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Collapsing Chair at Coin Laundry

Collapsing Chair at Coin Laundry personal injury lawsuit sue lawyer attorney compensation lawsuit liability

Many people have sat in a rickety chair at the coin laundry. These chairs have been sat on by many people over the years, and that is not a bad factor. It’s just that the owners and operators of the coin laundry need to check the quality and safety of the chairs from time to time, or even ever, to determine if they are still safe for someone to sit on.

The nature of the coin laundry is that you take in your clothing, pay for a washing machine and dryer and then leave with your clean clothing. It seems like a simple enough process, except when you fall down on a chair that is dangerous and unsafe. Most people sit on a chair at the laundry, it is nearly a tradition. No one stands for an hour or two to complete the cycles of his or her laundry at a coin laundry facility. Therefore, the chairs need to be in good working order at all times.

Plastic Chairs in a Coin Laundry Are Often Unsafe

A plastic stacking chair is also called a polyprop or polypropylene chair. They are stackable chairs usually seen in bib public spaces such as at schools, airports or hospitals. These chairs can be unsafe if they have defects, are not manufactured correctly or have been overused over time and are not repaired, switched out or maintained. The coin laundry owner and operator are fully responsible to check the safety of the chairs, machines and equipment at the premises on a daily basis. This is the only way to keep customers safe at the coin laundry.

Stackable Chairs in a Coin Laundry Can Injure You When They Collapse

A stackable chair is meant to support your body in the chair. It is supposed to provide:

  • Lumbar support
  • Backrest that reclines
  • Adjustable seat pan
  • Support to back
  • User adjustment and tilt
  • Clearance on arm rests
  • Elbow rest
  • Wide seat pan to accommodate the average sized person
  • Smooth finish to chair, not rough finish
  • Backrest should be over 17 inches tall for average person

For one thing, if you are injured at a coin laundry falling out of a broken chair, you need to call our law firm at the DTLA Law Group right now. We are here to discuss the case with you and go over you next steps if you are personally injured in this type of situation at a coin laundry.

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Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Occur Falling Backwards Off of a Chair at the Coin Laundry

You can fall backwards quite fast on a plastic chair at a coin laundry. This backwards fall will come completely by surprise, and you can hit your head on a counter, floor or machine on the way down, which will make the injury worse. Your experience of falling backwards off of a chair will also possibly hurt or even fracture your back, your legs and your arms. Any time that you fall off of a chair unexpectedly, you don’t give your body a chance to save you by bracing for the fall in a safe way. Instead, you will be hurled to the ground, and may be cut on debris on the floor as well.

Falling from a chair in a coin laundry can also leave your wounds open to dirt, debris, lint and trash if it has accumulated on the floor of the coin laundry. You can expect that you may have additional issues with infection by having an exposed cut or wound that accompanies your fall at the coin laundry. There are other items that can hurt you if you fall into them at the coin laundry, including:

  • Coin machines
  • Laundry carts
  • Water heater systems
  • Detergent vending machines
  • Lint baskets
  • Counters
  • Card machines
  • Tools for fixing machines
  • Utility lines

We know that the coin laundry is not your own living room, and there are many pieces of equipment that if falling into can actually hurt you pretty badly. If this happens to you, just call us to talk to a lawyer at the DTLA Law Group today. You will need to get with a lawyer with experience in personal injuries from falling on a collapsing chair at a coin laundry. Just call today to start the process.

Zero Fee Guarantee

We can offer to you a zero-fee guarantee, which means you don’t pay us anything up front for us to work with you. It isn’t going to get any easier than that! For instance, calling now is a good idea, and we are here to take your call whenever you make it.

Collapsing Chair at Coin Laundry personal injury lawsuit lawyer attorney compensation lawsuit liability sue
Free Second Opinion

You need to talk to attorneys at the DTLA Law Group, who care about your recovery compensation package when you have had a personal injury at a coin laundry. We specialize in personal injury cases, and are ready to assign you a lawyer with a specialty in recoveries from a coin laundry. You can call us now to talk to lawyers who can help with your claim today. You will feel comfortable discussing your case with an experienced attorney in Los Angeles who is ready to see you now.

Can I Sue for Personal Injuries from a Collapsing Chair at a Coin Laundry?

Yes, we can sue and you can recover a full compensation package from the owner and operator or other at-fault parties at a coin laundry. You don’t have to go far to discuss your case with our Los Angeles case lawyers, who can file a lawsuit on your behalf based on the merits of your claim. Just call our case attorneys in Los Angeles today.

Call for a Free Consultation

You can feel comfortable calling us for a free consultation today. You can call us morning, noontime or at the evening, as we are always here to take your call on these types of personal injury matters. Call today and get the personal attention you need, to get a full recovery compensation package for your losses, damages, pain and suffering and personal injuries from a collapsing chair at a coin laundry.

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