harm caused by the abuse even if they are past the age of forty.)

However, it is important to note that juvenile hall abuse claims are usually government claims, which are subject to a much shorter deadline to sue. For more information about the time that you have to file your claim, contact our lawyers.

Contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

If you were abused at the Los Guilicos Juvenile Hall (otherwise known at Sonoma County Juvenile Hall), you could have grounds to file a lawsuit and receive compensation. For more information about your right to sue, contact us today. Our team is fully committed to fighting for your rights. To ensure that we remain as accessible as possible to all, we offer free legal services. These free legal services include both free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our juvenile hall abuse lawyers will be available to answer questions and address all your concerns – ensuring that you have access to all the information that you need to begin or continue your claim. We offer a Zero-Fee Guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay any upfront legal fees for our legal services. In addition, our team works on contingency; therefore, you will not be required to pay anything if your claim is unsuccessful. If you are ready to speak with our juvenile hall abuse lawyers, contact us at your earliest convenience.

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