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Transvaginal Mesh Attorney | Pelvic Mesh Implant Injury Lawsuit

I have been writing about Transvaginal Mesh, its implications and the toll it has taken on woman over the years. Through representation of woman suffering from countless injuries resulting from surgical mesh implants, I have learned a number of insightful facts regarding this procedure that I would like to share. It is critical that woman be made aware of the dangers of this procedure, its implications and seek both medical and legal representation for their injuries. This is not a advertisement of our services, it is merely a suggestion for woman suffering from the surgical implant to consider their legal options. Do not be embarrassed to contact an attorney; they have already heard it all before. Most offices, including ours, have a female staff member who will be able to address your concerns.

Getting to Know Your Surgical Mesh

Victims right to recovery for Transvaginal Mesh Implant Medical Complications
Physicians and other medical professionals often fail to notify women undergoing vaginal mesh procedures of the known dangers associated with Transvaginal mesh implants
Surgical mesh has long been used in the surgical profession for the treatment of various medical issues. However, in recent years it was used as surgical insert to help woman suffering from vaginal wall collapse. What was branded, publicized and ultimately sold to woman as a procedure that would better their quality of life, in fact diminished it substantially. These procedures according to a number of different surgical professionals should never have been conducted. By the very nature of the procedure, surgical mesh implants in the vaginal wall are unsafe and dangerous. That particular area is a hotbed for e.coli and other bacteria. Once the mesh is implanted the wounds are never able to properly heal and constantly or chronically breakdown. As a result recipients of the procedure suffer incredible amount of pain. To make matters worse woman were never fully informed of the potential complications. I always ask my clients, would they have opted for the procedure had they known of the risk? They almost always answer in the negative. However, large pharmaceutical companies are not about to walk away from millions if not billions of dollar of potential profits from the sale of these products. So instead of doing what is morally correct, inform the patient of the full risks and benefits and let them make a knowledgeable decision, they inform them only of what they felt was necessary. Completely neglecting to mention how dangerous it can be. The surgical mesh which is installed in your body ultimately becomes a painful and often times debilitating addition to the human anatomy. Your body often times fails to bind to the mesh implant and begins to reject the product. As a result the exact purpose in which it serves begins to reverse on to itself. This causes the vaginal wall to collapse onto the mesh, causing excruciating pain. In fact there have been reports of woman attempting to take their own life from the pain associated from the implant. It is important to your health and overall well being that you take steps to correct the pain. Do NOT assume it will get better on its own. Generally unless you have surgery the pain will likely persist.

Did I Lose My Sex Drive, My Partner or Both?

Here is another un-wanted consequence of surgical mesh or bladder sling implants. Due to the immense amount of pain associated with the surgery, you are unable to engage in sexual intercourse with your partner. As a result many women can experience frustration or a complete desire on having sex. In turn woman who attempt to have intercourse complain of their partner experiencing discomfort due to “poking” from the mesh implant. It is not uncommon for relationships or marriages, which are otherwise healthy to be ruined as a result of this experience. Physical contact is one of our most innate and necessary functions. As social creatures we need to experience touch, love and compassion, without it we feel depressed and alone. Victims of mesh implants are robbed of this ability and most often suffer from severe psychological consequences. What many significant others, partners or spouses fail to understand is that they can assert a claim for damages as well. This type of claim is typically referred to as a loss of services claim. Loss of services includes a host of different terms and should be considered in any legal claim you decide to pursue.

Who Are All of These Telemarketers and Solicitors?

Informed decision before agreeing to be represented by an attorney
Victims of Transvaginal Mesh Implants should be informed of all their legal rights before making the decision to peruse legal action
So to make matters worse, you have a seriously painful condition and now are bombarded with phone calls daily from non-attorneys promising to help you. Essentially these “lead securement” companies were made privy to the fact that you had this procedure. In order to capitalize on it they start soliciting woman and selling the “lead” to attorneys. Often times these attorneys are not qualified and fail to give you the one-on-one attention you deserve. Many are not prepared to expend the necessary amount of time and money in order to secure a successful verdict. Additionally, many fail to have the proper knowledge to pursue the case. As a result woman fall victim to the short end of the stick once again. Their claims are settled for pennies on the dollar and they are left feeling worse than before. Attorneys have a duty to give you the best legal representation, do not trust companies soliciting you. Instead take the time to read and research the attorney you select. Don’t be afraid to call them and ask the important question and most importantly follow your instinct. This is written by a REAL ATTORNEY not a telemarketer or a content writer. I am writing this because I care and feel compelled to answer these questions and make light of a relatively grim situation.

What Joining a Class Action?

A class action lawsuit works like this. 1st there is a number of people who are harmed by the same drug, incident or company. 2nd this group is given class action certification by the courts. 3rd attorneys search for members of the group to join the class. 4th a settlement is reached-not always-and each member of the class is paid equally. Now if you consider this with regards to a surgical mesh implant, you can see some serious issues. For one what if your injuries are greater than other members of the class action? It won’t make a difference. Each member of the class is paid the same regardless of their injuries. And NO you cannot bring another lawsuit. Once you join the class you are bound by the decision and settlement. What you should do if you have been given notice that you are part of a class action is immediately opt out. How do I opt out of a class action lawsuit? Each case is different, however that same document which includes you in the class, has an option available to let you opt out of the class. Is it really worth it to opt out of a class action lawsuit? Let’s do some math and see. If the average class action settles for 80% less then what you should receive and say your injuries are twice or even three times as much as other class members, then it is fairly simple to understand that your case could have significantly more value. I can explain all of this in our free consultation; contact my office so we can talk it over.

You Sound Knowledgeable, but I am Not In California? 

Finally some good news, these type of cases are Federal cases and the location of the attorney is irrelevant. Any attorney in any state can represent a surgical mesh, bladder sling or Transvaginal Mesh implant recipient. About the Author: Farid Yaghoubtil is a senior partner at Downtown L.A. Law, he works passionately for his clients. He advocates constantly about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and works tirelessly to help woman who have been injured.

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