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Helipad Accident Attorney

Helipad Defect Attorney lawyer lawsuit sue compensation defect personal injury incident accident

Helipads can be built on the ground or on rooftops. It is the responsibility of the helicopter pilot to ensure that the helicopter is piloted safely on the helipad. But it is the responsibility of the helipad owner that the helipad is a safe place for a helicopter landing. If you have suffered serious personal injuries because of a helicopter accident on a defective helipad, you need to give us a call. Our team will work with you on this case, and your lawyer will tell you how the case will be won regarding a helipad defect.

A helipad is built on the ground or on a rooftop. It is built to accommodate the landing of a helicopter on the helipad. A helipad is not a heliport. The heliport is like an airport for helicopters. A heliport has full-service lights, attendants, and other services that are not going to be feasible on a helipad. People build helipads for many different reasons. Either way, it is the responsibility of the builder of the helipad and the owner of the property where the helipad is located to ensure that the helipad is built and operated properly.

If you have been injured by a helipad defect, you need to give us a call today. You will be talking to an attorney in our office, who is ready to win this case for you after injuries suffered on account of a defective helipad.

Helicopters Don’t Have Flight Attendants, the Pilot Has to Brief Everyone on Safety Issues

The helipad needs to be built and maintained, in order that there are no safety issues when the helicopter needs to land on the helipad. The pilot may or may not know about any defect related to a helipad. The pilot and the helipad owner are responsible for the helipad and surrounding areas being safe for the helicopter to land when you are taking a helicopter flight.

The pilot is the only person responsible for briefing the passengers to the safety features of the helicopter. This includes the use of:

  • Seatbelts
  • Doors
  • Headsets
  • Intercom system

The pilot needs to explain all safe entry and exit areas to the helicopter. The pilot instructions need to be clear, concise and easy to understand for all passengers getting into and leaving the helicopter. Passengers need to know about all survival equipment, what actions to take if there is an in-flight emergency, and the best positions to protect spine against a high vertical impact, as well as how to perform an emergency exit from the helicopter if that becomes necessary. The passengers also need to know how to use and retrieve the fire extinguisher, and other emergency equipment if necessary.

If you landed on a defective helipad, you may have been put in a position where you needed to adopt survival routines on that helicopter ride. If this has actually happened to you, you need to call our office immediately, to discuss your claim for injuries suffered on a defective helipad.

Zero Fee Guarantee

There is never any up-front fee for you to pay to talk to us, just give us a call now. We are always here for you and will discuss your case in a way that you can understand.

Pilot Error and Defective Helipads Cause Many Helicopter Helipad Landing Accidents

A pilot can try to land on a defective helipad, and have an accident because of the defects related to the helipad. Pilots who fly helicopters are responsible for the helicopter for the entire time that the helicopter is in the air, as well as when the helicopter needs to land. As a pilot is transporting clients, that pilot is responsible for the lives of himself or herself, and everyone else on the helicopter.

Once the helicopter pilot decides to make a trip in the helicopter, it is up to the pilot to make sure that all decisions regarding flying the helicopter are sound and of good judgment for the flight. The pilot must also use due diligence to determine what to do in the instant of an emergency both before, during and after the flight. If the helipad is defective, it is up to the pilot to figure this out, and determine what to do that will allow the helicopter to land safely – wherever it needs to land to be safe, at that point.

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Helicopter Pilots Need to Review Guidelines on Landing on a Defective Helipad

Helicopter pilots need to review the rotorcraft flight manual (RFM), pilot’s operating handbook (POH) or other information needed to understand and operate a helicopter safely. This is especially true when a pilot lands on a defective helicopter pad.

The pilot in command or (PIC) is there to make sure that the aircraft is in a condition to be airworthy at all times. The pilot will perform a pre-flight checklist, and review all systems on the helicopter. This includes checking all required:

  • Instruments
  • Systems
  • Mechanics
  • Rotors
  • Gears
  • Helipad
  • Landing equipment
  • Mechanical equipment onboard
  • Essential and nonessential equipment
  • Maintenance records
  • Paperwork and logs related to last flights of the helicopter
  • The safety of the helipad

If the pilot finds any inoperative equipment on the helicopter or on the helipad (such as with a defect), the flight should be cancelled and maintenance should be performed to fix the situation. If a pilot decides to defer maintenance of a helicopter, then this may contribute to pilot error during the flight. If a flight is canceled, the pilot must put an “Inoperative” placard near the switches, controls or indicators and needs to deactivate the helicopter until a certified mechanic can service the helicopter.

Defective Helipad Accidents Can Occur in the Daytime or at Night

Many helicopter accidents occur at night, but a defective helipad accident can occur in the daytime too. For this reason, if there are problems with the helicopter lights, then the pilot needs to determine if the flight should be cancelled or if it can be made safely before dark. There are rules from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regarding what helicopter pilots can do to fly at night with issues regarding their lights. All helicopter pilots must follow all rules related to FAA bylaws and regulations. If there are any defects in the helipad, the pilot needs to be aware of this and act accordingly to keep the flight safe for all passengers.

Free Second Opinion

Even if you are working with someone who has promised you a guaranteed result, that result may never come to pass. Instead, you can call us and you can still talk to us for a second opinion. You need your claim for a defective helipad and the resulting accident to be resolved quickly. That is why you need to call us right away.

Helipad Defect Attorney lawyer lawsuit sue compensation defect personal injury incident accident
Defective Helipad Accidents with Helicopters Happen Frequently with Getting In and Out of Helicopters

People riding as passengers in a helicopter are not used to getting in and coming out of the helicopter. When there is a defective helipad, this will increase the risk of having an accident getting in and out of the helicopter. The boarding and deplaning of helicopter passengers are a dangerous few minutes for the passengers, ground crew if there is one and for the pilot. Any time that a passenger needs to deplane from the helicopter, the person needs to be told how to do so safely. At a minimum, any helicopter passengers need to be told that they need to exit the helicopter by:

  • Staying away from the rear of the helicopter
  • Only approach the helicopter by crouching down and lowering their heads to enter
  • Approach only in the pilot’s line of vision
  • Carry tools horizontally below the waist, never above the head
  • Hold onto hats and loose clothing articles
  • Never reach up or run after a hat that has blown away
  • Protect their eyes by covering with hands as a shield
Can I Sue for a Helipad Defect

Yes, we can sue on this type of case for you, when you are injured at a defective helipad. You need to call our Los Angeles case lawyers today, to file a lawsuit regarding your case for a defective helipad.

Call for a Free Consultation

Just give us a call today for a free consultation regarding your case of a defective helipad, and the accompanying personal injuries that you sustained because of it. We are here for you, and it is easy to contact us. Just call now!

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