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Electric Shock and CRPS – CRPS Attorney

CRPS electric shock complex regional pain syndrome electrocution sue medical expenses pain compensation sue personal injury lawyer attorney los angeles

Did you suffer CRPS caused by electric shock? If so, the pain that you have been experiencing has likely affected many different aspects of your life. The debilitating and often disabling pain likely prevents you from living your life as you did prior to developing the condition.

If you developed CRPS after suffering an electrical injury, you might have grounds to pursue a claim. You might have grounds to file a CRPS lawsuit against the party or entity that negligently contributed to the harm that you suffered. Depending on the details of your claim, you might also have grounds to recover monetary compensation for the harm that you suffered and will likely continue to suffer because of your diagnosis. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of pursuing a claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm at your earliest convenience.

At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of claims – always representing the best interests of our clients. Our lawyers have successfully handled CRPS cases and helped victims and their families recover the compensation that they deserve. If you would like to discuss your claim with the experts at our law firm, do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience. Our CRPS electrical injury lawyers are ready to evaluate your claim and guide you towards a successful claim outcome.

What is CRPS?

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a condition that causes affected parted to suffer chronic pain – which can be disabling and debilitation. There are two types of CRPS: Type I and Type II. CRPS Type I occurs after soft tissue injuries (such as fractures, burns, sprains, and strains) and minor nerve injuries. CRPS Type II, on the other hand, occurs after major nerve injuries; it is referred to as Causalgia.

Before 1994, CRPS was known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Because the condition’s name-change is fairly recent, both RSD and CRPS are often use interchangeably to refer to the condition.

As mentioned above, CRPS causes chronic pain. More specifically, it is a chronic pain that can be present intermittently or constantly; it affects the skin, joints, muscles, and bones. CRPS is common in the limbs; however, it can appear anywhere on the body. Typically, it begins in one area and spreads to other areas – ultimately increasing the pain suffered.

CRPS after Electrocution

Is it possible to develop CRPS after an electrical injury? As mentioned above, CRPS can develop after nerve injuries; therefore, an electrocution that results in nerve damage could definitely result in CRPS. Many might argue that electrocution is rare; however, there are many things that could contribute to electrical injuries at nearly any time. Power lines, electric machinery, electric weapons, electrical outlets, as well as household appliances can all cause electrocution. Even something as simple as connecting a device’s charger – something that most of us do every day – can cause electric shock. Depending on the severity of the shock, victims could suffer nerve injuries, which can contribute to the development of CRPS.

Can You Sue for CRPS?

Do you have the right to sue for CRPS? If you CRPS was caused by a personal injury accident, you will likely have grounds to pursue a claim. Your right to sue is based on negligence. That is, a party owed you a duty of care that was ultimately breached – resulting in your accident and the harm that you suffered. If the accident and the harm that you suffered was a direct result of negligence, and the harm that you suffered led to your CRPS diagnosis, you will likely have grounds to sue for CRPS. To learn more about your right to sue for CRPS after an electrocution incident, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm at your earliest convenience. Our lawyers are ready to fight for your right to sue.

Could You Recover Compensation?

If you file an electric shock CRPS claim, could you be eligible to recover any sort of monetary compensation? Depending on the details of the claim, the harm you have suffered, and the harm that you will likely continue suffering, you could be eligible to recover compensation. Some of the different categories of compensation that you might be eligible to recover could include the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages

As mentioned above, the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive will depend strictly on the details surrounding your claim. Therefore, a legal evaluation is necessary to get a thorough understanding of the type and amount of compensation that could be available for recovery.

If you would like to learn more about the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to recover if your CRPS claim reaches a successful outcome, do not hesitate to contact the experts at our law firm immediately. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling claims similar to yours. We understand the way your accident and your diagnosis have affected nearly every aspect of your life; therefore, we are dedicated to ensuring that you recover the highest among of compensation available for your claim.

Whether our lawyers have to aggressively negotiate your settlement or take your claim to trial to reach a verdict, you can trust that they will always do everything within their reach to ensure that you recover what you rightfully deserve. For more information about the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience.

Preparing to Sue for CRPS

Unfortunately, CRPS is one of the most difficult injuries for which to take legal action; however, this should not discourage you. Instead, you should do the following:

  • Seek medical attention. After your electrocution accident, you might have already sought medical care. However, CRPS can develop long after your injury – typically up to 6 months after an injury (although some experts say it can develop even over 6 months). If you are in pain even after your injuries have healed, you could have developed CRPS. You must seek additional medical attention. Because chronic pain is often disregarded (since pain is subjective), you might need to go to multiple doctors prior to being effectively diagnosed. After your diagnosis, you should follow all medical recommendations.
  • Gather all relevant evidence. This includes evidence surrounding your electrocution incident that caused your injuries and contributed to the development of your CRPS. You must also gather all medical documents surrounding your CRPS diagnosis.
  • Seek legal expertise. You will need to hire an attorney to help you with pursuing your claim. You should hire an attorney who has previously handled CRPS cases successfully – as these cases can be difficult to handle for inexperienced lawyers. You should provide you attorney with an honest and thorough account of your situation, from the moment of your initial injury to your diagnosis (and how your diagnosis has affected your life).

Of course, there is much more to the legal process. However, you shouldn’t have to worry about that. After you hire an experienced lawyer, your lawyer will guide you every step of the way – keeping you aware of everything that is going on but allowing you to focus on getting better. To learn more about what you should do to prepare to file a CRPS lawsuit, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts at your earliest convenience.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

Did you develop CRPS after an incident in which you suffered electric shock? If so, the CRPS that you developed might be directly associated with electrocution. If the electrical injury was a direct result of the negligent actions of a party or entity, you might have grounds to file a personal injury claim. To learn more about your right to pursue a personal injury claim, it is essential that you seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm as soon as possible.

At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of personal injury claims. Regardless of the specific claim, our lawyers are always dedicated to representing the best interests of our clients. Our lawyers have successfully handled all sorts of claims – ensuring that all affected parties recover the compensation that they deserve. If you allow our experts to handle your claim, you can be certain that there will always be someone aggressively advocating for our rights. To discuss the possibility of filing a claim with the CRPS experts at our law firm, do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience.

At our firm, we understand that many people opt to not take any sort of legal action because of the fear of legal fees. Because of that, we are dedicated to making our expertise available to all. Specifically, we offer free legal services. Our free legal services include free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. Our CRPS lawyers will provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim – whether you are interested in beginning your claim or redirecting your claim. If you would like to benefit from our free legal services, do not hesitate to contact our law firm today.

We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee that ensures that our clients will never be required to pay any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. Our firm is also strictly based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a successful claim outcome. If you are ready to discuss the possibility of filing an electrocution CRPS claim, do not hesitate to contact our Downtown L.A. Law Group at your earliest convenience.

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