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Average Value of Walmart Injury Accident Case

Average Value of Walmart Injury Accident Case sue compensation incident liability lawyer attorney

Did you suffer an accident on the premises of a Walmart? If so, you could have the right to file a lawsuit against Walmart. You could also have the right to recover a significant amount of compensation for the harm that you suffered. Here at our firm, we are constantly approached with different questions surrounding possible case values. Some of the questions that we have gotten include the following:

  • What is the average vale of Walmart injury accident cases?
  • How much do these cases settle for?
  • How much can I recover for my Walmart accident case?

Without a doubt, these are important questions. However, it can be quite difficult to answer these questions. In fact, any answers to these questions can often be misleading. This is because there are many different factors that go into the value of an accident claim. Every claim is different, so there is no average value that can effectively apply to all Walmart injury cases.

If you have found yourself asking these questions after your accident on the premises of a Walmart, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. If you are looking to speak with a lawyer for answers to these questions or for legal information, in general, do not hesitate to contact the experts here at our law firm immediately.

Here at the Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have decades of experience handling all sorts of injury claims. We have handled countless cases against Walmart and helped our victims recover fair settlements for their accident claims. Our lawyers are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with all the information that you are looking for.

Average Value of Walmart Injury Accident Case incident lawyer lawsuit compensation attorney sue
Our Latest Verdicts and Settlements

$1.96 Million

Pedestrian Accident

$1.4 MIllion

Dog Bite


Shoulder Injury


Slip and Fall Injury


Premises Liability


Back Injury


Back Injury


Head Trauma

The Different Types of Incidents and Resulting Cases against Walmart

There are many different types of incidents that can occur on the premises of Walmart. Because of this, there are also many different types of cases that can be brought forth against Walmart. Some examples of the many types of incidents that can occur on Walmart premises include the following:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Trip and fall accidents
  • Parking lot incidents
  • Assault and battery incidents
  • Sexual assault incidents
  • Falling object incidents

Of course, all of these incidents are associated with different types of cases.

The Different Injuries Resulting from Walmart Incidents

As mentioned above, there are many different types of incidents that could occur. All of these incidents are associated with different injuries. In general, the possible injuries that victims could suffer include the following:

  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Shoulder injuries (including shoulder tear)
  • Hip injuries
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Fractures
  • Sprains and strains
  • Nerve injuries
  • Ligament injuries
  • Muscle injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Crushing injuries
  • Scrapes and bruises

Without a doubt, all of these injuries can range in severity. It is important to note that all of the injuries listed above are associated with different values.

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The Factors that Affect the Value of an Injury Case

As briefly mentioned, all personal injuries are associated with a specific value. This is because each injury has a specific cost of treatment – including everything from surgery, rehabilitation, physical therapy, pain management medication, etc. In addition, we must also consider the permanency of the injury and whether the injury resulted in temporary or permanent disability. Also, we must also consider the victims wage history prior to the incident. These two factors go hand in hand as they are necessary to calculate the value specific for lost wages associated with the incident.

In general, an incident that results in minor injuries that results in only temporary disability will be associated with a lower value than an incident that with more severe injuries that results in permanent disability.

Let’s consider the example of a slip and fall accident. Slip and falls can lead to back injuries, often herniated discs. However, they can also lead to severe spinal cord injuries. A spine injury resulting in surgery, often multiple surgeries and extensive rehabilitation, will be associated with the higher value.

In summary, the different factors that must be evaluated to determine the value of a claim include the following:

  • The severity of the injuries suffered
  • The extent of the treatment requires to recover or reach maximum recovery
  • The medical costs associated with said treatment
  • The time that the victim is unable to work and earn income due to the injury
  • The mental and emotional toll that the injury had on the victim

Examples of Past Settlements and Verdicts for Injury Cases against Walmart

Below, we have listed a few verdicts and settlements for past injury cases against Walmart:

  • Electric cart incident – a man requested an electric shopping cart because he was on crutches. When we sat down in the cart, the back support collapsed, and he fell backwards. The incident caused soft-tissue spinal cord injuries. He was awarded a $583,040 verdict
  • Pallet jack incident – a woman was shopping at Walmart when a pallet jack that was being pushed in the aisle that she was in struck her cart causing her to be pushed backwards and fall. She sustained disc herniations, a partially torn rotator cuff, as well as other soft tissue injuries. She was awarded a $81,500 verdict.
  • Parking lot incident – a woman was run over after a shoplifter who was detained by Walmart security tried to flee. The victim suffered major abdominal injuries specifically to her intestines which required multimer surgeries and hospital stays. The incident also left her permanently requiring a feeding tube. She was awarded a $16.9 million verdict.
  • Slip and fall accident – a woman experienced a slip and fall accident in a grocery aisle at a Walmart resulting in permanent injuries. She was awarded a $572,988 verdict.
  • Trip and fall incident – a man was walking on the sidewalk in front of a Walmart store when he tripped and fell due to unleveled concrete. He sustained facial injuries, lost multiple teeth, a cervical strain, contusions, and abrasions. He was awarded $17,500.

These are just a few examples of past settlements and verdicts against Walmart. It is important to note that you should never assume the value of your claim based on past case values – even if the cases seem similar to yours.

What is the Average Value of My Walmart Injury Case?

As already discussed, the value of injury claims varies significantly from case to case. However, it is possible to estimate value ranges based on the severity of the injuries suffered. For instance, claims with minor injuries can be worth anywhere from a few thousand dollars to about $150,000. Moderate injuries can lead to case values ranging from $150,000 to $500,000. Severe injuries can be associated with the highest case values ranging from $500,000 to $1 million – and sometimes even more. Again, it all depends on the details surrounding the incident and the resulting harm.

For a more in-depth look at the potential value of your claim, it is important that you reach out to an experienced personal injury lawyer to evaluate your Walmart injury claim.

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How Long Will I Have to Wait to Settle My Case?

Just like the possible value of your case, the length of the settlement process also varies from case to case. The time that it takes to settle your case will be based on a number of details ranging from whether you have completed all medical care to whether your legal team is competent. Here at our law firm, we understand that it can be frustrating to have to wait long for a settlement, so we are dedicated to handling all cases within a reasonable length of time. Ideally, we aim to settle all cases within a 6-to-8-month window. However, issues can arise and can delay the settlement process. Even with issues, we aim to settle cases before the 2-year-mark. Unfortunately, some cases sometimes take many years to settle. When you allow the experts at our law firm to handle your claim, you can trust that settling your claim within a reasonable length of time will be our priority.

Have you already started the process elsewhere? Is the process taking too long? Are you afraid that your case is stuck and things are not moving? If you are unhappy with the way that another team is handling your case, we can also help you. Contact us for a free second opinion!

The Statute of Limitations

How long do I have to file my Walmart injury lawsuit? In the state of California, all personal injury claims are subject to a deadline to sue – or a statute of limitations. More specifically, claims are subject to a two-year deadline with a few exceptions. For more information about the total length of time that you have to file your claim after an incident on the premises of Walmart, contact the experts here at our law firm today.

Contact the Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

Our personal injury lawyers have decades of experience handling all sorts of injury claims, including slip and falls, trip and falls, falling object incidents, parking lot incidents, just to name a few. We are not afraid to take any large property owner – including Walmart – to protect the rights of our clients and get them the best recovery available.

We are proud to offer free legal services, which include free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our experts will be available to answer all your questions, address all your concerns, and provide you with all the information that you need to begin or continue your claim. Whether you have questions about case value or about the steps you should take to begin your claim, we can help you.

Our Zero-Fee guarantee ensures that you will never be required to pay any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. In addition, our firm works on contingency; therefore, our clients will never be responsible for paying anything until after winning their claims. If you do not win, you will not be responsible for paying any legal costs whatsoever.

Contact us today to speak with our expert lawyers.

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