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Spinal Cord Stimulator Malpractice Attorney

Spinal Cord Stimulator Medical Malpractice Attorney Expense Pain Suffering dtla law firm

After suffering with chronic back pain that cannot be alleviated with any other treatment, patients can be offered spinal cord stimulators. How does spinal cord stimulation work? Spinal cord stimulation is a procedure in which a device is implanted into the patient’s body to deliver electrical signals to the spinal cord (or to nerves) to block pain signals from getting to the brain – this effectively eliminates chronic pain that otherwise could not be addressed.

Spinal cord stimulation is typically a last resort for those suffering with chronic back pain. Although the procedure could work for some patients, other patients are likely to suffer irreversible harm associated with the procedure – paralysis being among the most severe. Although there are a number of risks associated with surgical procedures (like infection and bleeding), paralysis is not among the risks that are typically associated with the procedure; rather, paralysis typically occurs as a direct result of medical negligence.

Did you or a member of your family suffer paralysis as a result of medical malpractice? If malpractice during a spinal cord stimulator procedure led to paralysis, you might have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor or hospital in which the incident occurred. Are you interested in learning more about your right to sue for the harm resulting from malpractice during your spinal cord stimulator procedure? If so, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

If you are interested in learning more about your right to sue for spinal cord stimulator medical malpractice, you should seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience. Downtown L.A. Law Group is a personal injury law firm with many years of experience handling all sorts of injury claim, including medical malpractice claims. Our spinal cord stimulator malpractice attorneys are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to reach a successful claim outcome.

Would you like to discuss your claim with the experts at our firm? If so, do not hesitate to contact the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group today.

About the Procedure

During the procedure, the spinal cord stimulator is implanted. The stimulator consists of soft wires with electrical leads at the ends. The leads of the wires are placed into the spinal canal through a needle (another option consists of temporarily removing the vertebrae to install the leads of the wires); the generator that is connected to the wires is typically installed in the upper buttock area. The generator can be turned on or off by the patient. It emits electrical currents into the spinal canal (through the wires) to block pain. In general, the procedure should take no longer than 30 mins.

The issue lies within the location of the procedure. The wire leads must be installed only a few millimeters from the spinal cord. It is essential for doctors to be precise. If doctors contact the spinal cord with any surgical instruments or even the wire leads, the spinal cord could be damaged. Although it is unfortunate, it is likely for surgeons to negligently injury the spinal cord during the procedure. If the spinal cord is injured, paralysis could occur – temporary or permanent paralysis depending on the severity of the injury.

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Spinal Cord Stimulators Add Value to a Case

If you have been in a traumatic accident where your back or spine was seriously injured, then you may still be in excruciating pain. A spinal cord stimulator may be recommended by your doctor or surgeon to help you manage the pain of a failed back surgery. The spinal cord stimulators are implanted in the back region, to help a person tolerate and manage the excruciating pain that comes with the back surgeries that fail. Sometimes these surgical procedures work, and other times they don’t work and the pain persists. Either way, there is a high risk of severe complications that can result from the use of a spinal cord stimulator.

What Is the Value of a Spinal Cord Stimulator Added as a Factor of Settling My Case?

A surgical procedure to add a spinal cord stimulator can raise the value of the case, because it comes on the heels of a failed surgical procedure for your back. If you have been in this situation, you need to give us a call right away, to talk to our attorneys about your case. Your case can be worth an estimated $600,000 to several millions of dollars, based on the factors of whether you have resolved your back pain issue, your age, your ability to walk without pain or walk and be mobile at all, your pain and suffering, and whether you are permanently or temporarily disabled as a result of this loss.

Each case is different and will be reviewed on the merits. But if the spinal cord stimulator does not work, it will increase the value of your case, as there may not be many more options to offer to you to surgically remove the pain from your original loss or accident related to your back. You may need additional surgical procedures, need medication to manage the pain for the rest of your life, etc. All of these factors need to be reviewed in these cases, and they are settled individually, not based on the settlement received by someone else in a similar case.

You need to call our office immediately if this is the case for you. We are here to help you figure it all out, and the process that will take you on the road to recovering the compensation you need in this case starts when you give our office a call.

Your Right to Sue Based on Medical Malpractice

Do you have the right to sue if you or a member of your family suffered paralysis associated with spinal cord stimulator malpractice? You could be eligible to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor and/or the hospital. To be eligible to pursue a claim for medical malpractice, you must be able to prove that a duty of care was owed. Generally, doctors only owe their patients a duty of care; therefore, you must be able to establish that a doctor-patient relationship existed. That is, the patient agreed to be treated by the doctor, and the doctor agree to treat the patient.

If a doctor-patient relationship exists, the doctor owes a duty of care – a duty to treat the patient with utmost diligence, skill, and care. When a doctor acts carelessly or recklessly during a medical procedure, he or she could make mistakes that could severely harm patients. The doctor could be liable. Based on vicarious liability, hospitals could also be liable; that is, for the negligent hiring and/or training of doctors, for instance. What does this mean? If you or a member of your family suffered paralysis or any other harm associated with spinal cord stimulator malpractice, you could have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice claim.

You Could Be Eligible to Recover Compensation

If you decide to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor or hospital responsible for your spinal cord stimulator malpractice, you could be eligible to receive monetary compensation for the harm that you or a member of your family suffered. What could you recover? How much compensation could you be eligible to receive? Although every medical malpractice claim is different, claimants could be eligible to receive some of the following categories of compensation:

  • Medical expenses (including past and future medical costs)
  • Lost earnings (including past and projected lost income)
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages
  • Legal expenses

The specific type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive depends strictly on the details surrounding your claim. Because of this, claimants should seek legal assistance immediately to learn more about the value of their claim and the compensation that they could receive. At our firm, our lawyers are ready to aggressively fight for your right to recover the compensation that you and your family deserve. Whether our lawyers have to negotiate a settlement or take your claim to trial to reach a verdict, you can trust that our lawyers will not rest until you and your family are rightfully compensated.

To learn more about what you could be eligible to recover given that your medical malpractice claim is successful, contact the experts at our firm today.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Medical Malpractice Attorney Expense Pain Suffering

Spinal Cord Stimulation is the most technological way to achieve pain relief. It changes how you perceive pain by giving the brain feedback that decreases pain. There is a “Trial” procedure where temporary stimulator leads are inserted so you can take a few days to see if this procedure will help your pain. Please see the video below. If it helps >50% of your pain and you want to have this relief permanently , the next step is surgical implantation of the “permanent” stimulator. The second video below.

There are 4 Spinal Stimulator manufacturers available currently in the USA. All have their Pro’s and Con’s. It would be best to research as much as you can using the information you can read ahead of time, then discuss with our doctors which one would be best for your painful condition and your unique needs. Here are links to each manufacturer for further information:

How Long Do You Have to Sue?

Your medical malpractice claim is subject to a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations determines the total length of time that claimants have to file their claims. If claimants fail to file their claims within the time that is allowed by the statute of limitations, they could lose their right to sue for the harm resulting from the incident. To ensure that you preserve your right to sue, you must have a thorough understanding of the total length of time that you have to file your claim. In the state of California, medical malpractice claims are subject to the following deadlines:

  • Three years from the date of injury
  • One year after the discovery of the injury (because harm is not always obvious immediately)

Exceptions to the statute of limitations could apply – which could pause the deadline. For example, exceptions could apply based on the victim’s age (if the victim is a child), in cases of fraud or concealment (that is, covering up the mistake), or if a surgical tool was left behind after an incident. To ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the total length of time that you have to pursue your spinal cord stimulator malpractice claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm at your earliest convenience.

What Should You Do?

If you or a member of your family suffered paralysis as a result of malpractice during a spinal cord stimulator procedure, you might have grounds to sue – you should do a number of things to prepare to pursue a claim against the liable doctor or hospital. Consider some of the recommendations listed below:

  • Keep records of all your symptoms
  • Seek medical assistance (if your doctor disregards your concerns, do not be afraid of going to other doctors)
  • File a report with the local medical board
  • Gather all medical records associated with the incident and any additional care that you have undergone
  • Gather all records of lost income
  • Seek legal assistance as soon as possible

Contact the Experts at Our Firm Today

At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of claims and aggressively fighting for the rights of victims and their families. Our medical malpractice lawyers are ready to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance that you need to sue the doctor and/or hospital for the malpractice that you or a member of your family suffered. If you are interested in discussing your claim with the experts at our firm, contact us today.

We offer free legal services – including free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns. Our knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys will provide you with the information and guidance that you need to pursue your claim. Whether you are just beginning your claim or looking to redirect your claim after previously dealing with an incompetent legal team, you can trust that our lawyers will guide you every step of the way. Contact us today if you are interested in benefiting from our free legal services.

We offer a Zero-Fee guarantee, so you will never be required to pay any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a positive claim outcome. What does this mean? If you do not win, you simply will not be required to pay anything.

Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group today to learn more about your right to sue for spinal cord stimulator malpractice.

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