Motorcycle Accidents and California Motorcycle Laws
FAQ | What Should I Do? | Statistics | Statute of Limitations | Safety Information |
A Motorcyclists Guide to keeping Safe on the Road: The goal of our Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyers is to protect you and represent your rights in the courtroom. However we also care deeply about your safety and hope that you and your loved ones remain safe on the road.
As motorcyclists we sure you are already aware of most of the information we are providing you. Below is some information that may help keep you safe on the road.1. What are the main factors which increase the probability of Motorcycle Accidents?
- Left Turns – The most frequent car/motorcycle impacts are at intersections when the driver of a car is making a left turn in front of a motorcycle.
- Car’s Blind Spot – An unsuspecting driver may collide with a motorcyclist as the driver tries to change lanes. If you are a motorcycle rider it is important you stay out of the way of a car blind spot.
- Trucks, Big rigs and Oversized Vehicles – A large vehicle, such as a large SUV or semi truck, can block a motorcycle from a driver’s view. A motorcyclist may seem to suddenly appear from nowhere.
- Hazardous Road Conditions – Such as, Slippery Roads, Potholes, fallen objects, are usually minor issues for cars; however these conditions often lead to serious motorbike accidents. It is important to look out and avoid such conditions as much as possible.
- Weather Conditions – When the road surface is wet, or high winds are present motorcyclists’ braking and handling abilities are greatly impaired.
2. Motorcycle Accidents on California Highways

3. What Can I Do To Protect Myself on the Roads and Highways?
There are several safety precautions Los Angeles motorcyclists should take in order to reduce the probability of such incidents. Below are some of the precautions that are very useful.- Always wear a helmet. I’m sure we all know this by know. But it is important to be reminded of how important a helmet can be in saving your life or protecting you from a serious head injury. In fact they are your best defense against brain and head injuries.
- Always attempt to follow all traffic signals, signs, and rules. Do not speed!
- If you have been drinking or using any other mind altering substance you should refrain from operating a motorized vehicle.
- Protective gear: long pants, gloves, boots, a durable jacket, and face and eye protection are useful in preventing or reducing harmful injuries from a collision with a car.
- If there is poor visibility do not drive your bike
- If there is a dangerous road condition, (ie slick roads, wind, snow, ice) pull over until the condition has evaporated.
- Always be on the lookout for dangerous conditions, pay attention to the road.
4. How to Protect your Passengers:
- Do not have a passenger on board until you feel completely comfortable
- When passengers ride with you, they must wear a helmet and protective gear.
- A Passenger must ride behind you
- Passengers legs should not be on the muffler
- Make sure the passenger’s feet are able to reach the footrest.
- Passengers should be told to lean on you when you make a turn and make sure they hold on to your waist at all times.
5. What Should I do After a Motorcycle Accident?
- Immediately Seek medical treatment. Even if you believe you only suffered minor injuries you should seek out a medical professional since there may be injuries that will only surface after a medical exam.
- Collect Information: Once danger has cleared up you should ask for the names, addresses, telephone numbers, drivers license numbers and insurance information of the other driver.
- If there are witnesses you should ask for their information as well.
- If asked provide the other driver your name, address, driver’s license number and insurance information.
- Call your local law enforcement/police and request a filing of a police report. As for a copy of the accident report. Hold on to the report for future legal purposes.
- Never sign or provide any information provided to you by the other party and or his insurance carrier. If this happened ask them not to contact you. Next consult a personal injury lawyer regarding your matter.
- Do not have your motorcycle repaired until you have an lawyer and his investigators who will have inspect, photograph, and collect all legally relevant information. Do not send any information to the defendant insurance carrier or lawyer until we have had a chance to conduct our own thorough investigation of the accident.
- Do not communicate wither other party or any agent of the other party. If this takes place immediate contact a motorcycle personal injury lawyer.
- Contact Our Los Angeles motorcycle injury attorneys immediately following a motorcycle accident at (855) 339-8879 for a free consultation.
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