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Hotel Kids Club Sexual Assault Attorney

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Summer is in full swing, and many families are already traveling with their little ones to go on a fun family vacation. These families are no doubt looking forward to staying in posh and even middle rate hotels and motels, as they trek across the country on their much-anticipated vacations. But there is a dark side to traveling on vacation with children.

When hotels offer babysitting services at a hotel kids club, there can be a dark side that includes sexual assault to the children participating in those hotel sponsored programs. Whether the hotel kids clubs are paid activity clubs or free services sponsored by a hotel, these clubs are run by people who have the opportunity to be predators to young children.

Hotel Managers and Staff Need to Monitor the Hotel Kids Club Activities and Leaders

A hotel needs to be aware of who they hire for managing and directing play for children in the hotel kids club. If a sexual predator is able to infiltrate a hotel, because the hotel manager hired someone who was not properly vetted, then the lives of many children will be at stake in the process. Hotel administrators, managers and owners need to perform due diligence on the people who they hire to run the hotel kids club. If not, then there will be many children who will be susceptible to the whims of a sexual predator, because no one is paying attention to what is happening with the kids.

Verbal Sexual Harassment Often Is the Precursor to Physical Sexual Violence

A person from a hotel kids club who is running the program, can initiate verbal sexual harassment towards a child during the program activities. Since the children are usually in the program being watched after while their parents are away from the hotel for the day, the children are extremely vulnerable when this occurs. Many children will not have been exposed to overtly sexual language, and will not understand or know what verbal sexual harassment is when it is directed at them. An example of verbal sexual harassment can be:

  • Offensive jokes
  • Sexual jokes
  • Jokes using sexual words
  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Asking for sexual favors
  • Suggestive sexual videos
  • Derogatory comments referring to sexual acts and content

In the event that your child experienced verbal sexual harassment before being sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program, you can call us today to discuss the case.

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Children Have Been Taught to Listen to Adults

Some children have been taught that adults know best, and that they are “good” children if they listen and do what an adult says. If a child does not have a sense of “stranger danger,” or is too young to refuse the will of an adult, then the child will be vulnerable to a sexual predator at a hotel kids club.

Children are vulnerable when left at a hotel kids club, because the leader of the club may know how to approach young children to take advantage of them.

Abusers Who Single-Out Children Often “Groom” the Children First

Sexual predators who prey on children under their charge, often groom the children to seek out which ones are the most vulnerable. A child who needs or wants adult praise will fall into this trap, as set by the sexual predator. A sexual predator will overly praise a child to win the child’s trust. Children respond to teacher models, and the child may trust the leader of the hotel kids club as a teacher model. The sexual abuser will give the child:

  • Attention
  • Special privileges
  • Special accolades
  • More praise
  • More touching
  • More encouragement
  • Extra love and attention
  • Extra snacks
  • Extra responsibilities

If your child was sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program and groomed by the sexual predator, you can give us a call at the DTLA Law Group this afternoon to discuss your case.

Parents Need to Be Vigilant in Looking at Hotel Kids Club Leaders

Parents need to be careful where they leave their children on vacation, and in whose care, they trust to leave their children with while they are away. A parent needs to see any changes in that child after being with a sexual predator, such as noticing any:

  • Physical signs of sexual abuse on the child
  • The child preoccupied with his/her genitals
  • Behavior indicators that the child has been touched sexually
  • Itching of the child in the genital area
  • Stained or bloodied underwear on the child
  • Torn or ripped clothing of the child
  • Difficulty walking of the child
  • New sexual language coming from the child
  • New behaviors of special education children
  • Adults with access to the children without proper authority
  • Changes in the child’s personality
  • Child not wanting to be seen without clothing
  • Unusual bruises on the child

If your child was sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program, you can call us right now to discuss the details of your case.

Parents Can Ask Children Important Questions Regarding Possible Sexual Assault at a Hotel Kids Club

Parents can be proactive and ask their children questions regarding how they were treated at the hotel kids club. If the parents want to know of any possible sexual assault of their children, the parents can ask the child if anyone:

  • Pinched or grabbed the child
  • Leaned over the child
  • Blocked the doorway when child wanted to leave a room
  • Made suggestive gestures towards the child
  • Made sexual comments about the child
  • Pressured the child to do something sexual with an adult
  • Forced the child to touch the perpetrator sexually

If your child has been sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program, you will no doubt want to talk to a lawyer with experience in children who are victims of sexual assaults. You can feel comfortable calling us to get information from an attorney with expertise in sexual predators who make sexual assaults on children.

Hotel Kids Club Sexual Assault Attorney lawyer molest grooming lawyer lawsuit compensation sue
Zero Fee Guarantee

We are able to offer to you a zero-fee guarantee for discussing your case related to the incident of your child, who has been sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program. It is easy to make the call, call today!

Free Second Opinion

We can discuss your case for your child being sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program when you call the DTLA Law Group today. You will be connected with attorneys who specialize in personal injury sexual assault cases for children. Just call our office and go over your claim with our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles.

Can I Sue for My Child Being Sexually Assaulted in a Hotel Kids Club Program?

Yes, we can sue the hotel establishment owner for your child being sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program. We will review your case for you, and our Los Angeles case lawyers can file a lawsuit on your behalf for your child. You can talk to us in the strictest of confidence, and our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue the owners of the hotel on your behalf in this case.

Call for a Free Consultation

We are available today to talk to you about your case regarding your child being sexually assaulted in a hotel kids club program. Call for your free consultation today.

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