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Can I Still File A Lawsuit If I Slipped But Didn’t Fall But Was Injured?

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Many potential clients contact DTLA Law Group to ask if they have grounds for a lawsuit when they only slip and twist but are injured as compared to the more common slip and fall scenario. These people are typically focused on the fact that they did not fall to the ground and suffer injuries due to that sudden impact. But what is more vital is that they suffered an injury at a supermarket, Costco, Home Depot, Lowes, Domino’s Pizza, or any other location. And that they slipped due to a lack of duty of care on the part of the property owner or their staff.

When you contact DTLA Law Group to discuss what is often called a slip and twist accident injury, you will learn that our team is available to help you 24/7. We understand the challenges and issues you could be facing, especially if you are unsure who is to blame for the harm you suffered. We never want any personal injury victim to spend a day or night worrying about how they will cover their medical bills, living expenses, or other financial hardships caused by someone else’s negligence.

Our experts are ready to answer your general questions about your rights and how to take legal action to get the compensation owed to you for the pain and harm you have sustained. In addition, our staff will schedule a free consultation with a seasoned personal injury lawyer with vast experience handling slip and twist accident injury lawsuits. After discussing the details of the incident and what caused you to lose your footing and nearly fall while still suffering injuries, they will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the legal merit of your case and your ability to file a lawsuit. If you have grounds for a case, they will help you understand the process and what you need to do to take the next step in securing the compensation you deserve.

Our only concern is that you contact our office as quickly as possible after your accident. We know it can be hard to think about a lawsuit when you are in pain. But please know that the faster you seek legal guidance, the more rapidly this case and your financial struggles can be behind you. In addition, there is a time limit to file a lawsuit. So, you want to verify how long you have to make this vital decision before the time limit expires.

Can I Still File A Lawsuit If I Slipped But Didnt Fall But Was Injured compensation incident accident liability liable
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How Long Do I Have To File My Slip And Twist Injury Lawsuit?

It is crucial to understand that the Statute of Limitations defines how long a victim has to file their lawsuit with the court. The amount of time provided to the victim will vary based on the legal material in the case. However, once the time limit has passed, the victim loses the right to seek compensation via a lawsuit forever.

In cases that involve a slip and twist accident injury, you have two years from the date of the incident to file a claim with the court. It is also essential to know that there are very minimal reasons to receive any added time to file your claim if the Statute of Limitations has expired. If you try to have a claim filed after it expires, the case will typically be immediately denied. So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with DTLA Law Group as soon as possible to discuss the facts of the case and understand how long you have to make a claim if you decide a lawsuit is your best resolution.

Common Causes Of A Slip And Twist Accident And Injury

Sadly, almost unlimited causes of slip and twist accidents result in injuries. In most cases, the victim catches themselves at the last second to prevent impact with the floor or ground. But in the process of the awkward recovery and attempt to stop their fall, they suffer injuries. The most common causes of these slip and twist injuries begin due to an easily preventable safety hazard such as:

  • Wet floor from a water leak, spilled drink, or other liquid that was dumped on the floor and not properly cleaned up
  • Litter, trash, or other debris that is left on the floor or ground, such as a sidewalk or store entrance or in an office hallway
  • Damaged flooring surfaces such as tile or carpet
  • Food spilled on the floor and not cleaned up
  • Ice that is dropped on the floor and melts to create a puddle that is hard to see

In many instances, a slip and twist injury occurs in a grocery store where the victim slips on a damp or dirty floor and then flounders for a millisecond before catching hold of their shopping cart or a merchandise shelf and stopping their fall. But in the process, it is very common to suffer injuries such as:

  • Arm or shoulder damage due to the excessive weight it must support to break the victim’s fall
  • Twisted knees or ankles
  • Hip damage
  • Hand or wrist injuries from grabbing for support during the fall
  • Bruises or lacerations from impact with shelving, doors, furniture, or other obstacles that are nearby
  • Burn or scald injuries if the victim was carrying a hot drink that was spilled when they slipped

It is critical to understand that the genuine issue is that the victim slipped and was then injured due to the negligence of someone else, not that they struck the ground or did not fall to the ground.

Who Can I Sue For My Slip And Twist Injuries?

Under California premises liability law, property owners and their staff or agents are required to provide a specific level of care for the property to ensure the safety of guests. When they do not address slip and fall or slip and twist hazards as soon as they are reported or discovered, they can be found negligent in their duty of care. In cases where the issue cannot be immediately corrected, they must place warnings to alert guests of the potential hazard so they can avoid the area. If this step is not taken, the staff is again in breach of their duty of care.

When it is found that the staff or owner’s negligence was the direct cause of someone’s injuries, the owner can be found liable for the victim’s losses and damages. It is also critical to know that premises liability laws apply to all public and private spaces including homes, condos, apartments, restaurants, sports venues, and parks just to name a few. So, if you have recently suffered a slip and twist injury, please reach out to DTLA Law Group today.

Can I Still File A Lawsuit If I Slipped But Didnt Fall But Was Injured compensation lawyer attorney sue liability
How Much Is The Average Slip And Twist Accident Injury Lawsuit Worth?

Victims of any personal injury should know that there are no predetermined values for injuries or accidents. Instead, each lawsuit value is independently determined based on the losses and expenses incurred by the victim. You will work closely with the expert legal team at DTLA Law Group to compile all the losses and expenses you have suffered due to the injuries sustained when you slipped and were injured. The items that are typically included in these calculations are:

  • All your current and future medical costs related to the injuries sustained in this incident which will include medication, essential medical equipment or devices, and any emotional therapy or mental healthcare to overcome the trauma of the incident and stress your injuries have created
  • The replacement value of any personal property that was destroyed or damaged in the incident
  • Your lost income if your injuries prevent you from performing the duties associated with your normal job or if you miss work to attend medical appointments related to the injuries suffered in this event
  • All legal costs for the preparation, filing, and litigation of your slip and twist accident injury lawsuit

In rare cases with severe injuries, you could also seek compensation for pain and suffering caused by the injuries you sustained. If this applies to your case, your DTLA Law Group slip and twist injury lawyer will help you determine a fair and reasonable amount of compensation to seek based on previously litigated cases with similar injuries.

No Upfront Legal Fees At DTLA Law Group

After suffering a personal injury, it can be challenging to manage all of the bills and expenses that come roiling in, especially if you cannot work. With those possible financial challenges in mind, DTLA Law Group never charges clients any upfront legal fees or expenses that could add to their financial burden or prevent them from seeking legal guidance and assistance. Instead, we wait to get paid until you have the compensation that includes funds to cover all your legal costs and other expenses.

Finally, we make one solemn pledge to every client: you owe us nothing for our time and investment in your lawsuit if we fail to win the case. Our firm is prepared to take all the financial risk to ensure that you never need to worry about added legal debt because you did not get the compensation you expected. We also hope that this policy demonstrates how confident we are that our expert personal injury lawyers will win every case they handle.

Please make time today to reach out to DTLA Law Group to learn more about your rights as a personal injury victim and how DTLA Law Group will help you get the justice and compensation that is owed to you.

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