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Summer camp drowning accident

Drowning accidents are among the most unfortunate tragedies that can unfold, especially when they take place at summer camps and similar locations. These camps are meant to be escapes for children and young adults, and if an individual drowns, it can scar everyone for life. Worse, the family of the drowned individual has to move on without the presence of the child. If your loved one or child passed away in a drowning accident at a summer camp, you should take appropriate legal action. The Downtown LA Law Group will be able to assist you with your case if you call us today.

How do summer camp drowning accidents happen?

Summer camp drowning accident Individuals can drown at summer camp with little supervision. Some summer camps may be sleep-away camps that are at cabins in the woods or near lakes, for example. These relatively unrestricted areas are popular locations for campers to go exploring. They may go to any body of water and swim, which can lead to issues. There may be no lifeguards around who can save them and other campers may be too inexperienced of swimmers to rescue them. There can also be other problems with the bodies of water, such as rocks, excessive seaweed and murky waters, and more that can trap people beneath the surface. Other camps are at facilities that may have pools on site (or, in some cases, the campers may be taken to other pools, such as those at private swimming centers or schools). These pools are generally more supervised and more closely guarded. It may be difficult to assign negligence to a specific individual in a summer camp drowning. You could point to the camp counselors who were not accounting for everyone or who were ignoring those who were swimming, or you could hold the company accountable if they hired unqualified counselors. Some facilities may have pool defects like broken ladders and a lack of warning signs about depth, which can result in the facilities being held liable as well. It is crucial that summer camps that have young children be extra vigilant and hire enough counselors to keep an eye on everyone. It is not hard for a child to essentially escape from the group, and it may be hard to keep track of everyone. Experienced counselors have a low chance of this happening. No matter how the incident happens, it is important that you identify who was responsible and who can be targeted in a lawsuit. If you are uncertain, you can take your claim to us to speak with a summer camp drowning accident attorney. We will walk you through the legal process.

What steps should I take to sue a summer camp for a drowning accident?

In order to sue a summer camp for a drowning accident, you will need adequate evidence on your side. This evidence should be gathered quickly, but you may not be able to do so because of the location of the camp or the nature of the incident. Regardless, it is important that you follow these steps: First, you should go to the hospital to collect any relevant medical notes and receipts for treatment after your loved one was taken there. It is not uncommon for someone who has drowned to be taken to the hospital, and the bills for this can pile up – ambulatory transportation alone can cost hundreds of dollars, for example.

Learn more about your legal options: call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

Next, you should go to the scene to try and collect as much hard proof as you can. This can include photos of the scene of the drowning, videos from other individuals, security footage if any was available, pictures of any defects with a pool, pictures of any dangerous areas in a river or lake, and more. It is important that you get as much supporting evidence as possible. You should speak to other campers or authority figures to get their testimonies on what happened. Eyewitness statements can greatly benefit your lawsuit. You should make sure to keep any relevant exchanges with the summer camp, as well. This can include an incident report, an email chain, text messages, a receipt of payment for your child’s attendance, and more. Finally, you should contact a lawyer who can help you file a summer camp drowning accident lawsuit. We will be able to work around the clock to win your case, and we will not give up until we are satisfied with the result. You may not have the time, money, or mental strength to move forward with a claim; the aftermath of a drowning can be brutal, and you should spend it with your family. We will see to it that your claim is properly handled and that your case is successful.

What can I win in a summer camp drowning accident lawsuit?

If your child passed away in a drowning accident while staying at summer camp or sleep away camp, you could earn a large settlement for your loss. It is not fair to expect the numerous bills and debts from the incident to be paid by you – the responsible company should be held liable. A wrongful death lawsuit can be filed to collect compensation, which can include the following:
  • Pre-death medical bills, which may have racked up if your child had to go to the hospital or ambulance
  • Pre-death pain and suffering, which would include mental trauma, fear, and other emotional anguish of the deceased
  • Funeral and burial fees to cover the burial plot, casket, cremation, wake costs, and more
  • Loss of relations or consortium if it were a loved one or partner who passed away in the incident
  • Loss of expected savings or inheritance if a loved one passed and his income and other earnings were tied to you
  • Punitive damages, which can be awarded in ties of gross negligence or if someone intentionally harmed or hurt the individual; these damages are hard to win, though, and are generally regarded as excessive or severe, so only a lawyer skilled in summer camp drowning accident claims will be able to secure them for you
What can I win in a summer camp drowning accident lawsuit? The value of your case will be determined by the insurance agent handling it, and he will make an offer based on the impact of the incident and the responsibility or accountability of the parties. Some wrongful death cases or summer camp drowning lawsuits can be worth over $1,000,000. The agent will make an offer, and if we are not satisfied with it, we will we will fight and negotiate a better deal. You should not be mistreated or given less than what you deserve if a loved one died in a drowning accident at a summer camp.

What is the statute of limitations on summer camp drowning claims?

A summer camp drowning claim is essentially a personal injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit. These claims must be filed within 2 years of the occurrence of the injury. If you fail to file a lawsuit within that time, you will be unable to move forward and will have no chance of success. The statute of limitations is in place to make sure that claims are filed so that both parties have the opportunity to gather evidence and so the lawsuits do not sit around on the shelf waiting for an opportune moment. There are some ways that the statute of limitations can be extended, however. The most common in wrongful death claims occurs when the defendant leaves the state. A claim cannot be filed against an individual who has vacated the state, so the statute would be suspended until he returns. This could take weeks or years. The main reason that many individuals miss out on the chance to file a lawsuit, though, is due to the fact that many do not know that there is a statute of limitations. We have seen many people shocked to realize that they exceeded the deadline for their claims. Do not let it happen to you – contact a lawyer to determine the exact amount of time left on your case. Our summer camp drowning accident attorneys will submit your documents on time and ensure that your claim does not have any chance of being thrown out.

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

Our Firm and You

The Downtown LA Law Group is well known for its highly successful attorneys. We are among the highest rated lawyers available in Los Angeles, and we aim to win every case that is presented to us. We know how grief and a lost loved one can affect families, and we want to ensure that all possible damages are covered. Our aggressive lawyers will relentlessly strive to negotiate a fair deal from the insurance agency and bring you every penny your family needs. Contact our firm today to set up a free legal consultation with an experienced lawyer. We will listen to your case and tell you what we feel it is worth, and we will answer any and all questions you have. You will not have to worry about any private information being leaked anywhere else, either; all consultations are totally confidential. We respect your privacy and choices. If you hire us, we will give you our zero fee guarantee. This is a promise that you won’t touch your own bank account throughout the case. We will not get paid unless and until we win, and the money will come from the settlement from the summer camp’s insurance agency. If we lose, we do not get paid a dime, and you won’t owe us for our services. To sue a summer camp for a drowning accident, call the Downtown LA Law Group today at (855) 339-8879.

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