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Motorcycle Accident Injury Frequently Questions

FAQ What Should I Do? Statistics Statute of Limitations Safety Information
  1.  What Should I do at the scene of a Motorcycle Accident?
  • Immediately  Seek medical treatment. Even if you believe you only suffered minor injuries you should seek out a medical professional since there may be injuries that will only surface after a medical exam.
  • Collect Information:  Once danger has cleared up you should ask  for the names, addresses, telephone numbers, drivers license numbers and insurance information of the other driver.
  • Call your local law enforcement/police and request a filing of a police report.  As for a copy of the accident report.  Hold on to the report for future legal purposes.
  • Contact Our Los Angeles motorcycle injury attorneys immediately following a motorcycle accident at (855) 339-8879 for a free consultation..
2.    How do I protect my passenger from serious injury in a motorcycle accident?
  • Do not have a passenger on board until you feel completely comfortable
  • When passengers ride with you, they must wear a helmet and protective gear.
  • A Passenger must ride behind you
  • Passengers legs should not be on the muffler
  • Make sure the passenger’s feet are able to reach the footrest.
  • Passengers should be told to lean on you when you make a turn and make sure they hold on to your waist at all times.
3.  Who can be held responsible for compensating me for my injuries in a monocycle accident? Based on negligence theory, a person who was at fault in causing the motorcycle collision may be held responsible.  The liability for injuries suffered is split between those who are responsible.  In other words if there are two defendant car driver who are negligent both will be held liable jointly for compensating you for your loss In most cases, a driver of a car or truck is held liable. If the motorcycle operator is at fault, he or she may be held liable for injuries caused to his or her passenger. 4.  Who responsible for my injuries if a car turns left in front of me and causes the accident? In the majority cases, the left turning car will be held liable because left turning vehicles are required to yield to oncoming traffic. However in some case a motorcycle rider may be held responsible l partially, if it was found that you were speeding or driving recklessly at the time of the collision. 5.  What is the most common cause of death from motorcycle related accidents? The most common cause of death in a motorcycle injury is head injuries.  Even with recent helmet statutes head injuries are the most serious injury one can face.  That is why we urge all of our client to spread the word to riders to wear motorcycle helmets at all times. 6.  What information should I obtain at the scene of my accident? Once danger has cleared up you should ask  or the names, addresses, telephone numbers, drivers license numbers and insurance information of the other driver.  Here is some other important things you should be aware of at the scene of the accident.
  • If there are witnesses you should ask for their information as well.
  • Never sign or provide any information provided to you by the other party and or his insurance carrier.  If this happened ask them not to contact you.  Next consult a personal injury lawyer regarding your matter.
  • Do not have your motorcycle repaired until you have an lawyer and his investigators who will have inspect, photograph, and collect all legally relevant information. Do not send any information to the defendant insurance carrier or lawyer until we have had a chance to conduct our own thorough investigation of the accident.
  • Do not communicate wither other party or any agent of the other party.  If this takes place immediate contact a motorcycle personal injury lawyer.
7.  How common are motorcycle accidents in the United States? In 2008, there were over 5,000 deaths in motorcycle accidents. The number increases each year. 8.  What if the car insurance carrier refuses to pay my valid claim? Insurance companies are experienced and expert in the art of low balling persons they have to pay a claim to.  If an insurance company refuses to pay the compensation you are owed there is a potential claim for punitive damages based on insurance bad faith. Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of you and your family. If you have been dealing with them STOP and call our large truck accident lawyers.  We are tenacious litigators and have no problem taking the case to court to fight for fair treatment.  Our cases are always well-researched and fully prepared.  The majority of cases settle prior to a trial. 9.  I need a motorcycle personal injury lawyer, who should I contact We understand that a serious injury or a death of a family member is a tragedy for all loved ones.   We offer our skilled Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyers to represent you in your case.  We possess the knowledge and determination to maximize the compensation for your injuries you deserve.   If you have been injured is a Los Angeles Motorbike accident or any other related accidents then contact our collision hotline (855) 385-2539; a personal injury lawyer will provide you with a free consultation regarding your matter.

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