Common Paint Ball Injuries: Paintball Gun Defected Lawsuit
Every year thousands of paintball enthusiasts suffer severe injuries during paintball matches. According to statistics 8 million American participate in paintball matches yearly leading to more than 21,000 injuries. How Paintball Work: Paintball guns work by the use of compressed air to fire the paint ball projectile. Thrust is provided in three ways
- Spring that is cocked
- Gas cartridge containing carbon dioxide
- Pump up action rifle
Paintball Accident Statistics:
- Younger individual are at an increased rate of injury – more than 60% of emergency visitors for paintball injuries were under the age of 17
- Males are 5 times more at risk of paintball injuries
- 23.0% all paintball injuries were to the head, and neck and exposes skin
- Nearly 60 individuals per day are injured in paintball accidents
Common Paint Ball Match Injuries:
Some of the most common paintball injuries are as follows:
Traumatic Eye Injury – Partial or Complete Blindness: Due to the high velocity of a paintball, paintballers are advised to wear protective facial masks. However in many instances such protection fails leading to serious eye injuries. Trauma caused by sudden force or compression to the eye can cause prolonged injuries. Sudden injuries can cause what is known as an indentation around the globe of the eye that happens immediately upon contact. Persons who suffer blunt force trauma to the eye will be unable to produce clear images which can cause cataracts resulting from lack of light to the back of the eye.
Brain Injury from Traumatic Head Impact: Brain injuries can result from falls and blunt force strikes to the head. The most common brain injuries include concussions, brain hemorrhaging, oxygen depletion, skull fractures and post traumatic head ache syndrome.
Fractured Ribs: Rib fractures are common in many sport activities. Common symptoms of fractured ribs include. Change in the shape of your chest, rib bones cutting through the skin, difficulty breathing, compressed and painful breathing, and general weakness.
Knee and Ligament injuries: Common Knee and ligament injuries include, Torn Ligament Ruptured Tendons, MCL Injuries, ACL Injuries Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Torn Meniscus Injury, and Fracture Other Paintball injuries:
- Open Head Wounds
- Contusions and
- Infections
- Eye Infections
- Separated Shoulder
- Broken Bones
Compensation for your injuries: Our Expert team of legal professionals will help you receive recovery for
- Medical Expenses: Medical expenses include all medical bills and costs, including those incurred in the emergency room, hospital visits, doctor visits, MRI testing facility, radiologists, chiropractors, dentists, or any other treating professional that was necessitated as a result of your injury.
- Future Medical Expenses: Unfortunately, the effects of an can often be felt for months, years, or even a lifetime after the injury occurred. We will work with doctors and other medical specialist to establish the full amount of any future medical expenses to make sure you are adequately compensated for these damages.
- Lost Wages: After an accident, you are entitled to any income you lost. Even if you were unemployed before the accident a Personal Injury Lawyer may be able to procure lost wages damages by demonstrating what you could have earned but for your herniated disc injury.
- Loss of Earning Capacity: In addition to current lost wages, victims of car accidents are eligible to receive compensation for future lost wages.
- Pain and Suffering: A victim of herniated disc injury can further be compensated for mental suffering that could include fright, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief or feelings of distress
More Information: Paint Ball Accident Attorney
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